Why are people so negative about point-counting?


New Member
So many other diets are quick to rubbish point-counting as being a nuisance but I think they're an essential part of weight loss. Portion control has always been my problem for being overweight; a recent slimming club I left didn't help this problem by listing lots of 'unlimited' food such as pasta, chicken, rice, pasta, etc. which I would gorge myself on while limiting myself with other food groups. I ate so much of this unlimited food that I ended up virtually the same weight I started at and my food bills rocketed because I was devouring so much.

On this year's 'Lighter Life' advert, the hugely talented Pauline Quirke degrades point-counting and I was wondering what everyone else's views are on Weight Watcher's latest development 'Healthy and Filling Days' which could potentially take over Propoints. Isn't point-counting an essential part of eating right? Yes, it can be a bit pedantic but surely stuffing yourself full of 'free' foods is a bit Atkins Diet-ish and isn't the key for long-term success?
i totally agree with you,i tried slimming world and put on weight! because i ate enormous amounts of pasta all the time! lol. i think pro points is by far the best. xx