Why did I do it ?


Hi Everyone, I've been a bit quiet this week on the forum as it was a crazy week at work. But I had a good week, I was 100% even through all the stresses and strains so why today when I finally can chill, I steal 2 sausages to snack on ?? So angry with myself ... why, why, why have I done it ? I've carried on drinking my water - I have had 6 bottles + 2 cups of green tea. But I've only had a bar today as trying to limit the damage. Should I have had the rest of my packs today - I don't feel hungry in the slightest, just really confused ! Any advice will be greatfully received !
Sweatpea said:
Hi Everyone, I've been a bit quiet this week on the forum as it was a crazy week at work. But I had a good week, I was 100% even through all the stresses and strains so why today when I finally can chill, I steal 2 sausages to snack on ?? So angry with myself ... why, why, why have I done it ? I've carried on drinking my water - I have had 6 bottles + 2 cups of green tea. But I've only had a bar today as trying to limit the damage. Should I have had the rest of my packs today - I don't feel hungry in the slightest, just really confused ! Any advice will be greatfully received !

Correct me if I'm wrong-as only just started s&s this week, but if 'sausage gate' was prior to pray, then surely it's best to just get back on plan as normal? Well done for trying to draw a line tho x
Hey hun well done on being 100% so far, that's just a small blip, we do silly things sometimes eh!!! Draw a line under it and carry on as normal, 1 bar is not enough I would recommend another pack before bed and take a vitamin today :) xx

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Thanks both for replying - I am drawing a line but just so cross with myself that I blipped today. Cheers Stef2009, I've had my vitamin for the day and I've taken your advice and just made myself another shake. Weigh in day tomorrow, just wondering what the scales are now going to say. Hopefully I've not done too much damage as I had a rubbish loss last week, really was hoping for good loss for motivation. :cry:xxx
I'm sure you will be fine hun I can't really see it affecting ur loss tomorrow :) vlcds are very hard and every one has there wobbly moments, gettin straight back on the wagon deserves a well done I say! Good luck for the weigh in and every lb counts ;) xx

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awww thanks Stef, your encouragement really means so much after such a rubbish day ... you've done so well on your journey, have you managed to stay 100%, what keeps your focus ? xx
That's ok hun :) glad ur feelin better!
Thankyou :) I have been 100% for 9 weeks now apart from one blip I had half a choc digestive with some choc Philly on lol
To be honest I'm just sick of feeling the way I do being overweight I went on holiday to Portugal in October and hated every minute of it and hated myself, also being super paranoid!! I've lost 3 stone since Christmas and I don't ever wanna go back, I write in my diary atleast once a day, I look back on my progress, all that keeps me going really, I've had a crappy day today craving chocolate like mad having to watch my oh and son eat eggs all day but I want to get to goal sooooo much I just ignore it best I can! Xx

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Oh wow, you are doing so well, well done you ! I know the feeling in regards to holidays, I have one booked at the end of May and I too know if I don't lose at least another stone I am going to be paranoid and end up ruining it for my family. Its been a rubbish year, I had a mc in February and I still blame myself, I keep thinking if only I had been that slimmer you that you use to be, it wouldn't have happened. As you say, I need to remember that sick, sinking feeling .... its such a motivator, just wish it hadn't escaped me today, but it seems to be back in working order tonight, 100% here I come ! And again, well done you - what an amazing achievement ! :D
Sorry to hear of your sad news, and I'm sure u have been told this man times but it was in no way your fault, these unfortunate sad things happen in life :(
I think you have loads of determination and I believe in you totally :)
Where are u off on ur Hols? Everyone is going away ahhh so jealous!!
I said I couldnt afford a Hol this year as getting married in Portugal nxt yr and hubby to be got laid off 3 week ago but I have some spare money aside so treatin me and the other half to a weekend away when I'm at my target :) xx

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hey just think it could of been somethikng really bad like a cake or chocolate bar!! :) sausages barely worth worying about! its mostly protien isnt it!
Hi Bridie ... I think they are mostly full of protein but they do contain a lot of hidden carbs. Oh well, weigh in tomorrow, will soon know if I've been affected massively, just hoping that I haven't had too many carbs to knock me out of ketosis ... now that would be a shame to have to go through all the pain again ! :)
That's the downfall to the minimims app, u don't get to sleep haha xx

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Oh god get the app it's a million times better!
Yep in the app store search minimims it's free x

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Hi Stef2009, sorry I missed your post. I'm so new to this juggling between posts :) ... thanks for your post, really, truly appreciate it. I know deep down that it wasn't my fault, but just have a need to blame myself and my weight is just an easy target at the moment. We are off to Lanzarote in May, first hols abroad with the kids so really looking forward to it. :D

I'm so sorry to hear about your partners job, its such a horrible climate out there are the moment. I wish him all the best at finding something quickly, but definitely something to look forward to, a romantic weekend away when you hit target (and your wedding of course, that is so exciting !) When I come back from hols, I will still have a way to go, I think your idea of holding a bit of money aside for a weekend away or a treat at target will be a great motivator. xxx
hahaha re going to bed ! Yes I was planning to, but that wasn't hubby's car in the drive, so still sat up waiting for him ! Loving being on here tonight, you guys have been so motivating and funny ... keep chuckling away to myself every now and again (glad hubby's not here, he already thinks I'm losing the plot !) :)
I know what u mean hun :)
Ahhh lucky bugger really wish it was me Jetting off!! :D
Great to see new faces joining in the forum :) its a great support network.

Honestly I came to bed at 9.15 for an early night!! Between minimims and draw something app it's lethal lol

Oh don't worry all our other halfs think we have gone insane haha x

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lol my OH loves it because it means he can enjoy playing on fifa ( like a giant kid) for a little bit. he thinks im sad on this and i think he is sad on that so we agree to disagree lol. i love how supportive everyone is on here! makes everything seem much more do-able as everyone is going through the same!!