Will weight loss reduce excess hair???

Yeah, electrolysis is f****** sore! lol! I had my tom last time I was in and it was super agony.

Def debating going back to laser if I can get a good deal after christmas. Will prob still go get electrolysis on my nipples tho because the laser doesnt really work on the few on the darker bit. But OMG it hurts!!!! lol!
Since my diagnosis I have been doing a TUN of research into PCOS and have come to the conclusion that it is a completely over looked disease. All the horrible symptoms of the syndrome have been with me since puberty but it wasn't until I became obese that I was diagnosed.

Weight gain is a symptom of PCOS, all of the research says they are still unsure of what causes it. Half of the women that have it are either normal or under weight (I wonder how many of us out there were normal weight when we first experienced symptoms).

I think it is appalling that doctors tell us that weight loss will ease the symptoms. Seems to me its just a way of blaming the patient for the syndrome and the NHS not having to pay for the 'cosmetic' procedures that would help. Of course being obese/overweight is not good for the health and it is important to loose weight but to me linking symptoms to weight loss is just prejudice. "You are fat, so it is your own fault"

Sorry for the rant. I've been holding it in for ages :( Lets blame it on the hormone imbalance! :)
I was diagnosed with PCOS in October 2010. I weighed 19st 9lbs and suffered with horrendous acne and excessive facial hair.

Since January 2011, I have lost 5st 2lbs and I have found that my PCOS symptoms have improved. The hair growth has slowed right down, and my acne has dramatically improved although I had the implant inserted a few weeks ago and its making me break out :/ still not as bad as my acne was when I weighed more though.
Oh, well this is depressing!

I haven't been to the doctor about my symptoms because I'm too embarrassed, but am pretty sure I have PCOS as I'm properly obese (20 stone and 5'11) and have terrible body hair. I have to pluck my chin every day and I get loads of stubbly, thick black hairs riight under the surface of my chin skin that I can't get to and just have to wait until they sprout before I can tweeze them out! :(

I thought weight loss would, amongst other things, sort out this. Awww!

Pud x


I know exactly what you mean about the hairs unders you skin that you can't get to - I got a 10x magnifying mirror from Boots for that exact reason and find that it allows me to get more of them than using a normal mirror. Hope this helps x
I have pcos too and I have been trying to lose weight for a while but it is not happening!!! I tried slimming world and it didn't work and I tried reducing my sugar which resulted in me fainting at least twice a day, can I ask you ladies who tried and succeed how did you do it?? Any tips please??
Tami: After a lot of research, I decided to follow a very low carb diet, as apparently PCOS-ers don't metabolise carbs properly (or something like that anyway!). I eat a lot of fruit, veg, chicken, fish etc. Not a lot of carbs, but if I do fancy some I'll have a handful of wholewheat pasta with a chicken breast and veg or something. Just basically cut out all the crap...chocolate, crisps, processed foods etc. Also started exercising a lot more and the weight just started dropping off.

Good luck with your journey xxx
hi, i was recently diagnosed with PCOS and at the start of last year lost around 3 stone, (Ive gained about 1.1/2 back on thought !!) And to be honest the hair did not seem to get much better, but i did notice a slight change, it didnt seem quite as noticable,,,, good luck !!
I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago when I was struggling to conceive and didn't have much facial hair at the time. I have now got a little boy who has just turned 3 and my facial hair is terrible. I have to pluck every day and wax once a week. The hairs are corse and black!
I'm hoping that losing weight this year will help a bit. Does anyone know if there any treatments available on the NHS?
The doctor told me the nhs viewed hair removal as cosmetic and wouldnt do it. So they are absolutely no help at all, whatsoever. However I watched something on tv and apparently if you want bigger breasts or tattoo removal, they'll offer that if you're depressed enough about it.

