Why did I do it? I was there.

Hi all
I'm thinking of re-stsrting the CD as I've done what I said I would never do. Yes you've guessed it.
Started in March, size 22, by June I nwas a size 14. Great. Not really went to the Dominican for all inclusive holiday and then moved house, gaining, gaining all the time.
I got rid of all the big clothes and now am back to my original weight with nothing to wear and i'm depressed.
I have moved away from my daughter who did it with me and is still a size 10/12 so she's not around to help and encourage.
Please help, I really am fed up and need to get to goal and stay there.
Is there a good time to restart? or any ideas.
Thanxs everyone and happy new year x

oh honey, you are singing my song!

2 years ago i weighed 16st, lost 1.5 st myself and then started Lighterlife and got myself to 10st 4lb and looked fab. I too swore i would never put myself through the awfulness of being fat again.

So here I find myself at 13st 7lb, and restarting my cambridge diet. I dont know if i am excited or terrified. The only thing i can think of is the fact that i felt great back then, i was confident and sparkled at my job. Now life is pretty sucky, no confidence etc.

So as much as I would rather eat today, im going to choose not to.

Good luck hon, im here for any support you need. Maybe we could keep each other motivated?
Been there my friend :) didn't do CD, but got down from a 20 to a 14, threw all the clothes away "never gone need them again!" says me and here I am again, but heads in a better place. And the best time to start is when you feel you are ready. Think something kinda clicks and you know your head is in the zone. Good luck with your journey, wish you all the best for when you start. (incidently, giving up smoking, its my 6th try will get there in the end:)) xx
Hi girls, yes I have done lighterlife last year and lost 2 stone, put most back on, did cambridge diet, lost 1.5 stone and now am back to 13 stone which is where I originally started!! Am going to do 3 shakes and AAM tomorrow evening as haven't got willpower to do ss, but am off to Thailand on 21st January so can only do so much then will try to pace myself out there and continue when I get back. Hate Hate Hate being this fat!:cry:
im with you all! i lost 6 stone last year and went from 19st to 12.12 then after messing about a bit, going on holiday etc i went back up to 17.6!!!! but here i am again having got down to 13.5 since september and im going to see it to the end this time...no more messing about!
good luck to us all, we can do it!!!! xx
These stories are so familiar, Duchess Wobbles you could be my double, like you I went down to 10st 4lbs felt great, had confidence the lot, then it all went wrong. Went through a traumatic time in family turned to food and you know the rest her I am up to 13st 7lbs and the worse thing is I am heavier than I have ever been, my heaviest before was 12st 6lb. I have a wardrobe (or 2) full of lovely size 10 - 12 clothes that I cant touch and just 3 dull outfits that I live in, its so depressing but I cant get back on CD, just dont know why I am punishing myself with this self destruct mode. Can anyone give me any advice on how to get my head back into this.
Hi Springador, if you read my earlier post I did the same as you and many others. Its strange how we all seem to put 2-3 stone back on. I think you will only be able to succeed when your head is in the right place. Im off to Thailand on 21st Jan so am trying (half-heartedly) to do CD with AAM as i can't fit into anything I wore last August on holiday and am worried but have decided to pace myself, do what I can, and try to just be sensible when away, and start again when I get back. We know we can do it, we've done it before, its just our frame of mind.

Good luck x
well done for takign the steps into the new you though! I lost 3 stone 3 years ago on slimming world, then though hey I can do this alone now, then bang, I was a stone heavier than when I started sw lol

We can do this xx
the best time to start is when you realise enough is enough and your head is in the right place...

good luck to you all and if you need support I'm here also
