Why such a slow weight loss ?

Im not saying it is but the discussion was also that tea and coffee dont count... they do... when youre FOLLOWING WW properly the emphasis isnt on drinking water, which is what everyone on here thinks but its drinking FLUIDS.

People were commenting earlier that coffee/tea/coke didnt count towards the daily intake - fact is it dfoes. Theres no disputing water is better but its a common misconception that its essential

THATS what I was correcting
I seem to remember reading something lately to say that research has now shown that we need to drink less water than was previously thought. I drink about 2-3 litres daily anyway cos I dont like hot drinks, but wish I had paid more attention to the research now.

It wasnt ww that I heard it from anyway.
I reacted the exact same as you when i started don't worry! :) i flipped out and wanted to give up, then everyone like above stated it was normal to lose that amount a week, and to keep at it so i did! ... 6 and a half months on, i've just lost 3 stone! gradually my losses have picked up to 3lbs a week ! when before at the start they were only 1lb losses! :) keep at it! you will soon lose it... try making a note of your measurements too! and check those every two weeks or month! you may find that although its small losses the inches are coming off you instead! :)
thanks hun its mad like.. i was just lookin through pics there from the past 3 years and I thought i was huge when they were taken and I wasnt :( I never show much weight loss on the scales really, only when i measure myself (as i found out when going to the clinic) is there a reason for this, cause this has been the problem obviously all my life, this is way i gave up. Won't be anymore giving up
I'm not sure but i think the measurements change more than weight because when your exercising your building your muscles up and muscle weighs more than fat etc, so you may be building those up, but toning your body at same time, so the inches are coming off even though the weight is coming off slowly :)
yea true hun. Everyone is different, I just wish I knew this years ago, i prob wouldnt have given up so many times thinking i wasn't losing a thing, but i was losing inches agh
you will get back to it no problem just keep at it and if your weight loss is slow then just know at least the inches are coming off :) everything else will catch up eventually