YOOOO HOOOO to all you 2009ers back for 2011!!!

It's amazing everyones back after so long! Awwwwww ;)

Jess, you sound so busy but you're coping well hun. Take it a day at a time and yes the flask sounds like a great idea. :)

Lovely to hear from you. give Julie my love. Xxxxxx
Hi Jess, how's things?
Hi Jess, guess you are super busy, hope you have managed to sort your lunch time shake with your flask of hot water....... dont be a stranger...
What Curly said... where are you hun?

Sorry again for going awol. That all I seem to do these days - apologise.

Work STILL manic and taking over everything I wish it would calm down - I cant concentrate on anything and I have a really short fuse - I ended up shouting down the phone at a customer service guy for the bank because I couldnt access my money and transfer it which is not like me at all. Story far too long and endless for here but now it is sorted THANK GOD!

I havent managed to get on here at all because I have been bringing work home every night so I havent had chance to catch up on everyones diairies. Im going to try and do that this weekend and I hope you are all okay and hanging in there.

I have taken today and monday off to have a nice 4 day weekend from work as it has been FULL ON this last 4 weeks and my brain cant take anymore.
Also DD is having a sleepover tomorrow night for 3 of her friends so the house will be teeming with 9yr old girls so I cant imagine I will get much sleep then on Sunday we have family coming over for a joint birthday party for DD and HB and then on Monday Im out for lunch with HB for his birthday and out for tea with some of the mums from my kids school..........AND...........BREATHE!!!

I feel like I just want to go and live in a bubble a the moment with some books to read and no-one disturb me for about 3 weeks and then I can come back and be refreshed - unfortunately holiday not until June boo-hoo.

With all the birthday celebrations going on its a good job Im not ssing DD has started to ask far too many questions about shakes and I need to get both the kids to eat more healthily so last night I rejoined WW, so I have reset my ticker to the ww weigh in last night and am giving myself a year to get my eating weight and head sorted once and for all - like the advert says 'let this be the last diet you ever do'.

Apparently it was designed for the classic yo-yo dieter so its right up my street - the leader is really good and inspiring which for me is essential.

I have tried SSing over the last few weeks and the classic line for CD is you have to be in the right place mentally to do it and unfortunately at the moment Im not with everything going on. Work is bad and home life is ok but mentally is all consuming as I know the relationship needs to end but I just cant bring myself to do it at the moment. Im having constant nightmares about it as I have only ever ended 1 relationship before and it went really badly.

sorry to go on hope you are all doing ok and will try and catch up over the weekend
Big hug for Jess, you sound like there is so much going on for you hun... agree that CD may not be the route for you, but WW will get you to the same destination. Keep posting because it's still the same journey, and we need all the support we can get! Have a good weekend and try to take some time out for YOU.

Hi Jess,

So glad you posted and hope that life becomes less manic for you soon. Three weeks in the sun with a load of books to recharge..........if only eh?

You will probably feel a whole heap better now that you have made a decision that you can live with . Whatever plan you are on is no matter, we are all 2009ers here, all on the same wagon and right behind each other.

Good luck, you can and will do it :D xx
Big hug for Jess, you sound like there is so much going on for you hun... agree that CD may not be the route for you, but WW will get you to the same destination. Keep posting because it's still the same journey, and we need all the support we can get! Have a good weekend and try to take some time out for YOU.


What Katy said. xxx
thanks for dropping in chels katy and bess and for the support it means alot.
Im getting on well with all my jobs for today.........

washing...... most of it done and drying
tidying house... done
sorting out the abyss known as the conservatory which is a major dumping ground....... done

and now there's only the rest of the washing to do and write a list put for tesco so HB can go tomorrow. need to put some nice ww friendly food on the list........

and Im off out now to catch up with a friend so will be around later.
see you all later
Hey Jess, good to hear from you and agree with all the comments above. Have a great long weekend - how fab! x
Hey Jess..
Lovely to see you.......i totally understand its hard to get on here sometimes.. Yes for ss you have to definately have the right mind set to do it and if your not in that then its just not going to happen..
I believe every diet works it just finding the one that you can do that fits into your life at the time your doing it!!
Keep us posted hon and good luck with it!!!
Sorry AGAIN for disappearing its never intentional - this is first time in 2wks I have managed to get on the pc due to work - unfortunately things got a whole lot worse at work and we had an unexpected patient death and it has hit us all really hard. My colleague is off sick as a result and I am having to do all their visits aswell as my own which were manic as it was, so as you can imagine I dont know my own name most days!!
Sorry to come on and moan!!!! I havent managed to stick to ww either am just plodding along grabbing stuff when I can but its certinly not healthy most of the time.

I will get myself sorted this year as I keep promising but in reality I havent got the spare brain capacity at the moment to cope with any diet in any shape or form. Im hoping things calm down soon or I will definitely end up with burnout and I dont want to get to that stage again like last year.

I hope you all are getting on okay Im afraid I havent had time to catch up on anyones diaries and I will try and drop in again soon.

Off to write up my notes from today........
Hugs Jess, just good to hear from you and know you are ok (ish!) xx
Sending a hug, take care and don't stay away too long!
