why can't you have gherkins?


Gold Member
Anyone know why you're not allowed pickled gherkins - is it due to the vinegar or the sugar? I've just made a batch of refrigerator gherkins with no sugar and actually not much salt, about a tablespoon to 4 litres of liquid. They'll be ready to eat in 8-10 days and how nice it would be to be able to try just one (or even a bite of one)!
Pickles give some people cravings for other food - it'll be down to the fact that some people put extra sugar and salt in their cures - cos cabbage is allowed - so I bet it's to do with the salt - it might make you retain water - the food choices do everything they can to guide you away from anything that might give you the odd fluctuation in water weight to keep you motivated - if that makes sense.