Working Soloution

I'm doing a bit of a mixture. On days where I'm suffering from lack of sleep (14 mth old), or it's just too much I do working solution and on other days when all well, I do Total solution. I'm finding it's working really well for me (the first 2 weeks were full total solution)..

I hope you find a route that works for you.

Thats a good idea Cybil, I'm currently doing the WS but if I ever have a day where I aren't that bothered about food (unlikely) then I could just miss the meal out.

I've been having a small peice of chicken or dteak with green veg, not my first weigh in till tomorrow so not sure about losses yet :)
I'm thinking of doing this too, I am struggling and find myself eating stupid things so I am thinking of doing working solutions at weekends to have something to look forward to.