10 Weeks to Christmas


Full Member
Ok im back again, came off the diet for my holiday back in June and havent restarted. gained 10lbs during that time, but have eaten things I shouldnt.
Its 10 weeks today to Christmas, and my goal is to stick to the diet as I had before.

Anyone want to join me today?
I'm in it till Christmas - my reward will be some turkey and maybe a yorkshire pudding on the day! Yum!
I've managed a 100% week so far! A christmas challenge sounds mighty fun :) xx
I'm in it till Christmas - my reward will be some turkey and maybe a yorkshire pudding on the day! Yum!
I've managed a 100% week so far! A christmas challenge sounds mighty fun :) xx

Fantastic and welcome, lets see how well we can do.
Hey- can I join your Christmas thread too? How much are you all aiming for? Day 5, 9lbs banished! Are dress sizes and weight all objective? I'm 17st, and a big 18... I'm trying to do the math to get to a small 16 by Christmas. What do you reckon?
I'm a 16-18 on top 18-20 on the bottom, 2 christmases ago i was a 14-16 top 16 bottom at 99kg and i looked and felt a billion times better, but i was on orlistat (alli) So christmas was crap!
This year i'm having 24-26th off as i'm going to visit family, and well, it's christmas! And i would love to be down to 99kg but i think that might be overshooting it!
If i can fit in my size 16 dress i will be happy :)
I'm around the same- my ass and chest are bigger than the rest of me! I'll be taking Christmas off too as I'll be visiting family. I don't want to go mad though, just be able to chill out!
I'm in! When I first started my journey on LL a few weeks ago I committed in my head til Christmas and really want to get to 3 stone off by then. I will be absolutely delighted if I can reach that goal. I wanted to reassess at that point and see if I wanted another lower goal, and if so, to carry on. But with 3 stone off I can get ICSI if we decide to go for it, so that's my aim, and would be a great Christmas presssie :)
I dont have a goal weight except first loose the 10lbs I put on. then get into my 10's (stone)

welcome everyone
100% for 2 days now, whoop whoop, going offline for a few days helping mum move, She never has food in, so I know I wont cheat, Saturday hopefully I will be in ketosis.
good luck everyone
hiya there i would like to join yor challenge too.im hoping for mayb 1.5 stone b4 xmas.i know more is poss but at least its acheivable and anymore is a bonus.im an 18 a the min i hate tight clothes so for me i wont be moving into the next size racket til my 18s are falling down.im hoping to visit fam at xmas too so will be taking a break but my ideal goal is 8-9 stone so will get bak on after until i get there.hope you all doin well.today s my first 100% day ive been cutting down and eating less so hoping it wont b too hard.good luck to us all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm in too :D I'd like to losing another 2 stone by Xmas to fit into a gorgeous red dress that I bought a couple of weeks ago in the sale. My only problem is, I think I have over estimated how big I will be and it might be too large by then :rolleyes: Good luck everyone.
I've got 3 dresses in my wardrobe all with labels, all too small when I started and all perfect for Christmas. I reckon I may have gone beyond them too by then. Would be such a shame on one hand, but absolutely fantastic on the other!! :D
That's exciting! You sound so motivated! I've got my size 16 skinny jeans out today. I got them done up, however all muffiny top and couldn't bend. I'm going to use them as my measure guide for the next little while.

I'd go for 60* washing too- if you're losing more than a size it'll be worth it and way better than buying loads of new stuff. Always cool to reward yourself with a something with each goal reached!
Totally with the goals and rewards, I've got a cracking Butler and Wilson clutch on order for my 2 stone reward. Asked my OH if he would supply the 3 stone reward if I do it by Christmas as that was my original target - he says he will and it will a surprise. I like surprises!
That's lovely! Love a good handbag... I'm an Orla Keily girl!

In other news... I'm in ketosis! I'm in ketosis! [happydance]
Yay! That's excellent! I've just got all Christmassy in the weirdest way, clearing out my spare room for decorating and have found loads of half rolls of Christmas wrap. I usually buy loads of the theme of the year and then wrap everything the same. This year I think I'll just use the wrap I've got (12 rolls!!!) - will keep the costs down a bit, leave me a bit more to spend on that Christmas dress. I've decided everything I own will be way too big by Christmas and I'll defo need something new :D