0% fat Greek Yoghurt - protein option?


Can we use the Total 0% fat yoghurt as a protein option? It would be about 57 calories, 4g carbs and 10g protein per 100g. Here's hoping......
I doubt it, there isn't enough protein in it. Are you veggie?
If it keeps you on the diet then a 25g portion every so often in addition to you packs/ protein etc probably won't do much harm, though you need to check it against your losses as everyone is different.
Is there any guidance on how many grams of protein should be included in the 100g protein option? Chicken has about 30g protein per 100g weight so I guess that's the benchmark but don't really know
Chicken is the bench mark - email SnS if you want to know for sure but insufficient protein can lead to muscle wastage (i.e it being used for fuel by the body) and it also helps you feel fuller. The sns packs all have at least 11g of protein per pack, but a pack is 35gish, again making it about 30g protein per 100g. But you can have 2 eggs as protein, which is around 13g of protein.