When can I start?


Full Member
It's a bit early but I am due a baby boy in 2 weeks (due 3 weeks but c-section is in 2 weeks) before I got pregnant I was on exante TS and lost weight (sold my remaining shakes when I got pregnant as I knew they would just go to waste) how soon after having a baby can you start this diet again does anyone know? Planning on going on a family holiday next year so want to lose as much baby weight as I can before then (I have my daughters baby weight to lose as well)
There would not be enough protein in Exante to help you heal and recover after having a baby and especially after a c-section. I know Cambridge Weight Plan don't let anyone do their diet until three months after pregnancy. Best to email Exante and ask them for their advice.

Good luck with the new arrival!
I think you would be better starting with slimming world asi know you can follow that whilst pregnant and breast feeding, then after a few months if you felt you wanted a boost you could look at Ts x
If you don't plan do breastfeed, why not just count calories for a while until you're healed properly? Eat lean meats and lots of greens, fish and eggs etc... I wouldn't start anything extreme like this til at least 2 months after giving birth naturally, let alone c section. And especially if you're breastfeeding then you need to eat well so your milk is at its best for your baby x
Yeah I agree with everyone!! Just healthy eat for a few months (personally I would wait about 4) just use this time to enjoy the time with your new baby instead of worrying about a diet or how you look!!
This diet works so much than other diets that you can afford to have that grace period and still lose lots of weight by the time you go on holiday!!