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  1. S

    Lets see how long it takes to get noticed!

    Hello bluetack :) we are all here to support you :) and it's like a big family.. I have been on Atkins for over three months now and it has changed my life. Good luck for your weight loss journey and have a strong will power. Keep other peoples comments away! Keep us posted and if you have any...
  2. S

    Ashleys JUDDD Diary :)

    Hello all - hope your well.. I am interested in starting the JUDDD diet to lose the last few pounds. My weight is 10st 9lb but been stuck for a few weeks. Starting today on a DD and calculated my cals on website. I would love to hear if people previous have had gd losses from this? Any advice...
  3. S

    Hopefully new success story!

    Hello Sara - my name is Sara too :) how are you? I feel very sympathetic toward your story. I hope it's going better for u now? Well anyway my story is not much but I will try to sum it up. I am 24 years old and since the age of 18 I had started putting on weight due to some issues I was having...
  4. S

    My first week worries...

    Hi MahzB hope it's going well for you. Though I'm not on slimming world I can say that the first week loss is most probably water weight. After the first week depending on how your doing it should settle down to about 2lb a week or so. I think this is the same with any diet. Good luck x
  5. S

    Got a reality check today- Help

    Don't know why I couldn't post my previous post I had written. Well anyway it's from amazon and it's called Dr Atkins new diet revolution. I recommend the 03 edition as anything after that is put together by other people (Dr Atkins passed away in 03). The cover is orange and blue :) VLC = Very...
  6. S

    Got a reality check today- Help

    Hello - I know it feels horrible.. I would suggest the Atkins diet.. I started two months ago and have lost over a stone :) of course I exercise too.. at least half hour of circuit training daily (x5 a week) which really helps to tone, fat loss and build muscle. I would advice you to buy the...
  7. S

    Get down to 12 1/2 stone by the Jessie J concert

    Hiya.. How are you? And welcome.. Let me know how you are getting on :) we are all here to support one another. What diet are you thinking of doing?
  8. S

    Shall i start cambridge?

    Well of course everyone is different so have a look online and do some research. I told u about CD because I was on it for 4 weeks then switched to Atkins.. Whilst I was on it I was very ill but again your system may be diff.. Atkins is a change for life and you don't gain the water weight as...
  9. S

    Shall i start cambridge?

    I would advice Atkins.. Cambridge is ok but you will gain it all back once you incorporate food to your diet. It will ruin your metabolism so a few weeks later you will struggle. Atkins is amazing - buy the book it's only £6 on amazon and I have lost so much since I started. Plus u can exercise...
  10. S

    Atkins Help :)

    Hi all - I was on the Cambridge diet and lost 16lb after 4 weeks. Although this diet made me really unwell so I swapped to Atkins.. I sadly haven't read the book but ordered it frm online and waiting for it. I started Atkins 3 weeks ago and have only lost 3lb so far. I have had a few slips but...
  11. S

    Atkins Help :)

    Hi all - I was on the Cambridge diet and lost 16lb after 4 weeks. Although this diet made me really unwell so I swapped to Atkins.. I sadly haven't read the book but ordered it frm online and waiting for it. I started Atkins 3 weeks ago and have only lost 3lb so far. I have had a few slips but...
  12. S

    Moving from cambridge to atkins

    Hi belle girl where are u?? X
  13. S

    Mummymorgons induction journal?

    Hi all - is it ok to join this thread? I was on the Cambridge diet and lost 16lb after 4 weeks. Although this diet made me really unwell so I swapped to Atkins.. I sadly haven't read the book but ordered it frm online and waiting for it. I started Atkins 3 weeks ago and have only lost 3lb so...
  14. S

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Hi all - is it ok to join this thread? I was on the Cambridge diet and lost 16lb after 4 weeks. Although this diet made me really unwell so I swapped to Atkins.. I sadly haven't read the book but ordered it frm online and waiting for it. I started Atkins 3 weeks ago and have only lost 3lb so...
  15. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hey lovely belle :) oh I'm so happy ur starting Atkins :) it's simply wonderful and ur on ur way to mending the broken metabolism. I found my metabolism was broken after cd as reducing calorie intake destroys it and slows ur weight loss in future. Now as I eat I cn spend time at the gym doing...
  16. S

    Im a newbie on cambridge diet :)

    Hi flare hope ur well - why don't u try the Atkins? U still limit ur portions the first two weeks but ur allowed eggs, fish, meat, chicken and a few of the cheese on the list as it's carb free. I am on it and I love it. I work out too so feel better and healthier as I cn build muscle. Anyway...
  17. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yay u can do it - I know it ;) keep me posted.. Yah steak was yum nd may be having chilli chicken tomorrow :) how's ur cd going? Added any exercise? X
  18. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hiiii huni - how are things going? Atkins is good :D I have started working out at the gym and it's easier knowing I have a gd meal to come home to - usually I cook chicken with Greek salad or steak depending how I'm feeling :) how's it going for u? I haven't measured myself yet lol x
  19. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Weddingbelle I believe in u and know u can do well :):) what curry did u have :P x
  20. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello lovely ladies how are you?? Missed u all.. Have some news - I have quit CD after loosing a stone in 4 weeks as was feeling really ill :( I have started the Atkins induction and it's the best thing I ever did :) I can have real food again and iv been on it for 5 days now and lost 3lb :) i...
  21. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Well done on the 3lb loss :) and that's on SS+ - I am prob gna move to SS+ and starting gym as it's getting too cold to walk outside lol.. What do u make in ur meals? How has ur day been? X
  22. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Sorry eek don't know how to update stats.. Well I started 3 weeks ago 12st 11lb and at the mo I am 11st 12lb - hope I lose about 3-4lb this week otherwise it's so pointless.. Honestly lol aw yes catch up on soaps - Which ones do u watch? X
  23. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    How is everyone else x
  24. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I think I want to try SS+ for a week as my body is now used to low cal and I think it slows weight loss. Want to shake things up as SS+ is 640cal so wouldn't be bad. Besides I may burn it off with exercise lol nothing much planned just watch tv :) u? Xx
  25. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello lovely - ask her why the loss is so low :s it shouldn't be right? U r only eating 415 cal per day.. I say go on SS+ then and do bit of walking too. I am prob gna move to SS+ if my loss is 2lb again cuz that sucks and u r paying alot each week. May as well do Atkins and go gym! Just on my...
  26. S

