Wobble !


Full Member
Had a wobble yesterday
Brekki1sl toast and tomatoes
Lunch shake.
Tea beef,and veggies

THEN picked for 2 hours on 2 sl toast with butter,1 SF caramel bar then another,cherries,melon and a slice of bread with beetroot.

Didn't bother having my 2nd shake.

that went on from 6-8pm,was ok after that and the munchies vanished(shame they couldn't have gone earlier)Have been so good this week hope I haven't done too much damage.

Diane :wave_cry:
Hugs Diane, I'm not having a great week either :( Just hope I've lost something come Friday!!! Stick with it, and we'll take it one day at a time :)
Hi Diane

Sorry for your little loss, but it is still a loss rather than a gain:D
Stick with it for another week or so before you give up.....sometimes our bodies trick us and next week you may have a fantastic loss:D

Mel x
Thanks girls,have no intentions in giving up as I have come so far and still have another 3 stones to loss.Yesterday was a good day and hopefully it will continue.

Diane :wavey:
THEN picked for 2 hours on 2 sl toast with butter,1 SF caramel bar then another,cherries,melon and a slice of bread with beetroot.

Diane :wave_cry:

That's my problem too, sometimes just needing to munch at night. You did the sensible thing though, you ate and got it out of your system. I've turned back to smoking at night when I'm craving. (After having quit for 6 months). NOT GOOD. Hang in there, you're doing alright!:jelous: