Whats your next goal(s)?

My next goals...

1. To hit the 12s - 3.5lb to go!

2. To get into the 170s - 5.5lb to go!

3. To get 3.5st shiny - 6lb to go!

You will soon get all 3 goals xx
Hi I got my last goal just before Xmas (Club 10) and my next goal will be to loose 2lbs to my 1.5 stone award or 3.5lb till I'm in the next stone bracket xx
My next goal is to lose another 2lbs and get into the next stone bracket :D
Only 2lbs to get to 2 stone off! Fingers crossed I weigh in at 12 stone next Sat!!!
Next goal for me 3 stone award and into the 12 stone bracket! :)
How many lb's to get to that?

I'm 2.5 away from next bracket and it's killing me to know if I've made it. Such a big mental hurdle the next stone bracket

6 1/2 lbs for 3 stone award :)
Well I hit 11st exactly today! So my next goal is 10st 12. Going to take this last stone a bit at a time and see how it goes.
Yeah...weekend away planned for Valentine's Day so 3 stone by then all being well! :)
Would love to lost 3lb this week to get my 1 and a half stone award... going to try A couple of SP days i think.