02/01/15 Starters! Whoes with me????? :)

Hi sparkley! It's too hard, isn't it! The good news is Ive kept off the weight I lost on Exante. And I lost 3.5lbs this week, but I did it in the worst possible way...bingeing then fasting for 2 days to make up for it...

I really want to find a plan I don't have to think about, but can do long term and maintain on. Calorie counting drives me nuts after a while. Low carb works for a while but then I go nuts or struggle to exercise.
Fasting seemed ideal to me but I ended up using fast days to compensate for binges.

Sigh. Sure I'll find something :)
Feeling left out now that I'm not in the school teachers gang!! I want half term off too!!

Sounds like you're doing really well Moisy, well done or sticking with it.

I agree Ninja - in my head fasting days sounds good... but only because I can eat on the other days and, like you, I know I would over do it. Somehow Exante works well in that you don't have to think about it or make any choices - but that's not great for educating yourself into better eating habits long term. Trouble with me is that although I do like healthy foods - I am a ganet so have the potential to eat far too much! x
Hi Dietninja,

I am Deputy Headteacher in a primary school, what about you?
It has been quite a stressful half term and am looking forward to the break, but just don't want to break the diet. Other half isn't a teacher so he will still be at work which might help!!
I want to do the fasting days when I am finished as a way of maintaining the weight loss and using exante packs on those days....can't think that far ahead at the moment though! :rolleyes:
Sparkley, you are welcome to be an honorary teacher and join us for half term!!:) xx
I'm Head of chemistry in a large secondary school, and yes, it's been a tough half term! But I'm bringing quite a lot of work home with me :( :(
How lovely to see some chatter in here :) Hello to everybody! Too late to reply in depth now. Wasn't expecting to come on and read so much :) Just quickly though ...

Dietninja, was just going to say that you've done well getting that 3.5lb off this week, but yes, probably not the best way :-/ Still, to focus on the positive for now, it's off! lol. Have you considered something like paleo or Harcombe? Must admit that I don't know a great deal about either, but have some friends who follow these plans and swear by them. I was going to look into them more once I'm done with this diet. They seem to revolve a lot around 'real' food, as opposed to processed and artificial sweeteners, etc. and I like the idea of that :)

Weigh day again tomorrow. This week seems to have flown by!
Morning! Friday the 13th. Eek! lol.

Week 6 weigh in and 3lb off which I'm very happy with as it takes me into the 18's :D

Have a fab week everyone :)
Well done Jayne. Great loss :) I woke up with a terrible sore throat so drank a whole glass of water and then remembered I hadn't weighed myself......so not doing it until tomorrow!!
Wen to school and then was sent home ill, shivery and shaky!! Not good, but need to keep on track :(.....vegetable soup tonight should help! xx
Oh no, hope you feel better soon! Don't blame you delaying weigh in :)
How lovely to see some chatter in here :) Hello to everybody! Too late to reply in depth now. Wasn't expecting to come on and read so much :) Just quickly though ... Dietninja, was just going to say that you've done well getting that 3.5lb off this week, but yes, probably not the best way :-/ Still, to focus on the positive for now, it's off! lol. Have you considered something like paleo or Harcombe? Must admit that I don't know a great deal about either, but have some friends who follow these plans and swear by them. I was going to look into them more once I'm done with this diet. They seem to revolve a lot around 'real' food, as opposed to processed and artificial sweeteners, etc. and I like the idea of that :) Weigh day again tomorrow. This week seems to have flown by!

Thank you for suggestions...still dwelling on it all, and have a little voice on my shoulder saying...do Exante for another half stone and hit the 11s...go on! And I might even get it done in a week, as I've replaced all my glycogen now...will ponder it rather than rushing in!
Well done Jayne. Great loss :) I woke up with a terrible sore throat so drank a whole glass of water and then remembered I hadn't weighed myself......so not doing it until tomorrow!! Wen to school and then was sent home ill, shivery and shaky!! Not good, but need to keep on track :(.....vegetable soup tonight should help! xx

Poor you...yuck. Don't be ill over half term!!!
I am hoping not, Dietninja, I will feel so cheated of my half term break if I can't shift this. I have just had some vegetable soup and that has helped.....but you know what it is like when you feel poorly!! xx
Morning! Friday the 13th. Eek! lol. Week 6 weigh in and 3lb off which I'm very happy with as it takes me into the 18's :D Have a fab week everyone :)

Amazeballs Jayne!! How much have you lost altogether now? You are doing so well! I am now 12lb down since Monday weigh in... So much of that is water but I do feel a lot better. Just turned down lunch invitation for tomorrow as don't want to put temptation in my way. OH was eating cheese on toast at 10pm last night - smelled delicious. I don't think he enjoyed it tho... With every mouthful he was looking at me and apologising!!

