Why did I eat all that junk last night thread!!

Lol, not good if I have 5 bags worth!
Today has been waaaaay better! Not sure if I'm Mrs Muscle yet, but I hope I get there lol!
It really was, every month there was preggers test day, always to be super careful, my luck is when I don't worry about, hey presto, I would be pregnant lol. The heartburn was the worst!

But if you don't have it, you always end up feeling worse, so just have a wee junk out, and hopefully feel better!
And the plans areeeee take the pup to get microchipped at Pets at home! Pick up a 3DS and some storage boxes! Then I will get my pink tool kit out and take apart a sideboard that is falling apart and take it to the skip lol! Go me! Lol
How about yours?! :D xxx
Glad you've had a good day :) Sounds like you had a right time of it! Busy weekend for you then. Our male Prince was a total little sh!t, would NOT sit still to be microchipped, wriggling around all over the place, took about 40mins, 3 members of staff and a mis-fire to get the chip into him lol Our girl Skye though was a complete angel, 5 seconds from start to finish with her. Oooh 3DS :D Check you out with the DIY, I'm useless at that kind of thing! I've got an incredibly boring weekend ahead of me, working the morning shift tomorrow so I have to be up no later than 6am urghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! It's so early lol So I'm off to bed in a sec like a bloody 10yr old on a school night :( Finish work at 2, then will go into the uni library to get some studying done, so will probably finally be home around 6pm. And then work again on Sunday yippee!! Thinking of leaving work in the summer so I can just concentrate on uni for my 3rd and final year x
So is it your studying at uni? I did do hairdressing a few years ago.. Was doing great until they dropped a few things from the course and then my second year they never gave me any money, so I was forced to quit.
But I would say go for it! The quicker you're done with uni the quicker you go for the job you really want :D
Now I'm just trying to find work! Lol. And yeah has actually been a good yet very stressful weekend!
Got some storage boxes as our flat is basically being take over my damp and mold in every room and really bad windows! The council no matter how times I call in a week they don't do anything. So you can imagine my horror as I'm cleaning out a new set of drawers that have been destroyed, I pull out a t-shirt to find a maggot on it. Defo time to move!
I clean everyday with vinegar, bleach etc etc, if anything it comes back worse!

How has your weekend been then? xxx
Gahhhh I just wrote out a reply to you but it didn't send :( I'm studying towards a health and social care degree, just about to finish my second year. I'm thinking of doing a mental health nursing post graduate degree too, but I'm not sure yet.




A maggot? RANK!! Why won't the council help you, that's no way to run their housing! What's wrong with them tut! We had really bad mould in our last place, the domestic spray stuff didn't do anything, and neither did the landlord. But we've been in our new place since June, and our new landlord is great. We get the odd bit of mould, normally under the front room window but the spray gets rid of that easily. We used to get mould on the wall behind the tumble drier too cuz we only had an indoor condenser thing, but that's stopped now we've connected the steam hose thingy so it goes outdoors.

My weekends been full of work-related fun lol Uber-stressful shifts for just-above-minimum-wage is what gets me up in the morning baby! :D

Sounds like you're having a hard time, are you looking for somewhere else to live? Are the council helping at all? Maybe you could get a job working for them, sounds like that might be the only way you'll get rid of the bloody mould lol If I were you, I'd say it's a violation of your Human Rights, as you have a right to a safe clean place to live, and mould can be dangerous if it gets really bad. Or threaten to sue them lol

What kind of job would you like? x
Lol, that's happened to me a few times now! And I always wanted to do that sort of thing! But I ended up hairdressing!
And yeah, when we were first shown the house we were told it was fully repaired as it was water damaged before hand. And the windows are pooped, previous tenants once glued them shut, keepers missing and all weather conditions getting in and condensation on every window. Over the past year, bedding had been ruined due to black mould, drawers, walls.. Every room. A housing inspector came out told me it was 'just' and there was nothing they could do about it. Then another came out a good few months ago and said it would get done. Now I'm being told they are very busy, but I'm due to get it all treated in March! Now I'm looking for a private let. Just can't take it any more. Done with them lol!

And I know how that feels! I used to work in a shop that I was getting paid £4 an hour! Needed the money at the time. That's how desperate I was! lol. Now I have applied for an NHS cleaning job at the wee hospital 10 mins walk from the flat so here's hoping! Ideally I would like to be a body piercer lol! xxx
Would you want to get back into hairdressing? Or are you not interested any more? It's not your fault if the council are busy, mould can be dangerous you should be a priority! Leaving it until March is ridiculous, I don't blame you for wanting to leave, they're taking the pee.

Christ £4 an hour, the things we do for money lol I hope you get the cleaning job :) Body piercer would be an awesome job!! :D I've got no idea how to get qualified in piercing or anything though haha! I went through a phase of wanting to be a tattoo artist!