I am now getting electrolysis on my nipple hair and I'm going to start getting laser on my face. I was getting electrolysis on that, but because I've stopped plucking them out, over the course of a year I've noticed I have a ridiculous amount of hair on my throat and I'd need to sit for approx 1hr and 30mins to try and clear the area once, and oh dear god, its too painful to sit for longer than 15mins at a time! lol!
I know what you mean its all down my chin and throat and now creeping ontothe sides of my face - just seems to get worse. Cant believe they class it as cosmetic and a boob job isnt :( Its so depressing and painful to get rid of.
Ive seen a few deals on groupon so may go for the next one of them - they are for IPL hair removal - has anyone tried this and had good results?
I had IPL and got reasonable results with it but still have some fine hair in the area I had it done. I'm debating whether to go in with laser on top of it because tbh it's easier just to wax it at home myself.
You need about 10-12 laser sessions, so you'll need two groupon deals, or pay for 6 of the sessions - but i think the salon you take the deal with will give u an offer for it.

But the laser only gets rid of about 85% of the hair, so be prepared to have to finish it with electrolysis if u want it gone for good. When I used to go to transform for the laser hair, she told me because I had pcos, that it'll probably be a never ending battle because when they kill the hair cells that are active, the non-active ones might start to grow.

Was thinking about this, my gp gave ne some cream which helped with the hair on my face, it was prescribed, might be worth looking into ??
ah yeah, vaniqua or something? I tried it and it didnt make any difference. I think if it does work, you have to use it forever or the hair just comes straight back. But hey, prescriptions are free, so its def worth a shot for people :)
Cool think I'll go to the doctors and see what they say got to be worth the £7 prescription charge to try it.
Looks like there's not going to be any sort of quick fix though. PCOS is such a horrible condition and seems to be completely down played by GP's!
Yea I totally agree with you pcos is a nasty condition which at times gets you down, causes embarrassment, makes you feel unattractive and causes pain and discomfort, but it seems to be plated down by gps all the time and I dnt know how others feel but I had to go again and again to my gp over the years and he gas only just referred me to a specialist,,, after I begged ... It seems so unfair.... But hey ho in we trot xx
I got sent to a specialist for tests and they said I had all the symptoms but my blood tests were all normal and my ovaries didnt look abnormal, so that was that. They've put me down as "mild pcos" - not really sure what that is. I mean, i've never had a regular period, ever, my boobs didnt develop properly, I have hair all over my face where a guy should have a beard - its really bad on my throat and sideburns, hair on my chest, shoulders, stomach.

The only time they will ever attempt to offer me help is if I'm trying to start a family and cant conceive.

Sorry, I was starting to rant there.
I got sent to a specialist for tests and they said I had all the symptoms but my blood tests were all normal and my ovaries didnt look abnormal, so that was that. They've put me down as "mild pcos" - not really sure what that is. I mean, i've never had a regular period, ever, my boobs didnt develop properly, I have hair all over my face where a guy should have a beard - its really bad on my throat and sideburns, hair on my chest, shoulders, stomach.

The only time they will ever attempt to offer me help is if I'm trying to start a family and cant conceive.

Sorry, I was starting to rant there.

Ive also got 'mild' PCOS and i can totally understand where you are coming from. Ive had a horrendous time with my periods and my dr hasnt really helped at all. As with the 'hair' issue, im totally fed up with facial waxing but really cant afford laser or electrolosis currently and i felt like when i brought it up with my dr that he was mocking me :(
Ive also got 'mild' PCOS and i can totally understand where you are coming from. Ive had a horrendous time with my periods and my dr hasnt really helped at all. As with the 'hair' issue, im totally fed up with facial waxing but really cant afford laser or electrolosis currently and i felt like when i brought it up with my dr that he was mocking me :(

Yeah I felt like my Dr was doing the same. She was a bit sort of "shrug shoulders" about it all. So was the specialist.

What about the groupon deals on laser?
You can definately see my PCOS on scans but I've never been offered a blood test. I have facial hair and really struggle with my weight. I don't have any periods at all when I'm on any contraception I.e. the coil, pill or injection.

My doctors were brilliant at diagnosing me and offering me help to conceive but as for weight loss and hair removal they couldn't care less!