    Im a newbie on cambridge diet :)

    Yes make sure u get a few bars. They r more tolerant then the rest of the sachet for sure!! U will do well Hun I know it ;) so what do u have for ur meal? X
  27. S

    Im a newbie on cambridge diet :)

    Lol awww yeah running after a child is a lot of work. Just try and drink as much water as u can. I hate the choc shakes now - got some bars which r yummy. I add Tabasco sauce in my soup which helps tonnes :) ah ur on SS + maybe I should move on it lol.. Aw if weight loss is slow one week it will...
  28. S

    Im a newbie on cambridge diet :)

    Hello how are you? Well done for starting the CD :) I just finished week 3 ydai and have so far lost 13lb :( grr 1lb of a stone but I pray I lose more this week. How is it going for u? I cheated last week :o had cottage cheese n chicken lol I couldnt resist but going to be 100% on SS this week...
  29. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Ok so I had a dissapointed WLoss this week of only 2.5lb :O but a loss is a loss lol ahh my CDC said that I may be one of those who loses gd one week and slow another :S great..! Lol I am not going to cheat next week which I did this week lol bad me..!! Anyway may go out for a walk today - how...
  30. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Good advice angie :) chuck ur weighing scales out the door lol.. My WI today at 12.30 eek fingers crossed.. How Is everyone doing today? Any plans? Btw I think I have bcme the sniffing master haha don't worry sniffing food Is natural for us vlcd ppl ;) xx
  31. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    It does seem slow but what to do :( I caved in today argh had a piece of cooked chicken with some tuna :O day before my WI lol not good. Ah well u will always have slip ups - not like I ate carb filled food lol x
  32. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Would you suggest just sticking to bare Min during exercise? Just walking? On SS? Got me bit worried...? X
  33. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    It went ok :) had to rest in between as it was intense lol how r u? How's ur day and ur WI? X
  34. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Ah well don't weigh yourself too much too often it will knock you down. Just keep going and it will be ok. TOTM can be a reason yes! But I haven't had mine yet so not sure. Maybe someone else can shed some light on it. Hopefully ur next loss will be 4lb again :) x
  35. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi Charlieann how are u? How do u know u haven't lost anything? Remb the loss settles to about 4lb a week now :) don't worry thebars shouldn't effect anything - talk to ur CDC - what was ur recent loss? X
  36. S

    Cambrige diet

    Hiii lovely good luck for today :) u will be on ur way to a gd loss ;) I know it.. How has your days been going? Keep me posted x
  37. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I had oriental chilli soup with Tabasco sauce - was ok can't complain lol having my last pint too then done for the eve :) aww hope ur mum feels better soon x
  38. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    Well first week its mostly water so anything between 5-10lb maybe more.. Then it settles to both body fat and water loss so about 2-4lb a week depending on individual :) hope that helps.. How much water do u drink? X
  39. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    No please ask away :) that's why we r all here to support each other. I was like that day 1 too - basically u can buy kitostix from either ur CDC or chemist - I am surprised ur CDC didn't tell u :S anyway it's a stick that has a cushion square which u pee on lol and the colour should be turning...
  40. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Awww yeah just try getting a early night best thing.. Yeah I am also feeling bit light headed today :s guess I need to increase water - aw hope ur mum is ok. What ru having for dinner? X
  41. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    The choc shakes are the only decent ones and I bought 14 sachet last week - bad idea..!!! Now they taste nasty for me lol make sure u have a variety although most the shakes r just horrid. Soups are ok - my fave is leek and potato and the porridges are good too. After two weeks u are allowed...
  42. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    Yeah but no exercise for 12 weeks is a no can do for me personally - I am brisk walking for half hour 3x per week and it's recommended in the cd booklet too. Obv start after 2 I dnt see why you can't do anything for 12 weeks - maybe go easy on other exercises x
  43. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello. love the pic ;) WI is sat eeeek lol how ru all today? X
  44. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    Ah thanks. I have started gentle moderate walking and Pilates.. Is that ok? I lost 7.5lb first week then second only 4.5lb :( hope this week is not less fingers crossed. I cnt not do exercise I feel like a bum lol. Il take It slow though thanks :) what were ur avreg loss each week? Xx
  45. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    Hiya starry eyed :) aw welcome back and good luck.. Wow great loss.. What's ur advice for exercise? X
  46. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Woo hoo you ;) yes today was my first day - the squats are hard and it kills but it makes u feel better ;) I will be doing it 3x per week as I dnt want my body to get used to it and not tone lol.. May do Pilates for half hour tomorrow :) how did u find it? Chug the water lol x
  47. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    It is hard but it gets easier as it goes along. The cardio lasts for two min and it's not as intense if I feel weak I stop take a rest. I don't go crazy over it so u shouldn't either xx
  48. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Omg Jilian DVD? 20min circuit training? I have that one tooooo!!! I asked my CDC she said good do the toning bit more as it's good for u.. She was ok with it :s I think u should gradually introduce exercise into ur regime - slowly not crazy lol make sure u have one of the sachet befor u do...
  49. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    FYI u can never drink 'too' much water - it's better If u drink more as it stops water retention. Why don't u buy a workout DVD and do some at home it really helps. I went walking today for half hour (moderate) it was nice maybe start some of that? I try and drink about 2.5-3L a day and I told...
  50. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    A loss is still a loss - keep it up - have u been doing any exercise? X
  51. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Lol Haha aww phew that's good :) yeah this diet can make you feel crap - as long as we dnt binge eat and completely fall off .. How was ur day? Home now so going to have water and bar and may do my home DVD circuit training eek not looking forward to that :( lol x
  52. S