My dog had puppies yesterday!!! 6 of them, and they're gorgeous!!!!! She was in labour from 11pm the day before, and was restless and nesting, then at 4ish yesterday afternoon pup 1 was born :) Pup 6 arrived a few hours later, so my poor girl was exhausted! She's doing so well, it's amazing how well animals use their instincts.

But I agreed to work today so I have to leave them here nooooo! Work called and asked if I could cover a shift today about half an hour before she had pup 1, and I know this is going to sound stupid but we didn't even know she was pregnant let alone ready to pop so I said yes! We'd been suspicious of her for a while, her belly looked big and round one day, then slim and back to normal the next, and she wasnt producing any milk, so we thought she wasn't pregnant. Then she started being all weird and restless and moving her blankets around, so we thought maybe she is pregnant after all. Then yesterday (after work called) she was trying to hide away in the bedroom and whimpering so we thought yep she's not only pregnant she's in labour.

Pups have been squeaking all night lol So cute! Took lots of pics but I want to try to get some clearer pics of their faces today if I can x
Ach I loved hairdressing so maybe one day... But I really want to try the body piercing, just need to save up £695 for the course in Newcastle... So I really do hope I get that job and a lottery win haha!! And Thank you! I really hope I get it aswell, it would help so much as after the council actually do something I plan on re-painting every room!
And I wanted to tattoo aswell at one point.. I would probs be known as 'That lassie who tattoos really bad stick men on folk' Haha!!

And, PUPPIES :D What type are they? Lol. I would be in shock if I saw that though!
And sometimes with females to nest when its their wee season so sometimes you wouldn't know!
Aww the soul? Is mummy okies? If my girl had pups I would be so excited, and not wanting to sell any of them lol.
Sometimes you can't help it though, spesh as you never knew she was going to pop them all out!
You will have to post the pics of them :D xxx
God £695 for a course. Expensive much!! Any news on the job yet? Early days I know but still :) I'd have been "that-doesn't-look-how-I-wanted-it-tattoo-lady" lol The pups are collies :D Mum's doing well, she seems to be coping really well with looking after the pups. Worked out the dates, she gave birth on the last possible day so was well and truly full-term, so the babies are quite chunky and good weights, so they're off to a good start. Oh I don't want to sell them, I wish I didn't have to lol But there's no way we can keep them, having 2 dogs is enough for us! Maybe I could just keep one...might as well make it 2...well if I'm going to keep 2 I might as well keep 3...since I'm keeping 3 I might as well...you get the point hehe!

It will only let me attach 5 pics at a time, so I'll do a few posts with pics in each

Here's pups 1-5 newborn :D Literally within 2 mins or so of them being born


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Pup 6 newborn and pups first feed with Skye (Mummy) x


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And the gang after 24 hours :) We've given them temporary names too, and have taken into account whether we think they're male or female, which I didn't think we could tell this early but as it turns out we can :) No doubt they'll be renamed once they're rehomed but I thought they deserve names while they're with us x

Pup 1 - Ringo (cuz of the white ring around his neck)
Pup 2 - Moo (cuz she looks like a tiny cow/panda lol) - close up pic too lol
Pup 3 - Jack (as in Jack Black...cuz he's black lol also Daddy dog (Prince) was named Jack before we bought him home with us and renamed him)
Pup 4 - Bruno (cuz "brun" if french for 'brown' and this little one has brownish patches on it's face :) )


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Last few pics I promise lol x

Pup 5 - Belle (thought it sounded sweet and girly hehe)

and FINALLY...

Pup 6 - Robin (the white strip on it's face reminds us of the end of an arrow...so arrow ---> Robin Hood - the dude had arrows lol)

Then 2 pics of Skye with pups :)


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Forgot about this one. This is Bruno a second or two after he came out, still in his water sack while Skye gets him out. Look at his ickle paw!!!


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AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I want them all!!
Tbh, 6 pups don't seem to hard to look after... I mean LOOOOOK AT THEM!! I would love for my Milla to have puppies, but the other half knows that's my plan is to keep them all!
They are all wee beauts!
That also means, cake is allowed at this stressful time of becoming grandparents and the birth of course!
And it does mean I have a greedy mind mind and any excuse for bloody cake lol!! xxx
I'll let you have one lol :D They're little sweethearts, will be a different story when they're mobile and teething though! Haha your other half is on to you lol As if we need an excuse to eat cake muhaha So of course, I've had some lol I think since you've seen the pictures, you deserve some cake too x
Yasss I shall call cutie :D And don't forget pooing everywhere, my Milla was great at that, and they were big poo at 8 weeks :/ Lol!!

