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  1. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    Cheers Steve, Have just downloaded it but am off to my bed now and will fill it all in tomorrow and give you feedback. It looks absolutley brilliant. Its true the page was getting rather long lol
  2. SabreWulfe

    lack of willpower/motivation

    Hi Hannah, I feel that "dieting" or healthy eating, whatever you want to call it, is a bit like giving up drugs, drink or smoking but having to have a little bit of your "drug" every day (obviously you cant stop eating) - making it even harder, of course. But you HAVE to be in the right mind...
  3. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    Brilliant!:bliss: I will deffinately have this one. I've been using your original spreadsheet for the past 40 weeks and it really has helped me to get through. Especially when I've been a bit naughty as you can actually see on the chart the backward step you've taken - it also makes you realise...
  4. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    It is really good isnt it..... Ive been using it for 40 weeks now! 4 more lbs to go and I'm at target weight! Woohoo
  5. SabreWulfe

    Long Time No Speak - I'm Back :-)

    But you've lost so much!! At least it will get better though and maybe with some butter creams and massage with a bit of excercise it will all help, but there is light at the end of the tunnel :-)
  6. SabreWulfe

    Long Time No Speak - I'm Back :-)

    Hi Mini, 2 months for every stone you lose? Ah, I havnt heard that before. Thats interesting to know. OK that gives me some hope. I was going to get back to the gym when my protein intake goes up - for the muscle and so on. But that deffinately makes me feel better. :) Yes I could go up a...
  7. SabreWulfe

    Long Time No Speak - I'm Back :-)

    Hi cuddly, Ive just checked out your pics and you look so different, well done. You must be so proud of yourself and I bet you've vowed never, never to put that weight back on - I know I have. Considering we started around the same time you have lost so much more than me. As for me being...
  8. SabreWulfe

    Is weight loss guareenteed in first week

    Yes it will be a year in april 22, but I have had 2 weeks off at xmas and new year, I had a couple days of on my bithday in June, my daughters in august and a 2 week holiday in august but apart from that, yeah, more or less on sole sourse the whole time and I must say I feel so much healthier...
  9. SabreWulfe

    Long Time No Speak - I'm Back :-)

    OMG my memory is getting so bad - of course it was Gary - yes Fattothin, that was it and nicktastic. Is she still around? I bet she did really well. I'm not on LT at the mo as I said I switched from LT to Cambridge but am having real problems since re-starting after the xmas hols, but basically...
  10. SabreWulfe

    Is weight loss guareenteed in first week

    did you weigh yourself on YOUR scales on the 1st day? I have 2 sets of scales at home and they both give different readings by about 2 lbs, so make sure your weighed on the same scales at the same time of day. And yeah, your only 4 days in and depending on how much carb you have in your system...
  11. SabreWulfe

    I'm back again

    Hiya, and welcome back:) I know this is what I should be telling myself but its so hard to do. Basically get it in your head that you just have to get through 3 or 4 days withouth cheating and from then on its pretty much plain sailing. If you do get really hungry, try splitting your sachets...
  12. SabreWulfe

    Long Time No Speak - I'm Back :-)

    Hi guys and gals, how is everyone? Dunno if anyone will remember me but I started LipoTrim last April about a week after Nicki and I rember Dave who was always quite tough when you need it. He was a great inspiration to me after losing so much weight. I hope you've kept it off. OK so what have...
  13. SabreWulfe

    Lost 3.5 lb this week! woo!

    Totally agree there........ start to cheat and its a slippery slope. For me total abstinance is easier than seeing what I can get away with...... having said that I did cheat week 1 (lol.... hypocrite much) but I was so hungry. The hunger has gone now, and its more emotional now. I want food but...
  14. SabreWulfe

    A Real Inspiration - Andy Back

    Dunno if you guys have seen this before but I found this guys web site last night and read his entire journey on LighterLife. He went from 24st something to 11 1/2 st in around 8 months! But I found his maintenance journal a little worrying cos he put a couple of stone back on even though he...
  15. SabreWulfe

    Ode to you

    wow you really have a talent there methinx.... very inspirational.
  16. SabreWulfe


    Awww..c an so relate. Just drag yourself through today and get an early night..... tmoirrow will be so much better. Bigs hugs.
  17. SabreWulfe

    Week 16 maybe? maintaining!