    Seeking a buddy - cd sole source

    Hi Maryam welcome :) I am also on SS CD - Day 15 if I'm not mistaken.. feel free to enquire or ask away :) xx
  53. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I have bought some Tabasco sauce today with my soup. Hope it tastes better :) haha i have loads involving choc cake and lamb burgers yummm haha.. X
  54. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    No I haven't taken before pics but I have a few already taken recently that is a reminder lol ask ur CDC tomorrow when you can see a diff - apparently its four weeks in but not sure. Good luck for tomorrow :) I know I cnt see the fat melting either :( maybe it is - in places except the belly...
  55. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Fingers crossed it's a decent loss next week :) I have bought a circuit training DVD which I am starting - it's intense so I hope it works. Have u asked you CDC about alcohol? Be careful.. Yes I am afraid - that I may eat something which will effect me lol though those bars r worth it xx hope ur...
  56. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I got excited about the bars as it's something solid we can eat without thinking it's cheating lol and they r in the plan :):) ugh Monday tomorrow I pray this week goes fast again lol.. Waiting for Xmas woo yes I know what u mean and hopefully u will be a stone off now yay - have u noticed any...
  57. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Aww thanks lovely - yeah one or two days when SS plus is needed I say do it - rather then going on a carb binge. The bars are the most Lovliest and I asked her about the content she said it doesn't matter as the calories are burned off anyway and doesn't effect kito that is why they r in the SS...
  58. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi tomnkate how are u lovely? Aw thanks so much for the wishes.. Are u on SS or SS plus? I went for my WI and lost 4.5lb :O I honestly thought I wouldn't lose as I haven't seen that much of a diff but surprised - anyway treated myself to some of the bars and had one just now for brekkie - boy...
  59. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hello huni thanks for the encouragement - I talked with my CDC and asked her what I wanted. I am sticking to the SS as it has gd loss - I lost 4lb :o was really shocked didn't expect it after I had an egg this week too lol and teeny bit of cooked chicken - I thought I was in plateu - hmm.. Well...
  60. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Is it poss to hit a plateau at the early stages of cd? I think I have as I haven't lost anything I feel. May mix it up and go on SS plus this week so I can work out and eat some food..!!! Change my intake so my body doesn't get used to low cal that fast :s
  61. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Yeah sounds good. Im confused as to how much cardio to do - 20-30min a day? Walking? Maybe jogging with wii fit lol.. Ah il ask my CDC tomorrow. How do u get rid of tummy fat? Ugh hate it x
  62. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Well I am hoping we can see a big diff as I have a family wedding in 5 weeks - eek finger crossed - how are u today? How has Ur day been going? X
  63. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I also lost 7lb first week but I'm not sure about this week lol WI tomorrow but don't feel I have lost much - will see.. It is cold that's why I dnt feel like walking hehe - my CDC said as said above cardio isn't much needed as the diet is doing it for u :s not sure what to do for exercise? Join...
  64. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I am confused at my CDC said not to do extreme exercise on the SS :s how much do u think is ok to do and doesn't it slow weight loss? Also she said cardio there isn't much need as the diet is doing that for u? X
  65. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi tasha wow well done for ur loss. Any tips for us!? Exercise wise? Don't feel like I have lost much on week 2 (I am on day 11 SS CD).. how did u do it? X
  66. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Lol aw 10min of intense running? Zumba is quite full on I recon guys would get tired after 5min haha.. Take any weapon u want. I wish I had a ketchup gun - imagine all the fun :P
  67. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Even though the moves r hard to grasp it is quite intense lol but fun.. Maybe I can treat this as my cardio .. Hmm :) how ru? My second WI on sat! Feels like a no loss this week lol x
  68. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Ah how much did u lose in ur first WI? Haha I wanted to walk to work but damn cold. So took the car. Did 30min of Zumba today - may count for something lol aww u have a baby - how lovely at least the baby will keep u occupied x
  69. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Haha seeing as water is ur best friend at the mo a water gun sounds good :P imagine how fun it would be taking aim haha. I may just do that too lol
  70. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Lol are u on SS? I love the choc shakes so living on that hehe. What ru doing in terms of exercise? X
  71. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Haha so true.. I think we will hate water by the end of week 12 x
  72. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Lol just chug on the water? Ok I will do as mch as I can - managing about 2.5L at the mo lol haha - did u find ur 2nd week slow on weight loss?
  73. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Ditto - I am coming down with a cold and my stomach is playing up :s but I'm not going to give up. May just boil an egg to help. Other then that feelin ok :). Not sure about this week weight loss haven't seen much difference x
  74. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hehe.. Tomorrow :) new day new weapon :P
  75. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    No u can't slow weight loss with more water. Not that I know of - I heard the more water the better :) aw don't look at the food n ppl and think of them as bacteria that u are fighting haha x
  76. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Woooo ;) knew you could do it.. How ru feeling? X
  77. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Well doneee belle ;) I knew u could do it woooo - did ur CDC say anything about exercise? Xx
  78. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    That's amazing.. How much water do u drink every day? X
  79. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hhahaha yes that sounds like the secret alright.. Aw Hun I know you have done well and I pray u have lost lots :) yes pls keep me posted.. If u feel like a treat just boil some chicken so it doesn't kick u out of kito. U know it's like that some days - today I really felt hungry and some days u...
  80. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Why so? What about mild cardio?
  81. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I'm thinking of joining gym as my work is too close by to do a good 30min walk - Any advice on gym? Less cardio though and more toning
  82. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Lol SS too - too early to say loving it.. Ru doing any exercise?
  83. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Oh noooo gosh bet you are out of energy!! Haha omg I don't even want to think about choc would want to stuff my face too lol I Miss cheese - I am a huge cheese fan!! Yum.. Agh anyway what to do.. Gd luck with ur WI tomorrow wishing u luck.. keep me Posted xx Ps: don't think Nikki wants to share...
  84. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Welcome.. :) what step are u on? Gd luck and how long have u been doing CD?
  85. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hiiiya lovely how are u? Been tad bit hungry today more than usual :s hmm.. Other then that I'm ok - what about u? How was ur day? May do zumba tomorrow! Lol wish me luck although cn only manage about 30min x
  86. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yes Please! Share ur secret lol
  87. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Fingers crosses u will achieve a big difference before he comes ;( how is it going for u? How did ur first WI go? X
