When I'm at target...

They're all about how other people view us.

I agree with some of your post (which is a very good post btw!) but I have to disagree with this bit... my points are about how other people view me however they are about how I view myself. I don't feel comfortable wearing vest tops because I can see my arms and they remind me of how much weight I put on. I'm not sure which I hate the most... my arms or my 'overhang' tummy!

Perhaps if we all start to love ourselves a bit more we'd look better in our clothes because we'd be standing tall and not slouching to avoid being seen.

How true... we all need to love ourselves and personally I know that losing weight and getting to target will not mean I wake up that day thinking better about myself. There are other issues that I need to work on... some of them I already am.

We'd have more confidence and so attract good people around us.

I think I attract good people already. Or should I say I forcibly repel anyone I think doesn't like me because of my weight. Or they have an opinion on my weight. Fair enough I can't repel my dad (who is the worst for saying 'you need to lose weight'!) but normally I tell him where to shove it!

but when I'm at target (just as I am at WI), I'll be proud of the fact I'm taking charge of myself and making a difference to my life

How true!
For me, I am just so immensely proud of myself.
I've done this for me, I lost the weight and I've worked (and still work) hard to keep it off.

I agree with the majority of the comments above - being slim makes you feel like you can conquer anything and do whatever you want.

I am just so b*****y pleased with myself!!!