100% Accountable

Starlight said:
Thread moved to main forum due to food references

Noooo please move it back I've deleted the food references, I forgot I was on this one thought I was in my diary. It's pointless me having a 100% thread if it's not in the 100% section. 1 minor slip up that's all it was!! couldn't you have at least PMd me to remove the food refs rather than moving the whole thread? As you can see from my posts my mind has been preoccupied with my health scare so I'm sorry that one post mentioned food.
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You should keep a blog, I use blogger and it's great :D x
I used to keep a blog but it felt like I was talking to myself because no one ever read it or commented with advice etc so I'm not a big fan. I was probably doing it wrong mind you.
Surfhunny said:
I used to keep a blog but it felt like I was talking to myself because no one ever read it or commented with advice etc so I'm not a big fan. I was probably doing it wrong mind you.

I know the feeling there I had same problem! :(

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Ha yet another day of mahoosive temptation safely over!! Why is it that as soon as I decide to give it 100% a million and one social events suddenly crop up in my life??? I could go for months and not get invited anywhere and as soon as the 'd' word gets mentioned, bam full social diary!!!

This weekend is going to be difficult, the family are all getting together to scatter my Gran's ashes. On Sunday night they are all going out for dinner and I had said I'm on call and can't get a signal in the restaurant that's been booked, so can't go. Dad has backed me up on it, even if it is a total lie. I feel bad but I'm not going to be railroaded this close to the start of my good intentions. I need this diet more than I need one meal out with the family.

On the health front, still feeling no better really. I've at least figured out why ibuprofen is not touching the pain.... It's an anti-inflammatory and my inflammatory marker test came back as normal, so it has nothing to act on, doh! Going to take plain old paracetamol next time and see if that helps. I also looked up Movicol in the BNF (medicine encyclodpaedia) at work and one of the side effects is abdominal pain...... So I'm going to stop taking it for a few days and see what happens. I swing from being convinced its IBS to being convinced I have ovary problems. Logically it's IBS because the pain comes and goes and ovarian pain is constant and gets worse over time. I'm just sick of this ruling every minute of my life.... If it's painful I'm worried about what it is, if it's not painful, I'm worrying about when the pain will return. Fed up with it now. If I'm still getting pains when my GP comes back from annual leave on the 10th I'm going to ring up and ask to be referred for an ultrasound scan. The annoying this is I could just take a quick look with the ultrasound while I'm at work but I'm too scared and it's not allowed anyway. I could get a colleague to do it, but again it's not allowed and it would put her in an awkward position if she found anything.... So now I'm just waiting................
Just done Day one of the Couch to 5K app in preparation for the Race For Life in June. Man my fitness has plummeted in the last year. I haven't really done any running since I tore my calf muscle last January so this mornings session has been a shock to the system to say the very least. I also hate running outside I'm a dreadmill girl through and through so it was extra hard, there's hills and stuff. I took a but of a wrong turn (up a big slope) but didn't dare turn round and do the easy path cos there was a dog walker coming towards me :eek: I know for next time!!
Liveonce said:
Lol gud on u I dread the power walking I'm going to start next week I'm so unfit but its all about change :D

That's true it is, and it's what made me drag my back side out of bed and go yesterday morning. I'm reading a book called "Run Fat B1tch Run" by Ruth Field and it's brilliant. She's a runner who talks you through how to make running part of your life. She says you'll hate it and that no-one really runs for fun, deep down everyone secretly hates it but it's such a powerful Weightloss tool it's worth sticking with it.

She also says you will feel like you're dying and you will want to stop but just slow it down. All my runner friends say first 10 mins are the worst, then it's fine. But none of them have every said how to get through it. She does! It's really motivated me!
Course you can lovely, we can share it :)
Mine too hun, I'm doing it this time, no messing!!! Come post on here with me and we'll do it together. Are you doing CD?
*Shanny* said:
Yes started Saturday :) but need to be 100% once and for all cd is the only diet for me. X

Aw same here, and I was dreading my GP saying I had to stop because of my stomach pain. I can't lose on any other diet. I'm in a hurry too I need to lose this before Florida, so it's CD SS or stay fat!
I hate it and dread tomorrows outing but I feel so good AFTERWARDS it's worth it and if it helps with weightloss and toning well I guess I should move my a$$ and get to it. The thing I hate most about it is running outside where people can see, it's not going to be possible to go out at 7:30am every time, tomorrow will be an evening run, worried about people pointing and staring but I'm going to have to do it end of.

I'd prefer to run in the safety of the gym but Race for Life is outside so I'll have to training outside :( my second problem with running outside is the lack of relatively flat runs. I live in the country on the coast and my village is on a big hill, I have nowhere far enough to do a circuit without having a major hill climb. I could run round the block but in order to get the 5k in I'd have to do it 6 times and that is just tediously boring. I've got a little 1and 1/2 mile circuit that I do twice, but it's not great.
I'm bored today! I've been through my wardrobe and got out all my skinny holiday clothes and to be honest it's scared the hell out of me. Seeing how tiny these clothes are has freaked me out a bit!!!

Fact I have to remember is that my skinny holiday clothes fitted me when I was about half a stone heavier than my target so that means they will fit me again, I'm just shocked by how tiny they are compared to my clothes now.


The yellow is my XL Gap t-Shirt and the blue is my small 14 summer t-shirt :eek:

I'm trying to keep myself occupied today, so I've sorted out my holiday clothes, sorted out my holiday documents, insurance, ESTA and currency. I'm so organised, only 117 days to go lol. I'd love to be able to go out and buy some more shorts because I only have one pair but I really daren't as I have no idea what size I'll need. I'll probably leave that until end of July, when I should have a better idea!

Sorry for rambling...
Hey sal, day 3 of the Cambridge diet was a tough afternoon but then I had tofu and courgette for tea, found this more filling than other allowable food I had tried. When you say you lost 7lb in the first week was that on the sachets only?