Working on me

If i have anything remotely saltly such as gammon bang I magically find 2-3 pound gain. but goes as quick as it comes. I don't add salt much to my food. Unless I make sw chips or sw roasties I use a little with those. If you exercise our bodies with the natural process of repairing micro tears make us retain water as part of the healing process. We can't avoid this it is just how the body repairs itself but as quickly as you gain with water you will lose again. You have been fully on plan eventually the scales will show a downward spiral. I see you do many thousands of steps per day. You could find your body is laying down muscle which weighs more than fat. So you could benefit from doing some measurements with the tape measure of hips , waist and bust you could find quite easily you are losing inches/cm rather than numbers on a scale.

It is hard not to to be self critcal of bits of our body we don't like. We can naturally have a distorted view. We don't see how far we have come. I struggle to see myself as smaller. I pick a garment up and think no way am I fitting in that. But I can and wriggle room. Your a beautiful woman, who to me seems like your superwoman, running a family with all the that entails, you make beautiful cakes/biscuits etc for clients/family for special occasions. You walk for miles every day. I think you must have more hours in the day and more arms with what you achieve on a daily basic :worthy: .
Thanks so much. I feel like I need a break everyday lol, not much resting time. I’ve decided that when Skylar starts nursery I’m going to take 1 weekday off every week and just relax or do something I enjoy, I actually can’t wait lol.

I try not to worry if I see a slight gain as know there’s lots of factors. I’m certain I will get back to a happy weight one day.

hope you’ve had a lovely day x x
Thanks so much. I feel like I need a break everyday lol, not much resting time. I’ve decided that when Skylar starts nursery I’m going to take 1 weekday off every week and just relax or do something I enjoy, I actually can’t wait lol.

I try not to worry if I see a slight gain as know there’s lots of factors. I’m certain I will get back to a happy weight one day.

hope you’ve had a lovely day x x
Had a lovely day thankyou. That will be great to have a little bit of me time when skylar goes to nursery. I bet as a busy mum me time is very much in short supply. I know how it was for my sister and her husband who brought up 4 girls who where very close in age. Time was taken up caring for the girls. Now they are mum and dad taxi but the girls are now getting driving licences and cars so for the first time their is a little bit of time for themselves.
Hey, I had a lovely birthday weekend. Went out with some friend and danced the night away, my knee is really painful now but it was worth it. It’s my birthday on Wednesday, I have 3 meals out this week. I’m determined to restart Oct 1st as the cake and fudge will be finished by then 🤣
Hope all is well with you lovely lot x x
Hey, I had a lovely birthday weekend. Went out with some friend and danced the night away, my knee is really painful now but it was worth it. It’s my birthday on Wednesday, I have 3 meals out this week. I’m determined to restart Oct 1st as the cake and fudge will be finished by then 🤣
Hope all is well with you lovely lot x x

Glad you had a lovely time on your pre-birthday celebrations 🥳 ☺️
Your birthday celebrations sound lovely! Happy birthday.
So house move was delayed again. It’s almost finished, I’m going to view it today. I’m so excited. Hoping to get the keys Oct 12th, which is Kaelans birthday.
pretty much ready to go at home, 3/4 of house packed.
going out for breakfast this morning with a couple of friends, my last meal to celebrate my birthday. October tomorrow so I’ll be back on plan.
x x
So house move was delayed again. It’s almost finished, I’m going to view it today. I’m so excited. Hoping to get the keys Oct 12th, which is Kaelans birthday.
pretty much ready to go at home, 3/4 of house packed.
going out for breakfast this morning with a couple of friends, my last meal to celebrate my birthday. October tomorrow so I’ll be back on plan.
x x
I bet you are excited, i remember getting the keys to our bungalow years ago. For me it was bitter sweet. I loved our old house as it was a old Victorian with some of the original features. The rooms were spacious and had 3 double bedrooms. But when I got ms it was no longer practical going up and down steep stairs. But now i live in this bungalow I have a wonderful neighbours. It is so much easier in this bungalow which has features like a shower room and wider doors. Packing is the downside to moving. I was living out of boxes for weeks till I got straightened up lol