  88. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    No no u prob are thinking of the right song lol.. I dnt know why that popped into my head. I am a R&B fan so all types of song run through my head haha. Though I love Michael Jackson! Woo - how are u today? How isit going? X
  89. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hi nikkileys wow well done :) how did u do it? Exercise wise and what step? Share ur secret x
  90. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Aw sounds like a cosy day - I would watch dvd's haha .. Good on ya just forget about food and keep going babe. Soon u won't even notice and forget what food is. Or just think of those big lard of fat in ppl when they eat all those foods. Helps Lol x
  91. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    U will lose. Obv u see yrlsef everyday u don't think ur losing but u will notice the difference soon. I am on day9 and tomorrow day10 still early days for me too.. Haha occupy urself with whatever u can and dnt think of food. Have some tea.. I just drink water and keep thinking n hoping we all...
  92. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hahahha I love thaaat :) whatever keeps us going ladies woo ;) just reminded me Of RKelly's song Hotel.. Damn I love that song haha x
  93. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Aw thanks lovely I am sure gna try it tomorrow - yummy.. My first few days were awful I tell u.. I didn't want to do it but I picked myself up had support on here and realised this is for me. 2nd week has been going better :) after the first weigh in it will get better x
  94. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Haha I swear my food dreams have increased lol... Maybe it is lack of food or kito at a high :P how was ur day? R u on nights again?? X
  95. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Haha aw ok don't worry i will ask for the both of us - yep sat don't feel like I have lost anything? Maybe gained? Lol... Will see.. I have over loaded with choc shakes - I only like leek n potato soup an porridges r ok :) you all helped me in my first week so I am so grateful and u have become...
  96. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Well done huni.. Have u been doing any exercises? And did u ask about u know what hehe.. My CDC said that is average now as ur body has settled into low calorie so great loss ;) x
  97. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Rrroooooting for u..... Same situation as u :/ ask ur CDC xxxx
  98. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I tried going on to the link but it says I have to be logged on? WhT was it about? Hows ur day going today? Oooo choc muffin.. How did u manage that? Lol x
  99. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Haha sorry - it's just my CDC said it will become less but I have been going no2 2days in a row :/ hmm and still sticking to 3 sachet - may have to ask her lol how did ur weigh in go? Gd luck x
  100. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Ew I feel for u - some of them r plain nasty like choc orange and vanilla. They were horrid lol and the tomato soup bleugh lol have water and now sparkly adding bit of spice ;) sleep it off Hun x
  101. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Awww gd luck babe :) u will do well I know it keep me updated xx
  102. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hehe yes yes go for it... Makes me look forward to having my shake rather then cringing - funny Q but have u done poo yet? Lolx
  103. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yah we have to start slowly and then maybe build it up :) can't do walking as the weather is bad so may as well do exercise at home. Home comfort :) the best.. Having a early night - x
  104. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I buy sparkly water all the time - it's in asda, tesco supermarkets lol it really helps with hunger plus it's allowed on the CD SS :) x
  105. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Exactly - I loveeeee choc I bought 14 sachet and my CDC was like okayyyy clearly someone loves their choc.. I say drink it morning noon night lol
  106. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Exactly that's what we all are aiming for so keep it up :) not nearly - u will be! Come onnnn bring out your willpower and battle together through this lol gd luck for ur weigh in - wasn't the choc nice?? X
  107. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Me thinks Pilates help.. I feel like doing zumba haha x
  108. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Omg the choc orange is so nasty tastes like calpol gone worse ha... Ah man make sure u tell ur CDC u want choc so she cn order :) cookies n cream is ok not my cup of tea though.. Yah that's a gd idea too to refil bottle. Aw stay away frm kitchen and buy sparkly water - it really helps get rid of...
  109. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Aww well u have another day to lose more lb ;) mm some days I think about that and some days I am motivated to see it through as it's for myself too. I may switch to SS+ after 6 weeks as I want to add eating into the diet. What about u? Yh it's the weather sorry to say but at least we are near...
  110. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I love the choc shakes that's all I'm having - had leek and potato soup which wasn't bad.. I have drunk 1L so far and have another 1.25L to go before bed time lol.. I have my own plastic measuring... drink glass so it's easier to see hw much I have drunk. It is tiring ESP as it's ur first day so...
  111. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Awww spag Bol yummmmm - ah well have to do with our shakes for now.. Yay chicken time :D my day is gd so far - need to down some water so going to do that now.. Any idea on how to get rid of back flab? Lol x
  112. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Yes gooood luck keep us posts x
  113. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    True - yes I think your urine releases the ketones so chug more water - which I am now going to. I think Pilates, resistance and abs workout are the best for back as well as diet (which we are doing).. I'm feeling better than other days.. What about u? Have u started today? X
  114. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Yah been told to have three and been having three except for ydai I was feeling unwell so had chicken instead of one of my sachet as it's same calories. But wont be doing that anymore.. Lol - going to have another shake soon then soup in the eve.. Yah Pilates was good.. I know it's really...
  115. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Ah so I have to have all my sachet right? Does it matter what time of the day? thanks for letting me know. What happens If I only have two? Aww butterscotch is yuk I agree lol just think of it as short term .. how ru today? Just did a beginner Pilates DVD for 25min.. Hurts lol x
  116. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Haha aww no worries as long as you start that is the main thing ;) hope u enjoyed it. Feeling ok - half day at work so just came home and going to have a choc shake :) I didn't have brekkie wasn't feeling to hungry. I was thinking of doing an exercise DVD today but see how it goes - what about u? Xx
  117. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Aww why don't you sleep for a while.. Or cook some chicken (chicken breast) as long as u don't eat bread butter. Better then nothing .. Ah I understand that is quite hard - best thing to do is chug water.. Hope ur ok - thurs will Come fast u watch x
  118. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Haha bless u - best to tlk to ur CDC :) x
  119. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Haha well it is a diet but may as well enjoy the mini treats tht comes with it :P I wasn't a fan of the choc orange tasted like bloody calpol and I think calpol tastes better haha.. Have a lovely day tomorrow even if it's rainy x
  120. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yes choc are the best yum.. I am on day 8 tomorrow :) no I am not a soup fan so only bought two sachet this time lol argh I am on SS only it's hard but I guess result will show fingers crossed.. Ru on SS+? what exercise do u do? Or do u count work as exercise? X
  121. S