    Well done Tracy! I'm betting this post will put a lot of peoples minds to rest about refeed and maintenance. I dont have any problems or worrys about that but usually what lets me down is emotional eating. Last time I lost 3 st and was still losing when I had a big argument with the hubby, I...
  18. SabreWulfe


    It really annoys me when I read reports like that on the net. It was the same when I did Atkins... "oh dont do atkins/Lipotrim its a quick fix then you pile it all back on again and more" duh, of course you will if you dont change your eating habits. You always have the nay sayers that want...
  19. SabreWulfe


    LOL at Jenny..... it does seem like a singles site sometimes dont it..... keeps us all amused tho. Hey well done on your driving test. Its great having that freedom to drive anywhere you want.
  20. SabreWulfe


    OMG! That is amazing! I bet you jumping for joy. And get your ticker up and running. I love looking at peoples tickers and weight loss records.
  21. SabreWulfe

    My beautiful lipotrim Buddies

    Im sorry to hear that, but you sound really determined and with your track record I'm sure you'll do really well. Good luck for the future.... you'll get there and you are such an inspiration.
  22. SabreWulfe

    First Week Weigh in!!

    Well done LouLou... keep it up and we'll all be skinny soon lol
  23. SabreWulfe

    So depressed..I'm up!!!

    OMG! That would gut me, after all the hard work, but what can you do? Just put it down to experience (and maybe it is the TOTM), next week you'll lose for this week as well!
  24. SabreWulfe

    My beautiful lipotrim Buddies

    WOW! you have done brillinatly......... can you not stay on LT with your health problems or do you just have to give up for a while until the op has been dealt with?
  25. SabreWulfe

    1st Weeks Weigh In...... 8lbs!! YeeeHaw!!

    Good luck Floppy Belly for tomorrow and thanx guys. I love this diet ....i can see the end in sight. I just know I'm gonna do it this time.
  26. SabreWulfe

    3 lb this week :)

    Yeah I'm the same as you Shaz... shake a bit of bread at me and I'll put on 10lbs even without the fat. There seems to be a growing number of people that have problems with carbs. We all know the worlds getting fatter,its always on the TV and in the papers but research shows that our intake of...
  27. SabreWulfe

    1st Weeks Weigh In...... 8lbs!! YeeeHaw!!

    went to the chemist for my weekly weigh in and I was down 4kg...... thats 8.8lbs in real money! On my scales at home I'd only gone down 5lbs so I was well happy. And I cheated on day 3 with a mushroom omelette and salad (still trying to keep it relatively healthy and no carbs) I was so hungry...
  28. SabreWulfe

    Day 1

    Well done Sabina for getting through 2 days. its hard isnt it. I've just had my 1st weigh in and amazingly lost 4kgs.... 8.8lbs!! So just get to the 1st weigh in and you'll be fine. I must say the 1st 3, maybe 4 days are very hard. I had headaches, felt very, very hungry and had wobbly legs and...
  29. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    Inch Loss Graph? Hey Steve, this is brilliant, but I was wondering if its at all possible to add some columns for inch loss. It may be too much for the same sheet - it may be easier to start another one that way it could have its own graph as well. But I would really like to record my inch loss...
  30. SabreWulfe

    The Last Supper! Start finally tomorrow!

    :):):)LOL at you guys...... you crack me up:):):)
  31. SabreWulfe

    Day 3 And Feeeling Good!!!

    Good for you hun. I must deffo get some peppermint tea because the choccy mint shake sounds lovely. I've been having iced vanilla with coffee in the morning strawberry for lunch and a hot choccy at bedtime...... Gorgous.
  32. SabreWulfe


    yeah me too, but each day is a bit easier. I'm deffo drinking more than I did on day 1.
  33. SabreWulfe

    anyone else

    LOL.... slendertone pants? you should take the hubby to bed...... much better excercise lol
  34. SabreWulfe

    anyone else

    LOL.... I think about food all the time Nik but I dont know if its due to coming on here....... I think I'd think about it anyway, but at least I'm not hungry now. I can see this diet getting harder in way though, once the novelty has worn off. But thats a problem for tomorrow not now lol
  35. SabreWulfe


    Well theres this about water But there was another thread about drinking too much water but I cant find it now. Basically Mini contacted the lipotrim people and asked them, they said you shouldnt drink more than...
  36. SabreWulfe


    Well done for getting through it so far. There was a really good post about water yesterday. I shall see if I can find it for you.
  37. SabreWulfe

    Day 3 And Feeeling Good!!!

