Wk 5 only 1lb eek on SS


Hi guys this is my 1st post, this is my 5th wk on Cambridge and wk 1 I lost 10ls, wk2-7,wk3-3,wk4-3, and wk 5 1lb eeek :confused: I am trying to quit smoking and was prescribed Champix from my doc but my consultant advised against taking these whilst on ss so not sure if that caused a slow down. Also at he weekend I made a mushroom omelette because I was really struggling, would this have stopped me loosing too? Sorry for the long post xx
Wow thats great. U may be unhappy at the 1lb but count it up over the 5 weeks. Thats an amazing loss. Sorry cant answer on the Champix but what i do know is if u stick to the plan the losses will b there. Good luck but ur doing great :)
You're averaging 4-5lb a week which is fantastic. Did you drink enough water on the week you lost 1lb? I usually find I have a better loss after a bad week.
Hi Trisha, I did drink loads fingers crossed for this wk! Was worried the omelette had thrown me so nothing other than my products this week, see what happens :)x
Thanks Girls suppose just getting bit greedy expecting the same every week ha x
Instead of feeling bad, why don't you give yourself a pat on the back? You're doing SS AND trying to quite smoking. I say that's pretty amazing to me :D

And as for the omelette, as long as you didn't use to much oil in your frying pan, it should be OK. And mushrooms almost have no calorie so... Better that than pizza or other comfort food :) Well done you :)

PS: think of your hormone too. The week before TOTM, I usually have a very small loss as I retain water like a camel... But the week after, it all goes away :)
It does sound like you're retaining water eg TTOTM, Just wait for your big loss next week and you will be happy again xxxxx
It's ups and downs on SS! Don't let smaller losses put you off, just do everything you can to have a better week. Did you use oil or butter in your omelette? That might have affected it. But it's still a healthy 'cheat' don't worry! Read the ingredients of Champix and see if there is anything that might take you out of ketosis - you can always get your consultant to ring headquarters, they are usually quite good at looking into medications and the like.
Thanks ladies u guys are amazing. I used spray 1 cal oil for the Omelete so hopefully won't be too bad. I stopped taking the Champix too and seem to be ok actually feel much better than whilst I was taking them. Get weighed in the morning so got fingers toes and everything crossed :) xx