Zumba DVD


Full Member
Just did the Cardio Party DVD and I thought it was very good! Certainly had my heart pumping, I was purple by the end of it!!!

Granted I discovered I'm very uncoordinated and have zero rhythm but i enjoyed it! I'm aiming to do it 4 times a week, so hopefully will see some good results on the scales :)

Anyone else doing Zumba at home? How do you find it?
glad you enjoyed it :) i used to do 4 classes a week and the wii then i trained and then spent my time at home learning the routines, going through steps etc. the wii was and still is great fun but i no longer have the time for the wii :( so busy with zumba :) got to plan a zumba gold class to start in september then there's the kids zumba zumbatomic also starting in september (training in late august). going to be busy busy busy. i still get a chance to participate though usually twice a week sometimes 3 times on top of doing my own classes twice a week. i tend to burn just under 500 cals for 45 mins. thursday last week was 461 cals and tues was 471 cals.
I do zumba at home too, I have the DVDs and the wii game but I find the DVDs better, I try to do the zumba live DVD 3-4 times a week and the 20 min express on the other days when I don't have as much time - I love it, I'd like to go to a class at some point but at the moment I'm too self conscious and too un co-ordinated!! Lol
Thanks for the responses! I have a long way to go before I could even attempt a class in public... lol the injuries to others would be catastrophic :D But I'll keep practicing and no doubt there will be improvement soon. I like it as its high energy, "happy" and you don't notice the time go by.