Whats your next goal(s)?

My mini goal of 8 pounds off for Easter sunday has got off to a reasonable start with 2 pounds off this week. This gives me 6 pounds to lose - I know I won't do it as I thought it was a tall order but however I know I can get near it. That will keep me going!!

Angela x
I don't know if this seems to be the biggest ever target I've faced or the easiest.... 4.5 lb to target! To be so close after so long is tantalising, inspirational, frustrating, scary. I can hardly believe I have come this far and those 4.5lb seem like the impossible right now, just because they are there. But I suppose if I treat them like a mountain - why do people climb mountains? Because they can!
Next goal is to lose 6 lbs and get to under 12 stone (again!). Hopefully it will only take me a couple of weeks to get there!
I have 1/2 a lb to get my 1 stone award and 3.5llbs until club 10.

1 stone award you are mine next week ;)
Ignore this post...posted in the wrong thread!
I'm so close to my Stone and Half, been trying to get it since christmas, and I just haven't got back on track fully. I have 1lb to go to get it. So fingers crossed on Friday I will get it. I'm also aiming for my Bronze body Magic, I have nearly finished my week 2 of 4. So by the end of the month I will have both!! (I'm Optimistic)

Done all those! Time to set some new ones:

4st award (5st total loss) - 2.5lbs to go!
4.5st award (5.5st total loss) - 9.5lbs to go!
18's - 13lbs to go!

These should keep me busy til April time!

Well done all those!! Actually I'm only 1lb off my 6st award now and I weigh in tomorrow *eek*

Next goals:

6 stone award - 1lb to go!
6.5 stone award - 8lbs to go!
17's - 11.5lbs to go!

Hoping to complete all these by the end of May *fingers crossed* xx
I'm expecting a gain tomorrow following my holiday, so my goal is still to get my 1 and half stone award by sil wedding on May10th. I had 4lbs to go before my holiday. So I think I'll need to average 2lbs a week to get it. Fingers crossed!

Just made kebab meat, salad and chips for tea and speedy soup for lunches. Feeling positive about getting back on it!
My first goal is either the half stone award, or club 10, whichever is soonest. Probably the half stone award!
Got my stone award tonight :)

2.5lb until club 10

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2.5lb to my 2.5 stone award! So that's my next target...

Joining the gym this week so expecting a few STS whilst my body gets used to the exercise! Soooooo aim is to get this by the start of may :D

Gonna be taking measurements as well!! Wanna drop a few inches :)
Reached my long awaited 4st award on Tuesday, woop!! Next mini goals are:

- Reach 10st 7lb (3.5lb to go)
- Reach 4.5st award (7lb to go)
- Reach 10st target (10.5lb to go)
6.5lbs until my 3 stone award! Hoping to get that in the next 3-4 weeks.

April challenge was to lose 8lbs so far I have 5.5 gone so 2.5 to go :)
I really want my first half stone award sticker so I need to lose 1.5lb this week, lol! :)