Hope you have a great weekend x
Morning Moisy, hope you manage to shift that cold and have a good week off. X

Hi Ninja, Exante is so good for that quick boost of weight loss, but it is hard going and so much is water in that first week that it just goes straight back on when you eat something. I put a load on over my birthday weekend and have now lost 12lb in 5 days - but so much of that us just water and I know if I ate this weekend I'd be 7lb heavier come Monday just with water.

It would be depressing for you to stick to Exante for the week, get into the 11s, then have one regular meal and be back in the 12s. It's as if whatever our goal is we need to get 7lb below it to allow for the water that will go back on as soon as we eat!

Hope everyone has a good weekend xx
I totally understand what your saying sparkley but I did my 2 weeks of Exante in Jan and had no rebound even after reintroducing carbs. I think was I eased off Exante over a period of weeks back onto carbs. And reintroduced exercise. Three weeks on and I'm 3lb down from my Exante end weight.

My bigger stress is that I hate failing and I'm only just getting into exercise. I'd have to quit exercise again (but it's only a week) and I don't want to struggle then quit. If I choose to do it I want to see it through.

Food for thought :) no rush decisions! I'll low carb for a few days as that'll help me transition if I do go back on.

How's everyone today?
Amazeballs Jayne!! How much have you lost altogether now? You are doing so well! I am now 12lb down since Monday weigh in... So much of that is water but I do feel a lot better. Just turned down lunch invitation for tomorrow as don't want to put temptation in my way. OH was eating cheese on toast at 10pm last night - smelled delicious. I don't think he enjoyed it tho... With every mouthful he was looking at me and apologising!!

Hope you have a great weekend x

Thank you :) I've lost 27.5lb in 6 weeks :) So happy with that, but oh my, you know how hard I find it at times lol. I am literally gritting through it. I have no choice. I have to do this!
Well done turning down lunch. That's the mindset of someone who is focussed :) It's no fun having to do that, but that's what we have to do if we want to stay strong and on track :) There will be time for food when this is done! I've become very anti social. Friend is visiting from Manchester at the end of next week and I am determined we won't be going for food lol.
Yes, most of the 12lb will be water, but it's still weight your body is not having to carry about now, and changes are going on internally that will be doing you the world of good too :) Keep going! Sounds like you are getting back on track :)
Well - here for my weekly weigh-in and I have lost....nothing. Not gained anything either, mind you, so at least I have broken even :p I will admit to having been snacking on a bit too much cheese this week (okay - a lot too much cheese); kidding myself that it is carb-free and therefore okay to eat, but obviously it has had a profound affect on my weight loss, so that's cheese out of the window (not literally, of course). Hope to try and be 100% this week and get a good loss for next Sunday.
Keep up the good work, everyone!
Rich :)
Hi Rich, try and switch cheese for tuna or another lean protein... It could be the fats and dairy rather than the carbs.

good luck next week.

Really late to the party on this thread, but seems one of the busier ones and have been distracting myself from food by reading the whole thing!!

Restarted Exante just for a bit of a boost last Monday so weekly weigh in is tomorrow - am a serial daily weigher and was down 6lbs this morning :).

Also just wanted to weigh in on Paleo because it's what I've done in the past post Exante with great results.. Couldn't speak more highly of it as it's not about restricting quantity, just cutting out food we all know isn't doing us any good! Only thing is I seem to always struggle to eat ENOUGH calories when on it and when that happens I snowball because I end up getting so hungry that binging actually makes me feel better..

As long as you make sure you're filling your plate with more meat and veg than normal to make up for the lack of processed carbs though results are great and you'll stay in ketosis.. May gain a pound or two in the first week but then it starts dropping off again like you wouldn't believe and is definitely a lifestyle choice rather than a 'diet'!