    Hurray! At last this startvational hunger has gone! I'm so happy. I used my keto stix last night and I'd just gone into ketosis....... this morning the pink was much stronger, not bad eh for day 3. Tis probabaly becaus the week before I started this I was only eating protein and hardly any...
  38. SabreWulfe

    I want to change to another diet!

    Awww.... poor you. I totally agree with everyone else here, you're not a deserter, you have todo whats right for you. I did Atkins 3 years ago and did really well, lost over 3st but took around 6 months to do that, so a lot longer than the results Ive seen here, but you will get there plus you...
  39. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    Hiya and welcome! You need to have Excel, then double click on the file, when it opens you'll see another file inside and thats the one you want to open, double click on that and it's up and running. Alternatively you can right click on the file and extract to wherever you want to put it...
  40. SabreWulfe

    Another Rant!!!!

    I know how you feel Nikki, but whatever you do dont give in like last time.... remember how you felt about yourself..... its not worth it. Just get an early night and I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} :grouphugg:
  41. SabreWulfe

    Oxo Cubes.......... Are they Allowed

    yep.... as I thought. Still I thought I'd ask anyway, just in case. Fattothin, I never saw that post.
  42. SabreWulfe

    Does drinking more water make you lose more and when will i start to notice physical

    Mmmm..... not sure how the hubby is going to feel about it when he does find out.... which he will because you're going to start shrinking. If my hubby kept something like this from me I think I would feel really hurt that they didnt trust me to react in a supportive manner. I would seriously...
  43. SabreWulfe

    Oxo Cubes.......... Are they Allowed

    I have a horrible feeling that they wont be but I really need some sort of flavour. Is there any savoury drink... bovril, oxo, marmite, that I can have. I think that would help no end.
  44. SabreWulfe

    New to this diet, i need help & support

    Hello Tash, were about the same. Its my 2nd day as well and I'm 14st 3lbs and need to get to around 9.5st/10st. I'm also finding it a struggle, the smells I smelt today as I was walking around town were almost too much for me and I had to dash home and get a shake down me. But I understand...
  45. SabreWulfe

    2nd day and still starving

    Hi Julia, yes you are right, I should quit my coffee - well actually I have cut down since starting LT because I used to drink around 10+ coffees with 3 sugars in each, but now I drink 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch and 1 in the evening. So for me thats a big difference. I cant imagine having the...
  46. SabreWulfe

    Abbreviation Meanings Question

    My God Kitt!!!!...... is that right? You've really lost 18 stone? That is amasing. You should write your story for a magazine or something. I'm sure there arnt that many people that have had weight losses that major. I bet you're ecstatic. I'd love to know your story.
  47. SabreWulfe

    Abbreviation Meanings Question

    Does anyone know how to delete your own posts because twice tonight my posts have been published twice by mistake.
  48. SabreWulfe

    Abbreviation Meanings Question

    Thanx guys.... I dont feel so dumb now lol And Kelly..... when you fill your details in on the diet ticker website theres a drop down menu for ponds or kilos...... your choice. Hope that helps.
  49. SabreWulfe

    Abbreviation Meanings Question

    Thanx guys.... I dont feel so dumb now lol And Kelly..... when you fill your details in on the diet ticker website theres a drop down menu for ponds or kilos...... your choice. I hope that helps. I did take a screen shot of the site to explain it better for you but I dont know how to add...
  50. SabreWulfe

    3 days in

    3 days in?...... you seem to be doing really well, havnt you had any hunger or wobbly legs? I expect you'll be going into ketosis on day 4 or 5. Well done, and fingers crossed for a good weigh-in.
  51. SabreWulfe

    Abbreviation Meanings Question

    I seen on many posts such things as LT, LL AND CD. Well I figured out LT=LipoTrim and CD=Cambridge Diet but what does LL mean? Also in another post I saw someone ask if the poster was SS-ing or on 795 or something.....some number anyway, and I've seen SS in other places too. What does that...
  52. SabreWulfe


    Excercise Lill, how long had you been on LT before walking again? I see from your sig that youve been on it at least 12 weeks, so I guess I have a way to go yet lol
  53. SabreWulfe


    Lill, how long had you been on LT before walking again? I see from your sig that youve been on it at least 12 weeks, so I guess I have a way to go yet lol
  54. SabreWulfe


    Hey Nikki, no..... nobody said anything about excercise and after what I've read here and after my wobbly legs today I think I should find out for sure. I didnt realise I would feel so c****y. But I think if this passes and I FEEL OK then I'll go for it. I just feel better when I work out but I...
  55. SabreWulfe

    2nd Day And Still Starving!!!!

