Woman of the Year 2012

Just to let you know that the recent posts on the WOTY thread created this time last year have been moved from it and added to this one so we just have the one running. The other thread has been closed to avoid any other confusion. Just incase anyone wondered where there posts had gone, theyre all here now :)
Our consultant has been on holiday for 2 weeks and i was on holiday for 2 weeks before that so i haven't heard anything about woman of the year! I wanted to vote someone there who deserves it! Does the whole of uk do it at the same time? xx
Rara Lara said:
Our consultant has been on holiday for 2 weeks and i was on holiday for 2 weeks before that so i haven't heard anything about woman of the year! I wanted to vote someone there who deserves it! Does the whole of uk do it at the same time? xx

We've still got till weds to put our votes in then woty will be held/announced a week on weds. I think every group is different x
Thank you, hope i haven't missed it!!!

Oh and forgot to say - Congratulations everyone who was nominated/won xxxx
I got WOTY in my group but was too late to be put forward, was disappointed at first but then realised that it is such an honour to receive it from the people I know!
Ive just been informed that i'm nominated for Woman of the Year :D Winner will be announced this Wednesday at Group. Need to get a Before & After photo together so not looking forward to this part..i hated getting any full lengh photos done..shoulders upwards lol :rolleyes:
junemag said:
I got WOTY in my group but was too late to be put forward, was disappointed at first but then realised that it is such an honour to receive it from the people I know!

Was that this year can't believe ya have missed being put forward seems such a shame but I understand what ya mean about it being an honour on its own cxxx congratulations xxxxx
junemag said:
I got WOTY in my group but was too late to be put forward, was disappointed at first but then realised that it is such an honour to receive it from the people I know!

That's a Shame!! We find out tomorrow who has won and I've got my application form incase I win so I can get put through to next round..so its strange you have been told its too late..id double check with your Consultant..not fair your missing out :( Well done on Winning group WOTY :D
Just came back from class after winning the WOY for our group. Spent quite a while filling in the questionarrie I was given (had to type it and stuick it in as not much space) only to be told due to the fact that on some chart I am still classed and being too heavy 13 stone at 5 foot 7. o my information will not be used and I will not be going further.

I am very honoured to have won for my group but a little disapointed that dispite losing nearly 5 stone I can't qualify because some chart says I'm too heavy.
May put my story through to the magazine instead.
cyberjelly said:
Just came back from class after winning the WOY for our group. Spent quite a while filling in the questionarrie I was given (had to type it and stuick it in as not much space) only to be told due to the fact that on some chart I am still classed and being too heavy 13 stone at 5 foot 7. o my information will not be used and I will not be going further.

I am very honoured to have won for my group but a little disapointed that dispite losing nearly 5 stone I can't qualify because some chart says I'm too heavy.
May put my story through to the magazine instead.

I think it's a shocking shame too, I think it's all to do with BMI :( but Congratulations well done x
I won Woman of the Year at Group Tonight :D

Lost 5lbs & Achieved my 4 1/2 Stone Award also..Cant get a Better Night than This :D
Bunnylush said:
Congratulations, I filled my firm out last night. My giddy Aunt it's never ending! Lol.

Thank You...Haha that form was Torture to fill out..took me couple Hours to do..:-@ x
cyberjelly said:
Just came back from class after winning the WOY for our group. Spent quite a while filling in the questionarrie I was given (had to type it and stuick it in as not much space) only to be told due to the fact that on some chart I am still classed and being too heavy 13 stone at 5 foot 7. o my information will not be used and I will not be going further.

I am very honoured to have won for my group but a little disapointed that dispite losing nearly 5 stone I can't qualify because some chart says I'm too heavy.
May put my story through to the magazine instead.

Such a shame but huge well done on your axheivement . I'm 5 ' 7 and I was 9.5lbs under their maximum criteria weight at 12. 0.5 st but my bmi is still classed as overweight ! Xxxx
still working on the form.......fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Flipping good luck! I was losing the will ;) told my Con today if you lose that tough lol x

oh i will be photocopying it *just* in case someone loses it. it's not my consultant i'm worried about-but she's giving it to the area manager, and she doesnt like me....lol

It's a nightmare isn't it took me a whole afternoon and lots of tissues xxx

lotsa tissues! i'm so used to sharing my story too, after telling the world what i was like when i was big, but writing it out was still hard! x