    Fed up and need help

    I think u should try Cambridge it does work x
  122. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    No go for it buy as many as u want - I bought 14choc shakes.. Haha love them rather that then something I can't stomach..
  123. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hah don't do too much walking just brisk walk as the body is already on a low calorie intake.. it may start storing as ur body will get confused with over the top exercise x
  124. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yes yesterday I was feeling light headed so I swapped one of my sachet calories for an egg and today a sachet for boneless skinless chicken breast (chopped) just a handful and it helps. So I cn get going back to normal Tomorrow.. Thanks for ur help ;) how ru today? X
  125. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Agh yeah I think the diet has deff caught up with us. I feel light headed and achy.. I think it's as u said lack of salt and carbs/sugar? I don't know please do ask tomorrow :) may get an early night.. Or have a little chicken for a boost (has to be done) xx
  126. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello lvely.. Ok so today I am feeling a little under the weather - jst as u described before - achy and cold - but I guess it's really cold outside. Yes please do ask and get back to us.. Maybe it's the lack of everything in our body :P well I am so hoping nxt few weeks fly by - oo what kind of...
  127. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Aww no worries this is what the forum is about - support.. Ah good to hear u swapped ur CDC as u need someone to encourage you and help. Ah maybe SS+ is suited for you. Don't think u can do any any extreme exercises for two weeks - except walking n tone ur body x
  128. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hahah I love that idea.. Yes we shall re visit the time when we were at the very beginning of our struggle. Feeling a bit under the weather today - sore throat and it's damn cold :( just drank a pint of warm water. I am sure u will reach your goal :) we can do it girl x
  129. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hi welcome to CD :) how are u? What step are u on? X
  130. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Oh how did u find the maple porridge? I just had apple& cinnamon porridge - feeling a tad under the weather today :/ maybe the diet has caught up with me. Sore throat and it's really cold :( just resting today may get an early night - have plenty of warm water lol what about u? How u finding day...
  131. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Yes yes pls make Xmas come soon :) holiday Xmas cheer fingers crossed a good size ;) and yummy delicious food obv in moderate portions haha.. My target weight 10st - anything less is a bonus :) u? X
  132. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Oooo either way Spain is beautiful if u get a chance do visit Barca woooo... Did u like the choc mint? U should try sparkly water it really suppresses ur hunger - try it x
  133. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Fingers crossed we would have lost at least stone and half :) fortunately I dont have a set of scales at home so I leave the scales for the WI Lol you? Resist it because it can either give u false weight or make u think u haven't lost enough! Stay away..!! Lol.. My CDC said first week is mostly...
  134. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    True porridge is the best morning brekkie plus it keeps u filled for a gd few hours :) winter is here. Eek it's cold man - although counting down till Xmas can't wait x
  135. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi Donna - welcome.. Did you check your kito with kitostix? I still feel tad hungry when in kito lol ah well patience!! What are u all having with ur plus meals? X
  136. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Wooo welcome to CD my friend :) did she tell u how much to aim for? 10st? I wasn't a fan of maple but everyone is diff.. Choc shake all the way but enjoy and keep me posted x
  137. S

    Team Spirit!!

