★~~★ team 28 the 100% cders ★~~★

Hey everyone,

I have lost 4 lbs wohooo even after the killer week I have had.

CDC was really supportive today, and I told her am going away in 10 weeks and need to lose a considerable amount by then. She said I should be in the 13's by then but I think she was saying something realistic to manage my expectations, but I am aiming for the 11's by then!

10 weeks today I will be on a plane arriving at destination so am praying I will have lost a lot by then!

Will see how everything, goes, i tried to have a SS+ meal last night but I was nearly sick, it was smoked haddock and I didn't cook it properly, put me off for life.

So wat are the plans for our goal meet up? I know its a long way away but still love talking about things to look forward to!

Speak soon

laila x
Laila - well done on your fab loss. And its great to have a holiday planned to motivate yourself.

I've just got back from my CDC and have lost 2lbs which I'm pleased with after this past week. I'm going to carry on this week having a meal in the evening. I will stick to recommended food so wil I know I won't have big loss but 2lb is better than nothing.

Hopefully the following week I can go 100% again and start doing my aqua.

I'm still aiming to be at my goal by January and just do my best on my bad weeks like I have so far.

Thanks for support xx
Hi everyone, congratulations on your losses this week :)

Had my weigh in this morning - lost another 5lbs so really pleased. Only need to lose another 3lb to make it 2 stone so fingers crossed I could do that by next week if I stick to it 100%.

Just going to get the girls ready for bed so will pop back on later xx
well done Suranne, your doing so well. you must be really proud of yourself xx
Morning Ladies!

Suranne, Susan and Laila, congrats on your fantastic losses! Great to see those scales moving!!!
I'm off for a WI this evening, so keeping my fingers crossed and dressing light!!!

Anyway, have a great day and I'll let you know how I get on this evening xx
Hi Clare

Hope you've had a good WI, good luck xx
Thanks, Susan!

Well, just got back from WI and I've lost....9.5lbs!!!! That is over a fortnight, of course, but that averages out around 5lb a week, so I'm well chuffed :D I knew all that walking was worth it!!!

Blood pressure is now perfect, according to tape measure, have lost a dress-size (will check when get new outfit for birthday) and my stats are looking great!

Gotta go, I'm starrrrrrving- choc mousse time! mmmmm

Hope you've all had a great day xx
Thats brilliant Clare, well done.

My CDC put an apron on me yesterday which weighed 1 stone and I was shocked at how heavy it was.

Saw an old friend of mine at work today and he was surprised at difference in me. Made me feel good about how I've done so far and determined to keep it up.

I am aiming for 1 stone a month so by time I go away in October I'll will look totally different and my friends in Crete hopefully won't recognize me.

Keep well everyone, think of January sales and whole new wardrobes for the new year xx
Well done Clare!:woohoo:That's a great loss and brilliant news about your BP.

Susan - Hope things are ok today. I've been having a piece of chicken most evenings (have been on TOTM for nearly 3 weeks now and felt that I needed something extra). I think my losses have been great over the last couple of weeks so it doesn't necessarily have to mean that you'll not lose much. I'd rather be having the chicken than feel deprived and end up bingeing on chocolate/crisps etc.

Laila, Ciara, & Sass - Hope you're all having a good day x

Got mix-a-mousse on Sunday so going to attempt to make a choc mint mousse :D It'll probably be a disaster, but thankfully I've got a couple of spare sachets as a back up!
Thanks ladies :D I'm so pleased.

Suranne, I love mix-a-mousse and have one ever evening (well half a one). Make sure you only use the amount of water it says on the TUB not the pack. Also, I use chilled water from the fridge. Make sure you blend it for at least a minute, as this makes it all nice and bubbly and light- I have a 600w hand blender and for me this makes all the difference.

Oh and one little tip- put in water, shake (+fiber if u use), have blender in hand ready before you put the mousse powder in, that way you avoid getting lumps- then whisk/blend like hell!

Susan, isn't it great to get compliments! I got told I was looking so much thinner today but about 3 different people, it's great for the ego.

Only problem now is tesco delivery has arrived for OH, complete with the tastiest looking ham. I've not cheated so far, but how can I resist that? ARGH!!!!
Clare 9.5 lbs!!!! OMG well done!!! Thats brilliant, and you have dropped a dress size that is amazing!

I am now much better and have been sticking to it for 3 days 100% so am really pleased with that, need to get through today and tomorrow without any cheats, as that is usually when I cave so I am determined to get through it now.

My size 18 jacket buttons now do up which was great, felt soooo good last night putting the buttons on finally. :)

Suranne - I had totm for about 3 months with only 1 day gaps, doc put me on pill and finally they have stopped. Do you have pcos? sometimes that makes you bleed a lot, I think I have it doc waiting to see my results.

Sass- hope you are having a good day?

Susan - 1stone is a lot of weight isn't it, we don't realise how much we are lugging around with us, our poor backs! Im always arched over, hopefully that will change.

Anyways, have a great day all, LO is making a mess already only 8am eugh...
Morning all!