Good luck with your move to your new home and wishing you and your family all the happiness in your new home.
I bet you are excited, i remember getting the keys to our bungalow years ago. For me it was bitter sweet. I loved our old house as it was a old Victorian with some of the original features. The rooms were spacious and had 3 double bedrooms. But when I got ms it was no longer practical going up and down steep stairs. But now i live in this bungalow I have a wonderful neighbours. It is so much easier in this bungalow which has features like a shower room and wider doors. Packing is the downside to moving. I was living out of boxes for weeks till I got straightened up lol

Good luck with your move to your new home and wishing you and your family all the happiness in your new home.
Sounds like moving to a bungalow was a real positive for you. Lovely when you have nice neighbours. My neighbour is one of my best friends, it will be strange not seeing her most days but I’m only 4 miles down the road so will still see each other.
x x
Hi all,

I feel like I’m so up and down with being on and off plan, it’s frustrating. Some days I think I really want to be on plan and get back to my goal weight, then other days I think I want to eat whatever I want and don’t feel bothered about losing weight.
last night I decided to do a long fast. Started at 9pm last night so getting on for 24 hours so far, I want to do longer than last time which was 3 days. I was thinking a week but my hubby thinks too long. I’ll see how I feel when I get to 4 days. Last time my knee really improved, I hurt it the other day, I’ve been in pain ever since so hopefully fasting will help it again.

doesn’t look like anymore delays with my new house 🤞 so I’m set to get the keys around the 20th. Moving date is nov 1st.

Chosen and ordered laminate for downstairs and carpet for upstairs, I’m sooo excited about moving.

I’ll check back in tomorrow and update how my fast is going x x
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I'm certain I saw a video with Jason Fung where he said regular short fasts are very effective for weight loss. The longer fats are used for medical issues. So you'll get good results without doing long fasts - which might be good as you have so much going on.
I'm certain I saw a video with Jason Fung where he said regular short fasts are very effective for weight loss. The longer fats are used for medical issues. So you'll get good results without doing long fasts - which might be good as you have so much going on.
My main reason for doing this long fast is to improve my knee pain, it was great last time, also to try and gain some control of my eating. Hoping to just go back to 18-6 after this fast x x
I’m almost at 47 hours fasting, I feel pretty good. I was so tempted to have some left over cake mixture earlier but quickly put water in the bowl so the option was taken away. Family had takeaway, I didn’t consider having any for a second.
My aim is 100 hours of fasting. I’m pretty sure I’ll do it 😄🤞
Make a pretty girly cake this evening, I’ll attach the pic, the lady send me a pic of herself crying saying that she loves it so much that she cried 😍 so cute.

I’ll check in tomorrow. Goodnight x x


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Hey, 62 hours into my fast, I’m feeling pretty good. School run was hard today, I felt tired but other than that I’m fine. Making brownies and cupcakes today, the brownies are 2 of my favourite flavours 😍 chocolate orange and kinder bueno, they look so good, I’m going to save a small piece of each for when I stop fasting 😀 I briefly considered eating one but knew I’d feel as though I’d let myself down, so stayed strong.

only 38 hours until I can eat, think I might break my fast with some fish and veg, following by a delicious brownie 😋

I’m back to doing 100 sit ups a day, I love it when I feel focused.

I’ll check back in tonight x x
Hey, I’ve just hit 3 full days fasting or 72 hours 😍 I’m feeling fine and excited to eat again lol. My aim was 100 hours but I’ll be in bed so probably be more like 110 hours. Pain in my knee has massively reduced, in fact I don’t think it’s hurt at all today, compared to a few days ago when it was hurting with every step, feels absolutely amazing.
I’m going to try my best to eat well when I end my fast and maybe do a longer fast every few weeks to keep my knee pain away and because it’s a good way to stay in control of my eating.

Goodnight x x
Jason Fung is great. He's written a couple of books worth reading and has some blog posts on full of info. Glad you feel better.