    Hi Jem Aw what happen? Just try and get back on the plan tomorrow - it happens don't worry!! X Go drink water and get going again - it's only temp this diet x
  138. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yah kito levels are the best in the mornings :) woooo to the choc shake it's the only thing I have bought for this week and porridge. Ah lucky you my WI was day6 so tomorrow will be a week :) I am so hoping next week goes quickly.. Advantage for u - u can surely sleep it off I wish I could...
  139. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Yes the extra weight needs to get lost lol urm I try to do the 2.25l a day which is recommended otherwise at least 2l a day minimum - you? X
  140. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Btw - u are going to loveeee Spain.. Where in Spain are u travelling to? I visited Barcelona two years ago and it was amazingggg
  141. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Awww well done Hun your growing stronger ;) it's the kito - I think u long to eat these things but it soon passes I guess.. Gd luck for tues keep me posted. My day was good.. Had a relaxing day and watched lord of the rings on blu ray DVD (big fan) lol.. Had my choc shake. Hope u all are...
  142. S

    CD Mood swings

    Hi fajeets - keep strong the days are going by so take a day at a time and once u know it - it will be end of SS be strong and I know it's hard but it's worth it think of the end result. It's usual to have these feelings I do too but I think of the result and it motivates me. Chug the water x
  143. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello lovely hope you are having a great time today. I listened to u and drank no water - praise the lord lol I lost half a stone (7lb) - maybe could have been more if I had not cheated and had the boiled egg on Thursday lol ah well see how 2nd week goes. how has yr day been going? X
  144. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    YaaaaY good on you girl ;) rooting for you! I forgot what day u are on? Did u say tues is ur WI? I am perfectly confident u will do well - ur motivation is to beat 7lb now so get going! Lol.. I am sure it won't last long as it's ur body getting used to ur low calorie diet x
  145. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Now when u start u have to beat my 7lb - motivate you :P yes it is encouraging to continue and see how it feels after a month :) days are passing by quickly anyway so will see.. No she didn't measure as it's first week but she said u will be able to after second week so fingers crossed.. Ofc it...
  146. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I went for my first WI and lost half a stone (7lb) it works :) so happy - she said first week is more water and once you settle into it 2nd week is more fat loss balanced with water so see how it goes.. Praise the lord hehe - I bought all choc shakes and only a few porridges n soup.. Lol - no...
  147. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hiiii - i am so surprised I lost half a stone (7lb) in 6 days :o i was shocked but happy too. It works . My CDC said still not allowed to do cardio exercise at gym but toning and floor work is good so will do that daily. I bought nearly all choco shakes and porridges.. Just two sachet of soup...
  148. S

    Carbo Load - CD SS step1

    Jem Hun u will be fine I know it.. My weigh in today wish me luckkkkkk... Not expecting much lol. X
  149. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Agh so weird but couldn't sleep - also it's really cold.. First week has been hard but I am hoping second week is better :) what time is ur consultation today? X
  150. S

    Carbo Load - CD SS step1

    Hi Jem it's going ok - some days are bad but I carry on and think ahead lol thanks for asking.. How are u? X
  151. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    WI is at 12.30 today :o Saturday lol.. Eek even a small loss will be good I guess! Not hoping for much.. Yah I leave my last sachet till 9pm/10pm so I dnt feel hungry - I hope I dream of eating fried chicken lol xx
  152. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Lol not major difference but app purple means more ketones? But my CDC said the darker purple means ur dehydrated :s not sure.. Graduated last year :) aw give it a few weeks u will be in them in no time x
  153. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello lovely - feeling nervous and I am hoping for even the tiniest loss.. Not sure it will happen..We shall see will keep u updated :) how was your day x
  154. S


    Hello Melissa Welcome - I suggest you try the Cambridge diet - it's a tad hard at the beginning but it gets easier and better :) u will hopefully see results :) gd luck x
  155. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Ah how are u finding it - SS+ is quite gd as u are allowed a meal - In terms of loosing weight on SS+ I am not too sure I do know SS is a stone by the fourth week - but I think it should be similar as the food on the plus are not filled with carbs. Best to ask ur consultant.. 1st week vary from...
  156. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I am in kito checked yesterday and it came up as the darker pink - not purple lol.. Keep me posted on ur consultation tomorrow :) aww 22 is a good age - have u attended Uni? I did try but did not succeed lol I started Sunday but had a fried chicken sat night - eek couldn't help it lol I mean i...
  157. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Just got back from work and having sparkly water. May be going out tonight but I am not cheating lol omg ditto I thought I had gone off kito in my dream and was upset haha.. Pray the next few weeks go by quicker as first week is always hard.. Have a gd day too huni and wish me luck for tomorrow...
  158. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I only like the choc shakes lol keep at it everyone x
  159. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yum did u enjoy ur dinner? Lol yes Lucky I enjoy egg and it's carb free :) hope u have a gd day tomorrow x
  160. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Haha I have no scales in my house :) so don't feel like stepping on any till WI - I am 24 yrs old and you? Just had the original porridge which was the yummiest one - btw your CDC should give u two kitostix for free so u cn test yourself on day4 or so :) yay good luck for sat keep me posted x
  161. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hahaha I don't even know how I managed 5 days but I did cheat ydai - had an boiled egg as I was way too hungry!! But I think week2 gets easier - here is to hoping lol I prayyyy I lose some weight at least and I pray u do too.. Woo yumm chicken breast enjoy it... How many cals does chicken breast...
  162. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Aww cherry u can do it :) if u stick to the SS and no cheating u can lose more then a 1st1/2 trust me - maybe add some walking in a few weeks time nothing too extreme! Keep me posted x
  163. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    M40kh tried private msging u but it said u don't accept it :s lol anyway yes yes try for Saturday we can do the whole thing together :) woo hopefully ur CDC has time :) I think week two will b easier!! We have to keep helping each other x
  164. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Exactly...!!! I'm not hungry but when I smell gd food - that's me gone! But alas we have to wait makes the ending sweeter - are u doing any exercise? X
  165. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hii - some hours of the day I am Not hungry then I feel hungry but not for shake or porridge but yummy food..!!! It's only temp so I am not going to cave lol today was ok I guess it's easier after ur first WI And week.. Bet u can't wait to start lol x
  166. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Urm 2st-3st fingers crossed lol x
  167. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I am only on day 5 of SS and this is my first time on SS and CD.. I guess you get motivated after ur first week and first WI.. I am planning to stay on SS for 6-7weeks hopefully then maybe move on to SS+ so I can join gym and do more exercise etc.. Aww yes say it repetitively in your head...
  168. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Yes I checked mine as I had two kitostix and it was mild kito.. I saw that the shakes etc hve carbs but I thought we were meant to be low carb :s anyway congrats for ur wedding :))) u have to post some pics.. I have a family wedding in nov so let's both pray we have lost 1st1/2 by then fingers...
  169. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I feel a bit low when I see my family eating but I try and cheer myself up saying it's only temp lol plus I treat myself to some sparkly water x
  170. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    I think I can honestly say I loathe nearly all soup. The shakes and porridges are good so may just live on that next week. I am on day 5 of the CD SS - hopefully will be able to get through to December .. I have a family wedding in nov so hoping I can lose by then :) my first WI on sat! What...
  171. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi girls - well if we keep at it without cheating I don't think there should b a problem :) we can help each other... U will b tested but just think of the end result ;) will be worth it .. Any shakes u like/don't like? Cherry ru in kito now? Well done for the loss tomnkstemum keep at it.. X
  172. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hiiii weddingbelle - well what happens to kito when u have diluted ur pee? Lol I think I did eek... Feeling tad hungry this morning not too bad.. Not expecting much first week as u said but fingers crossed - first WI Saturday.. How ru doing today? Any flavours u like/don't like? X
  173. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Good luck cherry how are u finding it?
  174. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hii lovely I am on day 4 and did the kito test - morning it was pink but eve nothing? How come? Any idea? Lol Yes I am doing SS just afraid I may not lose enough :( any tips? Aww best to make sure ur meals are high protine :) I am sure u will b fine!! Just chug the water lol xx
  175. S