    Hi guys, well I actually got through yesterday but my tummy was rumbling all night and found it really difficult to sleep. Went out ealier and could smell all the food and coffee as I passed various cafes and I tell you, I very nearly succumbed but didnt. I felt so pleased with myself when I got...
  56. SabreWulfe

    2nd day and still starving

    Hi guys, well I actually got through yesterday but my tummy was rumbling all night and found it really difficult to sleep. Went out ealier and could smell all the food and coffee as I passed various cafes and I tell you, I very nearly succumbed but didnt. I felt so pleased with myself when I got...
  57. SabreWulfe

    grrrrrr - m&s ad

    LOL..... I totally agree.... there should be some sort of warning before they show it
  58. SabreWulfe


    Dont become a slave to the scales.......... I agree with Nicki, it matters more what you look like than what you weigh. Use a tape meausure AND the scales and if the inches are coming off in the right places your doing fine. Also you need to keep your cardio health up as well, I'm going to wait...
  59. SabreWulfe

    I'm ashamed i caved in after only 4 days

    Hey Kelly...... dont listen to other people. It seems no matter what you want to do in life to better yourself theyre'll always be a few that want to drag you down.......... why?..... I've no idea...... maybe its as you say.....fear that you'll look better than them one day. People get...
  60. SabreWulfe

    Does drinking more water make you lose more and when will i start to notice physical

    The only person that knows is my hubby and he's really supportive, he knows I wouldnt do anything without fully researching it first. I learnt after I did Atkins it's not worth telling people because they will always slag it off for some reason. Everyone, including my doctor seem to think that...
  61. SabreWulfe


    KellyBelly. heres a link about re-feed: Cant wait myself :)
  62. SabreWulfe


    Just enjoy your holiday and worry about your weight when you get back....... after all life is for living isnt it? When you drink have spirits with a diet coke or water as theres no carbs in that and if you want to stay in ketosiss thats what you need. Tons of salads, chicken, fish etc, but try...
  63. SabreWulfe

    Does drinking more water make you lose more and when will i start to notice physical

    HEHE, same here. :) I'll be wearing baggy clothes until I get to target then I'll buy all new and everyone will be so shocked lol
  64. SabreWulfe

    Does drinking more water make you lose more and when will i start to notice physical

    I think you have to drink loads to take the place of the water your not getting from natural food, but it does also fill your tummy up so your not so hungry (dosnt seem to work for me though lol.... but this is the 1st day). Also it helps flush all the fat and other nastys out of your system...
  65. SabreWulfe

    The Last Supper! Start finally tomorrow!

    ditto! LOL! I did exactly the same yesterday - the hubby and I went to a really nice little Italian restaurant and had the works, including wine. I'm really suffering now though just thinking about it. Roll on next week to the weigh in the end of hunger. Good luck with it.:)
  66. SabreWulfe

    Graph or Spreadsheet

    Graet Spreadsheet This is great .... its just what I needed. New I wouldnt be able to do one, so I was looking online and could only find the ones you pay for. Thanx again. x
  67. SabreWulfe

    Can I have one meal and still lose weight

    Hi Purple Haze, If you feel this way on your 1st day I would say this diet isnt for you. If you think you wont stick it then try a different diet. I wouldnt say this diet would suit everyone. I would suggest, as others, have already to go on the Cambridge diet - I was in 2 minds myself wether...
  68. SabreWulfe

    week one weigh in

    Well done Size12.... cant wait for my 1st weigh in! Hi to JellyBelly.. it's my 1st day too.
  69. SabreWulfe

    Started Today with 4st to Lose

    Wow! What a great welcome. Thanx guys :) Havnt you all done well? You've all lost so much weight. Cant wait for 3 months time. Hopefully I'll be more or less my target weight. At this present moment in time I am starving. I'm sat here with my glass of water waiting for my next meal...
  70. SabreWulfe

    Started Today with 4st to Lose

    Hi all :) I was checking out all the web sites and did my research about LipoTrim over the weekend, then Monday I went to my pharacist and got the gear, so today is D-Day, day 1, the very 1st day of this diet. I have about 4 stones to lose. I'm 14st 3ils at present with a BMI of 35 and am...