lauralozzle's final attempt!!! Slimming/Food diary with pictures!


Full Member
A little about myself:

I am very good at self sabotage! My name is Laura, and since the age of about 19 I have been on and off diets! I lose some, and then it all goes pear shaped and I put it back on again and more! After trying to lose weight for a friends wedding earlier this year and failing, I have just not cared about what I'm putting into my body! I just keep eating and eating! I am determined to make this my last effort!

I am currently 156 pounds (11 stone 2) and would love to be out of the 150s by my birthday (January 16th). That is my first target! I would eventually love to get to 135 pounds but I'm not in any rush!

I am hoping to do Zumba most week nights (on my wii) to help shed the pounds. When I get into a routine with Zumba I will try and add some toning exercises (although I hate weights).

I work as a teaching assistant in a secondary school and I am therefore on my feet quite a lot! Myfitnesspal has taken this into account and therefore has set my calorie intake accordingly at 1,450 so that is what I will shoot for!

Food Diary

Sunday 15th December

Breakfast: Coffee with sweeteners and milk; weetabix apple and cinnamon breakfast biscuits.

Lunch: White roll (wholemeal needs defrosting!) with I can't believe it's not butter, peppered ham, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, Dijon mustard; packet of cheese curls.

Dinner: Roast pork with roasted potato, roasted parsnip, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, pigs in blankets and gravy.

Snacks: 2 glasses of wine

Total calories: 1636

Exercise: 4 mile walk across wet muddy fields with the dog! Burned 360 calories!
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Re: lauralozzle's final attempt!!!

My lovely dinner

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lauralozzle's final attempt!!!

So weigh ins are a Monday. I'm a little disappointed but never mind, this week I've seen 154 but this morning it was a very clear 155.0 lbs. Still, I'll take that as it's still a loss! Even if it's just a small one! I did have a large dinner yesterday so that could be why...
Good luck Laura I will be here to cheer you on, I'm going to start calorie counting too :) x
Oh dear, so Christmas came and put a halt to my hard work. Well, the final straw came today. I was wearing a pair of jeans that are quite old and quite worn, and then I realised that the had split near the thigh on the inside. Quite heart breaking really because I remember how proud I was to get into size 10 jeans and now I'm splitting them apart.

I got a bit mardy and the boyfriend suggested buying a size up! Which although sounds sensible hurt more than I think he understands. I feel horrible and dumpy and I need it to stop now! I need to stop grazing all day! It's not healthy and will only make me fatter!!

I am going to weigh in tomorrow and go from there.
Subscribing as I'm cal counting too and always looking for ideas! I enjoy following you to goal! Xxx
Thanks guys, so I weighed in today, it was not good! 11 stone 5.6 lbs. Hopefully I'll get rid of that pretty soon! New Years Eve tonight so I will try and be as good as possible, will weigh again in the morning because I like the 1st of January to be my weigh in day, and then follow it the week after that.
There was some pizza takeaway last night, but I only had a few slices (which is better than normal) and a few beers. Much better than it could have been, and I had been good in the day with porridge and a very salad heavy ham roll. Quite a bit of walking too! And dancing.

Weighed myself today, exactly the same (which is okay!) and so I continue properly!
Thanks^^ :)

Well, I'll be honest now. Yesterday started very well, I had a good cooked breakfast of scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast. Filled me up nicely past lunchtime (in retrospect, I should have had something to eat at lunchtime regardless). Knew dinner wouldn't be until seven at the latest because that was when SO came back from work. So I ate some leftover cold pizza (which I never do!) and then had two crackers with stilton!!! Then when SO came back from work he decided he didn't want what we had first planned for dinner, so ended up making a curry (I must admit, I didn't eat much of it!). But then, I ate some more stilton! That is all finished now, I will not be buying any more! Not until I can control myself!

So, calories for yesterday. Probably a lot over 2,000. Not great.
Don't beat yourself up about it. This time of year is really difficult to stay on track! Today is a new day, just take it from there. :)
Today has been a much more positive day. Not all my choices have been fantastic but I have been in my calorie allowance and I feel pretty good about that!

Went for a long walk today too! I'm going to try and get in at least 1000 minutes of exercise this month! My own mini challenge!

Breakfast: Weetos with semi skimmed milk and a small glass of orange juice. (223 calories)

Lunch: Chip roll. (572 calories)

Dinner: Cumberland sausages, boiled potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts and gravy. (512 calories)

Pudding: Apple and natural yogurt. (141 calories)

Calories overall: 1,448

Dinner was lovely :)


Exercise: 110 minute walk.

Thank you Rach :) I know, I reckon getting back into the swing of things will be easier when I start back work next week. Although I have enjoyed the time off!

Dinner was lush. Those sausages were really nice. Have some left over in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow!
Thank you Rach :) I know, I reckon getting back into the swing of things will be easier when I start back work next week. Although I have enjoyed the time off!

Dinner was lush. Those sausages were really nice. Have some left over in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow!

Ah would be nice with scrambled egg and mushrooms!