XxFriday Lets do it Hour by HourXx

how much have you lost in total from when you started?
4stone and 3lbs!! its been quite a long journey but ive had numerous breaks away and weekends of for one thing and another!! have started at size 26 now in 18/20 i feel great just will be so happy once i get another few stone of!
well after an 11 hour shift at work and a 10 hour shift tomorrow i'm shattered, ha. but the diet has gone well today. i did forget my third shake last night. i was full after my 810 meal, ha. so i'm going to have a tetra tonight i think. i'll remember that!!

hope everyone else has had a successful friday. i've had 2.5 litres so far and i drink quite a bit in the evenings so today has been a successful water day :)

abz xx
I've had 4 litres and 3 shakes. Can't stop peeing lol. Funny how after the initial pee fest my body got used to it......and silly me HAD to eat a few bits last week and so now I am doing the whole pee fest again. Hopefully it'll be worth it though, would love to see scales read a good loss come Monday....

Feeling very lonely today...have had a busy kind of day, said goodbye to some good friends, which is a real down side to Army life I guess. Hubby rang but couldn't talk for long as he had to go off somewhere. Evenings and weekends seem so much longer when you're lonely don't they.
Ah well, will try and keep busy. Other than first thing this morning I haven't felt hungry so pleased with that. Was due on around Monday but that still hasn't arrived.....who will bet with me that it arrives next Thursday, just in time for when hubby comes home....
the friday is very very hard for us. We're so used to eating the evening away and now there's only tea.....