Worried - New Lighter Lifer!

Thanks Trish..it was just disappointing that I've not cheated and done everything I should be doing but only lost half what many others did...hopefully it'll get better...:)

Wondering whether or not I should start swimming/body combat etc to try and step it up...but knowing my luck I'll be one of the ones who's weight loss slows when they start exercising..but my LLC did say that exercising will mean more of loss and quicker!! Can't win...no idea what to believe!!...
Do whatever excercise you want - it's always a good idea to combine it with the weight loss so you lose inches as well as pounds.
And you'll look FAB too :)
Thanks again Trish..think I'll go for a swim tonight and try body combat class tomorrow...really want a nice surprise on Thursday at the weigh in :)
Nat - 3 3/4 lb in four days is really good. You're doing so well, stick with it - re the exercise you just do whatever you feel you can do.

Good luck

Hello hello

Apologies for quick response - have popped home between work and ... work!

Please DON'T be disappointed and here's why; I lost, I think, 7lbs in the first week total while someone else lost a stone. Was I disheartened? Of course, I was!!! And that's why I am writing this to you...

By the end of Foundation, I had lost 3stone 2lbs and the one stone person had lost just under 3 stone so...my point is, it all evens out. It's also really not worth (but hard not to) comparing yourself with others because our bodies do their own thing.

I hope this helps; I want to reassure you that it's not worth being disappointed. You WILL lose weight if you follow the programme and there are always so many factors that determine/affect that weekly weight loss.

I say this as someone who has been in your shoes and didn't believe it would work. But somehow it does so keep going!! It really is worth it.

Good luck and remember if your one week weigh in is still disappointing, you will be amazed by week two but I reckon you will get a pleasant surprise!

Keep us posted.

Mrs L xx
There's a guy in my group who regularly has small loss followed by a huge loss the next week. He is used to this now and isn't disheartened when he loses 2lb one week as the following week it will be 6lb.

Bodies are weird!
Well done on your loss. As others have said its important not to compare yourself to others. Yes it can be hard when people around you lose more (see losses - I know, I've been there - its gutting!) but you need to get a grip on these feelings before the negative thoughts sabotage your attemots to loose weight. You also need to watch out for making the classic excuse of "could have lost more on weight watchers!"...This diet is TOUGH but it works but you have to stick to it for it to do that. This is about your personal journey, not others, LC's or even anyone else on here. Our bodies react differently to the diet but it does work so hang in there & push through the pain barrier. One of the FAB things about this site is that peeople KNOW how tough it is. We have been there. Some will be honest, some wont but I defy anyone to say its a breeze cos it aint but it is definately worth it! Huge hugs for you! One note of caution on the excercise - dont overdo it! Think logically (not emotionally) - your body is getting used to 500 cals a day and is currently in "what the ...." mode so be nice to it. Look after it, rest it and pamper it! Yes, excercise but at the start go gently because otherwise you can have a huge crash and feel awful (sick, dizzy, exhausted & quite weak). You'll soon find the right level for you and dont worry, even if you dont excercise you will still loose weight!
Just To Give You An Update - Did 3 Combat Classes Last Week, Had Wi On Monday And Lost Another 5lbs So Thats 22lb Now - Also Got Our Measurements Done - I Lost 61/4 Inches From My Waist, A Couple From My Bust And Another Couple From My Hips - I Think That A Bit Of Exercise Is Great Fro You - More Money To Spend On Clothes Instead Of Plastic Surgery At The End Hahah
Soontobeslim did you lose all those inches in 1 week?! That's great!! I think I'm going to give the body combat and swimming a go...am starting to panic about sagging/loose skin!!
Fear not...all these fears and worries are perfectly normal in the early stages. It really does get easier & less anxious with time! I think you just relax into it somehow!