yet another newbie - on day one!


Full Member
Hi all!
I thought I'd give a quick (or knowing me, long and rambling) intro...

I'm 22 and a student from East Sussex or the Midlands (depending on what time of year it is - lol!). Today was my first day on CD and so far its going ... well, so-so. I haven't been tempted to cheat, just found it hard to remember to have my shakes and drink lots of water.

I'm not sure *exactly* how much I weigh (CDC's scales were playing up with me), but I think im looking to lose around 6-7 stone - so I have a long way to go!

Hopefully since I'll be sticking around for some time I'll get to know you all and find some great friends.

S x
Hi just thought i would say welcome to minimins and good luck with your weight loss.:welcome:
I am also 22 and have at least 7 stone to lose and there are so many people here that if you want a question answering or just some support, someone will understand what you are going through.
So good luck and keep us updated!
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Hi and :welcome: to Minimins :)
Good luck on your weight loss journey x
Hi and welcome! :D
Good luck with CD!
Hi there,
I'm only a little older (24) and have a similiar amount to loose... it seems like such a long way off doesnt it?! I'm doing slim fast but finding that im eating far too much for my one "600 kcal meal" (surprise, surprise!) but im sooo hungry by then! Am thinking about VLCD (CD or similar) but I'm sure I would pass out on 500kcal a day! Anyway, good luck - keep in touch.
Hi everyone!
Thanks for the welcome! :D

Its been really good looking around here and seeing what everyone has achieved - though I'm finding I need to avoid catorgories on 'actual food' based diets ;)

Vicsy - I did slim fast as a teen, and I found that really hard. I'm only 2 days in right now - but I'm finding vlcd suits me because im not hungry and it appeals to my lazy side!
It does seem a long way off, but I keep thinking if I started and stuck to things *before* then I would be there by now - and I dont want to be thinking that next year too! Good luck with yours too hun!

Irene - I saw the teams, though I'm not quite sure yet how to join them.... but thats definately something that will help keep me motivated if I can work it out!

Ast - Good luck with your weightloss - I'm -sure- you can do it! What plan are you on?

allday, kiesha, jax, Mr_wombat, lozbo, becky - thanks for the welcome and I hope all of you are doing well with whatever plan your on!