Well done on sticking to it, Laila, sounds like you're starting to reap the benefits!

Just a quickie this morning, as I'm running late (for a change!). Scales are showing well under 15stone now, so I'm really chuffed- I'm wearing what was a tight top to work 2day- it's getting baggy!!!! whoop!

Anyway, hope you all have a good day and hope to hear from you later! xx
Hello all of you!

I have been lurking around on this thread and I must say you are all so amazing, with brilliant losses and excellent advice for each other.

I know I 'resigned' from your team, so I hope that you don't mind me posting here. I have had an awful few weeks (Long post coming btw) and when I posted saying I didn't want to be team leader, I did that because at the time I couldn't commit to the thread (hence why I've gone minimins cold turkey - no pun intended!)

Well anyway, my story of my adventures the past 3 weeks...

My Nan passed away unexpectedly - although 73 years old she was as fit as a fiddle, and cared for my Grandad, who need's constant care as he has Parkinson's disease. As a nurse, she took on my Grandad's illness and has cared for him herself for the past 8 years.

Due to my families careers their children (my Mum and Aunts/Uncles) either live too far, or have busy jobs. So it was decided that my Grandad is to live in a home for elders with Parkinson's disease. Which has been very upsetting for all the family. The house is up for sale (to which the money will go towards paying for the home) 2,500 a month.

On top of this, I have PCOS and my periods have come back (they returned after loosing 2 stone through cd) however, I have been soooo heavy for the past 2 weeks (been on for 18 days straight now, with no sign of it ending) I have made an appointment at the Dr's because I am feeling very low and i'm in pain and very uncomfortable.

With these issues, I have maintained on CD - I think if I wasn't on a diet I would no doubt not be eating much anyway - just not in the 'mood' so to speak. Last week, I was astonished at loosing 7lbs, considering how heavy I was with totm. Yesterday's wi however was not to be, I stayed the same - better than a gain though, I figure.

On top of this I have interviews for jobs starting in September this week and next. So I'm completely stressed to say the least.

I feel fat, ugly, tired, tearful, financially worried (been doing supply work since my move to Bristol, and to say the work is few and far between is an understatement) andthe list goes on. I need a fairy to cast a spell to help me get through this.

Sorry for the long winded post. Just needed to get things out of my system. I hope you don't mind reading my negative downward spiral. You are all doing so well, and have kept me on the straight and narrow these past few weeks.

Big Hugs x x x
Oh Emma,

Of course we don't mind you posting here, it's so good to hear from you, yet I'm so sorry to hear about your Nan. It certainly sounds like you've had an awful lot to cope with and you have done magically maintaining CD. Probably just as well as at least you are getting all the nutrients you need.

So pleased for you that you have your periods back (mine kept stopping for about 6 months at a time, but have started again since losing some weight), but I really sympathize with your pain, it must be terrible for you and so so draining. I think it's a really good idea that your visiting the doctor.

Please don't worry about sts this week, you know it's your body's hormonal balance upset and when you become more stable you will have the loss- are you still losing inch.

If I had a magic wand, I would certainly make you feel good about yourself. It's so easy for us to tell others how brilliant they are, but try convincing yourself that when your grieving, worried, bloated, in pain, teary is virtually impossible.

Chin up chicken, we're here for you. Post as much as you need, we're always here for you to let of any steam that you need xxxxxx
Hey Emma,

So nice to hear from you again :) I agree - you have done so well considering whats been going on in your life lately. If you need to chat we are always here. Its so hard having to go through things and then think about CD but you have still kept going.

Seriously dont worry about being negative, ive made it into an art :D sometimes it can be so draining to get through it all, and post here whenever you need to vent.

Sometimes we need to just be by ourselves and think, its not a problem, i go awol all the time and please let us know how everything is going. We do miss you!

Its must be so heartbreaking to see what is happening to your grandad and your recent loss, i can only imagine how you are feeling. Just take it slowly, dont think about everything at the same time.

Financial worries are hard to deal with, but it will get better. For me its always up and down and then I think stuff this can't be bothered to worry about money anymore.

Anyways, take care hun, x x x

luv laila x
Hi all - Just wanted say that i'm very grateful for all you support on my thread in the main forum. I am however going to give Atkins a try but if i can get myself back together then i will try CD again though i cant say how long i could be away for. I would love to be able to come here and chat with you all as your all great and i will miss you all loads. Good Luck everyone, chat soon xxx
Hey sass,

ok hun take your time and hopefully hear from you soon, we are here if you need us!

laila x
Morning all

Sass, hun, you must do what you need to do, but remember we are all here if and when you need us, keep posting and let us know how you're doing!

Hope everyone has a good day and will check in later xx
Hey everyone,

I have been sticking to it 100% since Sunday but for some reason only lost 4 lbs argghhh i wanted to lose more, lets hope more will shift by sunday weigh in.

How is everyone doing? I did my ketostix bright pink wohooo so need to keep it going now :D

Will try to do some exercise today, but dont want to make myself tooo hungry so will see how it goes!

Anyways have a great day all xxx