Well my other half brought me in chocolate cake last night! How awesome is that! There was me celebrating the pups with an empire biccie lol!
How has your day been anyways? xxx
Not looking forward to the big pooping to start at all lol At the mo, Skye toilets them and eats the poo and pee - bleeeeurgh!! But rather her than me, it's so disgusting and makes me gag lol But within the next few weeks it will be a right poo-fest in my flat, yippee! :D

Mmmmm chocolate cake :) Been busy with the pups lately, and was babysitting my chaps nephews yesterday and overnight so that was fun. Then cracked on with some uni work today, was part way through when the chef from work rang me and was asking if he could have a pup for his mum's birthday, so when the pups are ready, Belle will be going to his mums. Argh I'm going to miss them all so much, spent hours with them on the bed this evening just having cuddles, and they're all soooo cute! Oh why do I do this to myself lol It was hard enough when one of our rats had babies and we had to rehome them! Choked me up when they left :(

Thinking today that I'm in the mood to restart properly and actually do it and stick to it this time lol Feeling massively fat and I swear I can feel my chins wobbling when I talk lmao Probably just imagining it but even so!

How are you doing? Been up to anything good? Any news on the job x
Hey!! Sorry I haven't been on recently either! I've been so blooming drained :S
Haven't been doing anything at all! Been trying to clear the house out and get stuffed moved around for the council (finalllllllly) coming out this week to sort it out!
Lol, I used to love the little (big) presents of poo whenever I would leave the room and there would be a pile infront of me. Just wait for the pups to eat it and come give you kisses! Milla used to do that, thankfully I ran before she got me lol. And its a positive that wee Belle is going to someone you know! I hope all the pups go to loving homes, that would be my main worry, that they went to home where they would get neglected :(. I hate hate hate folk like that! Makes me want to steal all the animals and give them all cuddles lol!

And I love ratties! We had to give ours away as John suddenly took allergys too them. I miss them :(
And I feel the same as you, really need to re start and get my arse into gear, I've binged the past week. I've not even cared that's the sad thing about it. Don't even have energy to do a thing. Not impressed with myself lol! And I feel I have fat chins due and thighs of doom haha!

How has your weekend been?? :) xxx
YAY the council are sorting it out!!! :D Have they done it yet? Ah got to love the... ahem 'piles' of presents pets can leave for you haha! I know what you mean about wanting to just hug all the animals who aren't treated nicely, I'm the same. I just don't understand how people can be so cruel to hurt animals. Oh nooo John was allergic to rats :( Shame. Rats are such good pets, they still get a bad press though, stupid stigma still attached.

I've been eating so much crap it's unreal lol Major binging in my house too, oooops!

Bahaha fat chins and thighs of doom lmao Welcome to my world

Weekend was ok, I had the weekend off work which was LOOOOVELY. Weird feeling to be sitting at home in my pyjamas on a Sunday afternoon without being off sick lol

I'm going to restart tomorrow. I've made my mind up. There's this one bloody takeaway I want but it's hardly ever open lol And I'm getting bored of thinking 'I'll restart the day after I have the takeaway' because I've been thinking that since last Friday which means I still haven't restarted so I feel like I've wasted another week.

And the weather's starting to perk up a bit, it's getting Spring-y :) So heating up a bit, and I don't want to be the fat girl finding excuses to stay indoors so she doesn't have to go outside in the heat and sweat under layers of clothes just because she doesn't want to wear more revealing, cooler clothes and flash her flab to everyone lol

Hows things going? xx
They have been in since yesterday and now today, I swear they are taking the piss today, keep disappearing, and as of right now left an hour ago, and half an hour ago I took Milla into the garden and the van drove upto the fence and they have sat their since. It was as of they drove round from the front of the house just to hide and do no work!

And I know, whenever I said about my girls, people would scrunch their face up in disgust! But some people can't help their ignorance...
How are the pups and mummy!

And you know I still can't stop binging, I just feel so miserable right now, so that won't help. Found out that up a couple of streets away from us, they hold weight watchers meetings in the wee church. So tempted to join it. I have heard alot of good things about them, so I may aswell give it a wee go!

And I keep thinking about being able to wear nice things again for summer coming, and then I eat more! LOL!
You can do it though :D Just think.. Plenty of puppys to walk!!
And I don't bother about summer too much in my town, all the arseholes come out and I stay in haha!!
But I had that mindset last year! It did work, I just wish I knew where it went this year!

How have things been? Plans for this weekend? xxx
What the hell are they playing at, driving round the corner to hide lol

Pups and mummy are doing well :) The pups are about double their birth weight already, some are a bit heavier, and yesterday one of the pups started to open his eyes :D So cute

I've still been binging so I know how you feel. Weight watchers sounds good especially as it's so close to you

Haha yeah it's like even though we have reminders that summer's getting closer we still binge regardless! I think from experience it's harder to stay cool and not sweat so much being bigger. I always feel so exposed in the summer, like I'm drawing attention to myself, because even big people wear maybe a tank top and shorts, and I insist on covering myself up so I end up looking like the odd one out even if I'm not the biggest.

Worked today and working tomorrow too, wish I could afford to quit work and just focus on uni because work exhausts me and stresses me out so much. What's your plans for the weekend?

Is all the mould sorted now or is there still some left to do x