    Carbo Load - CD SS step1

    Thanks jem for ur support ur a star x
  176. S

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hello I am also doing the CD On SS and would love to be ur buddy we can do it together how is it going for u and how much have u lost? X
  177. S


    Hello What step are u on? Are u in kito?
  178. S

    Carbo Load - CD SS step1

    Aw thanks jem hopefully I will get there.. Caved today eeeek - had a soft boiled egg by itself - hope that doesn't ruin everything :( haven't touched anything else :s
  179. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I had a dream yesterday- I was stuffing endless milk chocolate in my mouth!! I swear I could taste it lol.. Gosh I am betting there will be many more to come! Have a fab day x
  180. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Omg HAPPY BDAY have an awesome day :D Enjoy ur bday. Eat cake now that u have the chance lol the stone heavier will be rid of very soon ;)
  181. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Haha ofc I have recorded hollyoaks later will watch it tomorrow - I dint like mercedese lol
  182. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Fingers crossed :) thanks for ur help :) I'm watching downton abbey feeling bit peckish but not bad lol.. Urm I paid £37 for this week's food. Should not be over £45 anyway.. Yah best investment - btw choc milkshake is the best lol
  183. S

    Step 1 Sole Source First weigh in tomorrow! nervous!

    Hi marzi - I am feeling the same :( on day 3 SS and don't know if I am in kito yet so hard to loose the weight :( but fingers crossed it's at least some loss eh.. Best to talk to ur consultant.. Have u done any exercise? ARe u in kito? X
  184. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Yes you can have sparkling water :) it really helped get rid of my hunger! I have a mini blender in which I make my soups and shakes. Adding 227ml of water hot or cold then sachet (instructions on sachet) and whisk away until it's frothy :) ur consultant will fill u in it's easy :) my weigh is...
  185. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hello lovely.. Today has been better then the other days.. Drank too much sparkly water though and now stomach is hurting lol - I tried potato and leek today best one so far.. I think I will stick to porridge and shakes next week.. Can't wait for u to start too :) when are u going to see ur CDC? x
  186. S

    Carbo Load - CD SS step1

    Before I started my CD on Sunday (day3) today I had a Carbo load on Saturday as I went out with friends and ended up eating bit too much eeek :( I know it's day 3 but I am worried I won't be going Into kito before my first weigh or even any time soon - i am 5ft4 and 12st :( please help x Ps: I...
  187. S

    Newbie on CD

    Oh wow good luck for the weigh in :) u seen any changes? X
  188. S

    Newbie on CD

    True thanks Carl :)
  189. S

    Team Spirit!!

    Hang in there skinnybean one day at a time ;) u can do it x
  190. S

    This time...

    Great!! Haha I will look out for that - thanks.. Any other signs? Lol
  191. S

    This time...

    I am on step 1 - was wondering how long it took u to get into kito? X thanks
  192. S

    This time...

    Tbag what step are u doing? X
  193. S

    Step 1 Sole Source + Full of positive thoughts (at last!)

    Hi Diane I started SS CD 3 days ago finding it a tad hard first week and the soups r horrid lol did u do any exercise first week or so? When did u enter kito? Anyway gd luck for the rest ;) x
  194. S

    Seeking a CD buddy :)

    Hey weddingbelle I started 3 days ago.. Has been tad bit hard but praying it will ease up soon when entering kito :) congrats on ur wedding - together we can achieve a gd result. When are u starting? Or started? Tc x
  195. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Apparently it takes 3-4 days depending on what you have eaten before the diet some say longer not sure. The soup was absolutely horrid I tell u.. Avoid at all cost.. had spicy tomato :( the shakes r way better. Urm I have brekkie porridge at about 10am then shake at 2pm and soup at about 6.30pm...
  196. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Correction **m40kh**
  197. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hello m49kh - how was ur day? Hmm today was bit slow but okay - still drinking water and going to have my soup now! I am really hoping I get into kito soon!!! At least I willfeel less hungry lol
  198. S

    Newbie on CD

    Thanks :) x
  199. S

    Team Spirit!!

