Yooo hooooo - MiniMe!!!....Calling MiniMe!

Thank you BL, I don't normally post photos as I'm not very confident but feeling so confident with LL this time that I thought in for a penny, in for a pound. Now on day 4 and its all been fine and I'm looking forward to Monday weigh in.
Good for you! :)

That was kind of my attitude too - it's kind of scary posting pics - and I always hesitate....but it helps build confidence in a way - at least for me - its been a good exercise in accepting myself. :)

:) Glad its all going good!!! You will be so happy Modany - can't wait to hear!
I agree

Hello Minime AND BL

You are brave.It's hard , I only managed
it by following BL's example. I expect
you are like me and haven't got many "befores".
