11 weeks to a new me

I know what you mean, people do seem to think its ok to over eat obsessively to put on weight but when you want to reduce the calories every one has an opinion. I know of 2 people at work that did LL so if word gets out I know who to go to for support.

I haven't told anyone and its only my hubby who knows. The kids keep thinking Ive already eaten etc when they come in.
Sometimes I think its easier if nobody knows, it reduces the outside pressure as we all know we give ourselves a hard enough time without getting it from other people as well!

Day 4 today and am feeling well, I haven't been hungry since I started the diet so not sure what that means! I do feel less bloated though so am confident its working. My head is still trying to get me to eat but I know this is what happens to me as it happened when I stopped smoking so feel strong enough to deal with it at the moment.

Well done for getting through the week......... your first weigh in must be soon ~ very exciting :D
Hi hun, how are you doing? Keep sipping the water xx
Good afternoon Sambuca, hope you're still finding it relatively easy today. Day 4 almost over, you're doing fab! :hug99: xx
Hi Everyone

Well day 4 is almost over and I have to say I forced my last pack down just now. I am not hungry in the slightest which I think is a good sign! Still feeling strong and looking to the fist weigh in on Sunday.

Hope everyone else has had a good day

Day 5 and am feeling ok, still fighting the demons in my head but i'm winning that battle at the moment! I have been quite emotional the last 2 days and not sure if it is the diet or not! I'm quite tough at work (others at work may use stronger language!!) but have felt like crying twice for no real reason. There is a part of me that thinks go on, just cry as I think it would freak every one out at work and could be quite funny!

Anyway, Im offline for the the morning in meetings, so have a good day all and stay strong.

Well done on getting this far. I am on day one today fingers crossed x x
Hmmmm Day 5 and it's been difficult. I keep thinking about eating, I'm not hungry, I just want to eat. Also struggling to drink the water today. I think I've hit a wall and need to power through, I just want to go to bed and wake up thin!!!

Sambuca9 said:
Hmmmm Day 5 and it's been difficult. I keep thinking about eating, I'm not hungry, I just want to eat. Also struggling to drink the water today. I think I've hit a wall and need to power through, I just want to go to bed and wake up thin!!!


It takes 2 weeks to change a habit and eating for the sake of it is a habit we all need to change. Have you tried having warm water or a bouillon drink for a change?
Oh I'd love to go to bed and wake up thin :)
Thanks Ali,

Its just one of those days :sigh: Ill feel better tomorrow I'm sure. I'm going to force down my last shake for the day (I like them, I just find I'm not hungry enough for them!) them go to be and watch some telly.

Have a good night

Day 6 and ive started on the water, trying to power through this wall and try and keep my mind occupied. Starting to look forward to my weigh in day on Sunday, got my fingers crossed on the weight loss. Not sure how quickly it shows and not sure if I'm imagining it but I'm sure my stomach looks less bloated and I feel like I have lost weight!

Hey ho better crack on with work

Me & my friend always say that it would be nice to be given a second chance with food & someone to say "ok, tomorrow you will wake up thin, but if you mess it up you're on you're own next time"!! If only..... However if anythings going to shift it quickly this is it :0)

Funny you say about feeling emotional, I sat at my desk at work with tears running down my face on Wednesday, I'm quite thick skinned but felt very hormonal! Glad to say that's passed for now, can't help but think its the body & the weird changes you go through on a vlcd!! Hope you have a good day at work anyway!! :0)
Day 7, lesson learnt, I am not ready to have the bars, I went crazy on them and am now trying to get my head back in the right place. Its amazing how quickly the demons took hold. I do feel strong today though and want to crack on with losing weight.

Oh I am really exited about my first weigh in, I know I may not have the huge losses that some people do, but I know I will have lost!!!

Yay you, that's a fab loss. Congratulations!!!! :happy096:
Well done, you deserve it.

I will be over the moon if i do that well x x