Where do i start


Full Member
I am one of these people that can do a diet for a few weeks then I think oh let's have a cheat day then all the good I have done goes to pot.
I was wondering if any of you could tell me maybe the best diet to do or even maybe a new one to try as I think I have done them all sw Ww Cambridge (which I managed to do for 3 months so I can do it if I want to) I just need to shift some weight and try and enjoy doing it at the same time.

Also where can I get some willpower from??

Please help :) x
Just massively increase you intake of raw plants, and slowly decrease animal products. Green juicing will give you more minerals so you will have less cravings. You don't need motivation. Your body tells you what it needs, we just have to listen.
I too have tried several diets. SW worked best for me but as soon as I lost track all the weight came back on. You really can't beat healthy eating and mindful eating. Listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs.