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    Let it all go to waste

    :( Completely ruined my diet and all the hard work, had a near three week binge. I don't seem to have any motivation to get back into it. HELP!!
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    Question for Iris and other CC's

    Great idea about sticking little inspirational pics into your food log, gonna try that definitely!
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    How do you cope with a diet and full time job?

    If it's not in then you can't eat it! That's a good idea for not taking cash to work, I might try that too to take away my temptation to go to the vending machine :)
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    I weighed in for the first time last night ..

    And lost 2lbs :D Small but steady I'm hoping, so pleased, now I know I am actually losing ! :D
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    Studnet diet and exercise!

    Do you have sugar in your tea? As you've said, you drink a lot of it and that extra sugar might not be helping. I find it really hard to cut out bread / pasta etc, I think the easiest way is to switch to whole wheat bread and brown rice and pasta. A small whole wheat bread slice is 53 cals...
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Just weighed in, lost my first 2lbs, so happy!
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    Quick meal ideas

    Stir fry sounds nice. I usually try and keep my dinner below 500cals :)
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    How do you cope with a diet and full time job?

    ALWAYS prepare the night before. When you wake up in the morning it's so tempting to sleep that extra 10mins and grab something at work! But you save money too. I always have a box of bran cereal at my desk too, so if I don't have time for breakfast I don't need to order a bacon sandwhich or...
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    New and looking for support and a buddy

    I'm relatively new too, I've already found this website is a big help - just look at the success stories to feel inspired! Whenever I fall off the wagon, I always try and hold on to that feeling when I've finished eating whatever / how much I've eaten. Bloated, unhappy, even more depressed...
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    Quick meal ideas

    All I seem to be eating is salad, grilled chicken, mackerel, cous cous and whole wheat toast for dinner ( alternating each night ) Does anyone have any quick to make meal ideas that might give me some variety? I eat pretty much any food really! Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)
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    Have you ever felt

    I can completely agree, there are a few people in my life that seem determined to throw me off course, or if I decline the offer of a Chinese buffet night out or something, are really unsupportive. Girls will always be jealous, but dieting will make you and only yourself feel happy in the end...
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    Snacky type food?? Any suggestions?

    I always have carrots ( or any veg strips really ) and dip it into a small pot of light Philadelphia, really tasty / filling and only about 100 cals.
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    Alcohol and weight loss??

    Beers then takeout is one of my biggest weakness also, I've had to cut that right down. Think it was making up to 20% of my calories weekly !
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Arghh I ate a pizza on Friday night, felt like crap all Saturday, so did a half hour workout yesterday, and only ate high bran cereal and fruit to keep the calories right down. Back on salads etc for the week!
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    New, looking for advice please!

    Yeah, I've been monitoring fat content too, daily it usually comes to 40 / 45 grams. Now I've set my weekly weigh in I hope I'll be able to see that I am actually losing weight ( fingers crossed )
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Just to add, I also have a target BMI of 22. My current BMI is just over 25.2, which is overweight, and increases risk of obesity - related diseases, if I can get to 22 I will be classed as healthy.
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    Hello - how many calories SHOULD I be eating?

    That's a really useful site, says for extreme fat loss i should be eating about 1200, which is what I'm doing now, hoping it'll start having an effect!
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    Teary in Tescos

    That's amazing, well done! x
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Decided my weekly weigh in will be on Thursdays, hopefully this will give me motivation to get through Fridays / Saturdays - I find these the hardest days to get through without snacking or eating unhealthily when I'm out with friends.
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    Favourote breakfast

    A big bowl of All Bran and milk, it's under 150 cals, and keeps me going til lunch! Or one egg on wholegrain toast and a peice of fruit, about 250 cals.
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    New, looking for advice please!

    My clothes feel very slightly different! I've just got some scales so even if I can't see the difference, hopefully I can check I am actually losing - if not maybe I'll try a different diet!
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Thanks Annie! I've just weighed myself, and I weight 161 lbs. I'm looking at a target weight of 120lbs, but I'm going to do it in stages of 10lbs a time!
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    Abi's Weight Loss Diary!

    Hi, so I think the starting point will be tonight when I go and pick up a pair of scales and a tape measure. I'll write down my measurements / weight, and it starts from here! I'll be following the calorie counting diet, as I think my weight loss needs to be a complete change of attitude about...
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    4 Years at goal!!

    That's amazing and inspirational, you look fab! x
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    What made you think "right it's time to lose weight?"

    I used to dance, I was probably the healthiest / fittest person you'd ever meet, then after an injury I had to change profession - boredom and a total lifestyle change meant that I didn't care any more - if I wasn't using my body then why did I have to look after it? I saw a picture from a...
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    New, looking for advice please!

    Thanks for all the advice everyone! Going to get a tape measure definitely, that'll probably keep me motivated ( hopefully ) seeing the inches drop off. I think it'll be important for me to have a start weight though and go from here too.
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    Why Calorie Counting?

    I've found Calorie Counting good so far, simply because you actually learn about the foods you're eating. I can pretty much look at any food in a supermarket now, know what the good and bad points are and how it will fit in to my diet. As someone said, it's a basic diet principal and something...
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    New, looking for advice please!

    Hi, I've been gradually dieting over the past 2 months - I knew it would take a while to get my body used to it, as I used to eat so much crap, probably around 3000 calories a day due to sheer boredom / bad choices / working in the city centre surrounded by temptation! I'm now eating around...
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    I started this week too, haven't actually picked up any scales yet though!
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    Introducing myself!

    Hi everyone, I'm Abi / 19 / Manchester. Registered on this forum for support and encouragement, and to try and keep myself on track for once. Why am I on a diet? I've danced competitively since I was 6, and attended dance college full time for 3 years. My body was in the best shape and...