Introducing myself!


Hi everyone, I'm Abi / 19 / Manchester.

Registered on this forum for support and encouragement, and to try and keep myself on track for once.

Why am I on a diet?

I've danced competitively since I was 6, and attended dance college full time for 3 years. My body was in the best shape and condition possible, as well as my general health and fitness. After an injury and change in career direction approx a year ago, I've found my excercise has gone from nearly 9 hours every single day to practically nothing, and from working in an office and at home - I eat rubbish, and a lot of it when I'm bored. I'm a smaller size 12, but I feel awful in my own body, and unhealthy / unfit. I want to tone up, lose my belly and feel happy with myself again!