Why did I eat all that junk last night thread!!

Its been the most hectic I've been for a while, and that's John off on holiday from work so no doubt I will be having to do housework around him!

And I've been up an hour, and the fact there is easter eggs in the kitchen is killing me. MUST BE GOOD!!! Lol!

And aww I know you will! And less poop to dodge aswell lol!
How have things been? :) xxx

Tell John to do half the housework, will take half the time then :D

Oh no easter eggs...demons! lol

Yes less poop haha! A few things have changed so at the mo we only have homes for 3 pups. Need to find homes for 3 others asap because the pups are ready to be rehomed in a week. Oh noooo my puppies are leaving :(

Things have been bad foodwise as always lol But today I'm starting my 100% for 100 days challenge...again lol This time I'm sticking to it though! x
Well after yet another hectic few days Ive managed to properly log on!
Seriously winter! Come back, less people want to see me then haha!!
Also just back from Glasgow, walked the whole town centre while John was getting tattooed!
And John, do housework?! In my dreams lol! He has been sitting on the Wii playing an online game with his friends while I have been playing PS3 lol!
Got given more easter eggs last night and of course demolished them. After the chinease we ordered of course!
Good thing is, we watched that Warrior movie and now John wants to do MMA with his brother so him wanting to do that will help with me I suppose..
mainly as it will be no more crap to eat in the house, and I have a tube of Pringles next to me as I type this haha!

Please send the pups here! I will love them lots and lots! :D
And how are you going with your challenge hun?
Sounds like you've been a bit of a social butterly lol Have you been less in-demand lately? :)

How was Glasgow :D What did John get tattooed?

mmmm chinese and easter eggs nom nom nom!

Those Pringles were there just to help keep your strength up while you were typing...right? hehe

My challenge pfffft! Not well. I've got a car now so things have changed money-wise which has meant we probably can't afford for me to keep getting Exante. So I'm going to have to try to do this the old fashioned way once my packs have ran out, then maybe buy more if we can afford to at some point.

So healthy food and exercise for me :)

Hows things x
Oh I know! I just want some peace to catch up with my shows! And as soon as things quiet down my wee nephew got rushed into hospital!
So for the past week and a half we have been travelling upto Yorkhill everyday to see the wee soul!

Glasgow was great! Got a few tops, even more determined to fit into them now! And he was getting more of his chest and sleeve piece finished!
Poor boy has spent at least a grand on it now and its nowhere near finished.. Starting to wonder if the tattooist is dragging it out now, hmmn :/
And of course! Pringles makes online shopping waaay easier when your comfort eating/shopping haha!

And you should try ASDA measure up shakes! I'm back on them as everytime we have been up at the hospital canteen it's been hard to count my Syns and such, so I take up my drink shaker with the powder and fill it up with water when it's feeding time haha!

Hows things been with you lovely? xxx