Why is it so hard to restart?


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I sucessfully lost over a stone last year and I have been trying to restart since jan 1st and now it is mid feb. I keep thinking to myself I will just allow myself to eat this, go out there and promise myself I will restart after. Somedays I even have my morning shake then eat something I shouldn't! My clothes are now getting to small for me and I am feeling so tired an fed up! Why am I doing this to myself? Am I choosing food over being thinner, because really I am not enjoying the food I eat, I always feel so guilty during and after!

You are all so inspiring, I think I will make minimins my homepage on my laptop, so every time I open it up, you will all be there encouraging me!
You have put into words what I have been feeling, I get to 4ish then binge, I am trying again tomorrow would you join me?

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I figure maybe because u know what ur in for and that it isnt easy!! Once u've fallen off the wagon if ur anything like me u go thro this awful cycle of guilt which is temporarily made better by eating something nice which then only goes to add further to the guilt.

I think you have to ask yourself do I really want to do this? And if the answer is yes go for it and don't give in to ur cravings, everytime u get one repeat ur reasons in ur head for doing it, tell ur urself u can resist and why ur resisting.

If the answer is no then I personally would suggest trying something else, anything your not 100% committed to will end badly unless u realise this and change it.

I'm here becoz I knew I was no longer committed to healthy eating and exercise and I knew if I didnt make a change quick I wud just say stuff it and eat what I liked.

Stay strong and reclaim control..u can do it!!xx
Thanks for your replies!

Onlywannabea16 I am definitely up for a diet buddy! I am going to do the WS option some days as I have children (and like to join in with some family meals) and I have some nights out planned.
I know what you mean about eating with the kids I eat chicken & brocolli on Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays with the kids, trouble is once I start eating I'm having trouble stopping, so going to try & do ts for 7 days and hopefully 14, no bars just shakes & soups (like when I did Cambridge)
Trouble is its half term next week and my two have tonsilitis luckily they are going to my mums, at least she let them run around. The kids came back from their dads today, having done nothing all day, they are bored and ratty.
Cant wait to start tomorrow, we are gonna do it this time xx

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I am totally with you b this one! It makes no sense whatsoever! I restarted on 2nd and messed around and messed around. But you know, it was making ne so stressed, I think ny body was jus like "WHAT IS GOING ON!" And then my normally supportive boyfriend was telling me to pack the diet in cos I kept messing around but I kept saying I wanted to do it. But think he was worried I was gonna do myself some damage.

So I promised him and myself that the next thing to pass my lips that shouldn't causes the end of my diet. Which I really don't want so I will not put anything in my mouth!

I hope you find what works for u, you will get there. Good luck xxxx
I desperately need to restart too! But am finding it so hard. I'm the same as OnlyWannaBeA16, I do ok for most of the day then slip up, then decide to binge as I keep meaning to restart the next day. And the cycle just keeps going. I've been like this for about 2 weeks now, it's getting ridiculous, but I just can't seem to manage doing a full day 100% with no blips or cheats, or if I somehow DO manage a full day, it doesn't last for the next day aswell x
If there is one thing this diet takes it is 100% focus. If you can't commit yourself fully to it then there isn't any point in trying until you can. I've been down that road, it was not cool. I was only kidding myself - as well as wasting my money buying the shakes!
The best advice I can offer is to start over once you're completely 110% sure, get the first few days under the belt (as we all know they are hellish) ....Have the odd WS day if need be. I have had a couple since starting and its been nice, I've enjoyed the meals I have made. Being on this diet will make you completely change your attitude towards food. You also have to keep in mind that this is not a permanent change, its only temporary :) ..and every passing day will be bringing you closer to your finish line :)
Feeling pretty good today have a new way of thinking
I wake every morning thinking I can do this within an hour I'm screaming I can't, all that is stopping me is a "t", I am not letting 1 letter ruin my diet, so I'm chucking away the t on can't and getting a can.
I'm still questioning myself but just trying to remember I CAN !!!

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I've had numerous restarts on Exante and I'm still struggling, but I am determined to see this through to the end. I can't keep risking my health, I have three children and my husband to think about.

I think my issue is that I know how hard it is to ignore the food in the house and I'm finding it hard to focus on the diet 100% but I'm getting there slowly. So far I've managed 3 out of the last 7 days 100% and already I feel more comfortable about it.

Be strong, you can do this! PMA!
Positive Mental Attitude all the way!! Works wonders, I have a huge range of PMA sayings written on my white board in my kitchen and every time I go in there I read them and remind myself of it, theres no better way forward!! You have to believe in yourself and you can do anything!!xx
I woke up today feeling really positive! I weighed myself (eek a lot more than I thought I was!). I shake consumed and lots of water and black tea. I am going to do it this time!

How is everyone else getting on?

Come on we can do it! I am picturing myself in nice cool clothes for summer, not the one pretending not to be hot wearing oversized clothes in the baking sun! POsitive mental attitude!
Woop woop love it!!! I cant wait to wear cool clothes in summer and not feel like I'm wearing a big baggy sheet pmsl!!

My exante is arriving today but I've been on other products since Friday and have lost 6lb in 4 days so I've also had a boost, well chuffed!!

Come on ladies scream it from the roof tops WE CAN DO IT!! lol sorry I'm really buzzin today lol :D:D:D xx
Whoop whoop loving this positivity!

100% today and feeling great. (going for an early night away from the kitchen!!)
I'm back and doing it. Day 2 that's good for me, how's it going for you? Xx

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Well done! I am now on day 3! I have just nibbled on some ham though...! I am not sure why, I'm not really hungry but I did miss my morning shake. I have just come back from a big food shop. I could have bought so much stuff, but pleased to say I didn't!
Eugh I'm struggling. Back to day 1 for me.... trying to stay positive.
Im just about to start exante, have been doing Cambridge for the last month but totally fallen off the wagon this last week.... It's so hard to get restarted again because I know the first week being on it is horrible!! Totally motivated after reading this though, was about to cheat today but just got a big mug of black coffee instead! I just hope I don't fall off it again! :-(
Getting day one 100% under your belt is very important, and the momentum for the next day can carry you through.

Good luck to all the re-starters :)
well done girls, it really is just getting past the first few days, I am on week 5 now and am feeling fine, just not drinking quite enough water a the moment, c'mon I am rooting for you all x