12 steps to my goal weight in 2016...............

Thanks ladies managed a whole day on 1.5syns!

Think I might have a wee packet of crisps as a treat since I can afford it!

Just munched 2 packets of golden wonder crisps worked out they are 6.5 syns each.

14.5 syns used today so still within the allowance but feel like I had a nice wee treat xxx
Eurghhhhhhh I ended up majorly stressed last night & when I came home I ended up making terrible food choices.

Dinner last night was 5 Richmond sausages, 2 fried eggs, 2 rolls with unmeasured lurpak.

I also had 2 haribo sweeties.

This morning I was up taking family to the airport & I had a starbucks latte with a cinnamon swirl.

Later in the morning I had McDonalds sausage & egg mcmuffins with 3 hash browns & an orange juice.

This has been a terrible binge I feel soooooooooo bad.

D xxx


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Don't worry about having a wobble, it happens to all of us. Dust yourself off and get back up on the horse, it's in the past now. You can do this :)

P.S. McDonald's hash browns are delicious! I'm going to attempt to make my own hash browns at some point, hopefully they'll be just as good!
Oh they are the best!!!

I seen a lovely hash brown recipe but have never made it, might do it this weekend. It might have been more like a potato rosti but that is like the same thing anyway!!

Back on it today, I am also completing the Bootea Teatox so day 1 today. Will take my measurements when I get home so that at the end I can see inches & lbs lost.

Thanks for the pep talk, I needed it.

You can do it. The best thing you can do is get straight back on it and not let it turn into a full week off plan.... good luck with bootea! I've heard/seen good things :) xx
I'm sooooooo excited to see the results at the end of the 28 days!

Just had a packet of golden wonder crisps (6.5) & a pink lady apple.

Yum yum yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

I bought myself some crisps to have as a treat - Asda's own version of Quavers and Skips. They're only 4.5 syns per bag :) I prefer crisps to chocolate anyway.

Potato rostis are pretty much the same as hash browns - I like them both. I might also attempt to make them at the weekend, let me know how you get on!

I'm also curious to see how you get on with the teatox, I've heard about it but not really sure how effective it'd be. Keep me updated! :)
I'm gonna find the recipe. I will post it here for you.

Oh I love savoury way more than chocolate too, it's so good but so bad at the same time! Especially when I just keep eating!!

Might need to look into some of those wee treats then.

That salad looks lovely!
Ok so Friday & Saturday I actually stuck to the SW plan! I am super proud of myself as this is the first time in months I have managed this.

Saturday I did use 27 syns so went way over but this is the first weekend I havent binged in as long as I can remember!!!

Today I am out with my team for dinner as one of the girls in leaving so I have my SW brekkie & lunch with me & I will enjoy my wee treat dinner then straight back on plan tomorrow.

That's great, well done! Enjoy your treat tonight then get straight back to it tomorrow :)
Back to WI this morning & still weighed in at 15st 8lbs so hoping for another loss next week!

I have a night out tonight with work, not gonna drink just gonna have pizza. Straight back on plan tomorrow.

Back to WI this morning & still weighed in at 15st 8lbs so hoping for another loss next week!

I have a night out tonight with work, not gonna drink just gonna have pizza. Straight back on plan tomorrow.


Hope you enjoyed your night x