    Hello all and Jem.. Have u been on the SS? I am new to the CD and day two was wondering if I should be doing any exercises? How long did it take u to go into kito? Thanks x
  200. S

    Newbie on CD

    Any advice? X
  201. S

    Newbie on CD

    Hehe thanks for that :):) damn my first weigh is Saturday and it's only day 2 for me today. Not sure If I will go into kito by then :(
  202. S

    Newbie on CD

    Friendly face - any idea when ur body goes into kito? How many days?
  203. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Thanks :) for the advice
  204. S

    Newbie on CD

    Great tips :)
  205. S

    Newbie on Cambridge!

    Haha ditto thanks for the explanation - yes it does make sense :) ATM I haven't done any over the top exercises and I run around anyway as I work at a primary school 2hrs a day.. I am going to start some planks and sit ups to help mod section. I am on day 2 had the original porridge too.. wasnt...
  206. S

    Newbie on Cambridge!

    Oh wow air steward that is amazing :) where was ur flight heading to? Yah I am doing shakes soup and porridge this week so will see how it goes.. Just a question - if this is meant to be low carb diet too the products have carbs as I checked how do you loose weight then? Thanks x
  207. S

    Newbie on Cambridge!

    Hiii...I am on SS step1 so we were told not to exercise but not sure if I should walkto work takes me 15min each way what do u think? Ooo I will deff try those shakes I only started ydai felt bit weak but ok today. What col is ur pee when in kito? Lol
  208. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Good morning M40kh - ok so had porridge in the morning not bad and then lots of water.. Ydai night I have to admit was quite hard I felt like giving up or eating :o however feelin better today and motivated not to give up. Craving for a egg tho lol when are u starting? X
  209. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Amazing - I had all three today - shake, porridge and soup lol don't think I could do only shakes . Hopefully we cn loose a gd few pounds x
  210. S

    Newbie on CD

    Ok thanks :) yah saw the thread interesting to see what ppl say- my consultant said stomach crunch and sit ups may help but no gym!
  211. S

    Exercise on CD?

    Yes I echo fajeets request - what can be done for mid- section :(
  212. S

    Newbie on CD

    Fajeets are u doing any exercise? I was told not to yet but not sure how to tackle mid section stomach?
  213. S

    Newbie on Cambridge!

    Hello everyone. I have just started the CD today eek just had the milkshake not a big fan of strawberry but what to do lol.. How is it going for u? Are u doing any exercises? X
  214. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Sorry for the duplicated msg problem With my Internet
  215. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    M40kh - can we do it? Yes we can :) we shall succeed together and I am here for u- just have a strawberry shake wasn't bad - wasnt amazing either though it will fill u up lol.. Have u got ur products yet? We might need to target our mid section bit more? Lol x Cathryn - what did u do with ur...
  216. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    M40kh - can we do it? Yes we can :) we shall succeed together and I am here for u- just have a strawberry shake wasn't bad - wasnt amazing either though it will fill u up lol.. Have u got ur products yet? We might need to target our mid section bit more? Lol Cathryn - what did u do with ur mid...
  217. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    M40kh - we will do it :) can we do it yes we can!!! Haha I went to my consultant and she showed me the fat in blocks boy was that a eye opener and scary! I may do stomach crunches to help with belly :S not sure about gym yet? Haha Let me Know how much u collect which will prob be a lot lol.. I...
  218. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    No exercise? Wow ok I will bear that in mind.. Would walking to work be ok? It will be 30min walking for me daily though..Thanks for your prompt respond. I chose CD because others were not working at all and I spent hours in the gym :( and ate healthy-ish lol.. Anyway so here goes its my first...
  219. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Thanks Carl :) and hello hope u are well :) did your friend stay on step1 all 12 weeks? Also whT do u advice on exercise? First few weeks? Thanks
  220. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Lol I am sure it's fine you using the loo - they can't object :P where do u work? I work at a Primary School so it may be bit easier for me To nip to the loo :) I hope we BOTH reach our target weight and if we don't cheat I know we will.. We must keep each other updated every day.. I know I hate...
  221. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Yeah the photo seems like a good idea - I think after the first week it should be clear whether first you are in kito lol unless u pee on the stick and second if the diet is working :) I am trying to drink as much water as poss as it helps.. Yah sounds good with starting minimal excersise...
  222. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    I am 5ft4 and weigh 12st but I am determined to change this and that is why I have starters CD diet.. I want to loose at least a stone and a half by 7weeks as I have a family wedding and usually feel very fat and awkward when I attend. Yes I will be doing brisk walking to work which is 15min...
  223. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Haha love the enthusiasm :) yes started today has been ok so far just drinking some black tea :/ not so yummy without sugar lol.. Had apple/cinnamon porridge this morning and water. Wasn't too bad - yes I am on SS step 1 will u be too? What are u doing regarding exercise? Awww Happy Early Bday...
  224. S

    CD newbie.... Looking for a diet buddy

    Hellooooo how are you? I just started my CD today eeeek.. I would love to be ur diet buddy :) need all the support I can get too - I am 12st and 5ft4 wish me luck
  225. S

    Newbie on CD

    Hello I am new to this forum.. Started my Cambridge Diet today eeek - I am on SS hope we can support each other :) how is urs going?