
How about starting by writing yourself a list of reasons you want to lose weight, every single little reason including the small and silly ones like for example one of mine would be not wanting my thighs to rub together and get sore in warm weather or wanting to be able to sit comfortably on a bus seat without having to avoid the ones with the handrails. Then write yourself some small attainable goals and decide how you will reward yourself when you hit them for example eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day every day for a week, drink 6-8 glasses of water a day for a week, weigh and measure everything accurately for a week, track everything I eat for a week etc if I achieve these I will treat myself to the new weight watchers magazine (which is actually really good this month lol). Knowing what you are aiming for will help you get where you want to be, a bit like using a map for travelling somewhere new but you need them written down so you can refer to them when/if you get lost and go off track. Good luck. Hugs Crystal xx