14 Stone To Lose

Thank you everyone. I appreciate all your kind thoughts and words.

It seems he has the UTI to end all UTI. We're not sure what that means about his head (they thought he'd had a series of mini strokes that had clubbed together for the seizure - it's likely still the case as he's still on the epilepsy tablet.) He still doesn't have a clue who we are but he recognises the faces so he's definitely getting better. We didn't go yesterday as it's roughly £15 a day taxi fare and he sleeps through most of it and was asleep again for most of visiting time according to the nurses so I got a few pre-Christmas jobs done.

Here's hoping for a calmer week for all. (as Calm as you can get for the last full week before xmas! Have a filling in just over an hour and half. Ew! But hair cut on Thursday so will try and think of that whilst he's at me with those nasty tools! Hope you're all okay xx
Glad to hear that things are looking up!

Although filling, BOO! I've never had to have a filling, my dentist loves me - which is extra surprising considering how much fizzy drink I get through (yay for straws!) but good luck with that!

and YAY to hair cut, I think I'm getting mine cut on the Saturday inbetween Chrimbo and New year (hair cuts sneak up on me, I make them so far in advance that I just forget!) so it's always a nice surprise :D
Hi glad ur ok. Enjoy ur haircut. Ouch to the tooth problem.. i had a tooth abcess once snd it was agony, i hate going to dentists.xx

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Hey hun glad things are a little better. I had my hair cut today :) xxx
Thanks darlings :) Sorry for the gap in between visits but things have been mental.

The tooth thing wasn't so bad if I'm honest, I was dreading it but it's the initial injections that held the most bother for me. Whilst none of it was pleasant, once they were in - and for once they got the right place - I didn't feel anything else :) Basically the bloke who'd done it before hadn't done it correctly and so he had to remove what was put in and redo it which didn't take as long as I thought it would and he's right - the sensitivity has gone from it :)

Hair cut today! :) Looking forward to it, I love our hairdressers!

Grandad... well. He's been discharged (after patient transport was arranged for 'after lunch'. It finally arrived - after we'd been there since TWELVE - at half past 8. I know they're busy but seriously?! The man is 83! Why the hell do they discharge people over say... 65 at that time? Especially as he had no trousers because he was still having accidents and every pair the hospital insisted on him wearing as 'they were coming soon!' were soon unfortunately wet!

He's not back to normal, he's still v confused and doesn't know who everyone is/what's going on/where he is but they're adamant that it's a urine infection and he's on the antibiotics that should calm it down. Whether he'll "come back" is a whole other question. Have the mini strokes done too much damage? Has the infection raged too long to be recovered? Has his dementia stepped up a notch? It's all a waiting game now.

Now... well. Things are still crazy. I'm trying to catch up on a fortnights Christmas things that need doing (like the cleaning etc) in the next... 4/5 days? Had to postpone (or cancel if she can't fit us in) the nails treat as my cousin's funeral is now the 23rd at 1.40 and we were seeing her at 2pm so that's by the by. Really not looking forward to that - not that you 'look forward' to funerals but... wow. This is going to be very very hard for everyone. Poor bloke :( Still all so shocked.

The diet has gone completely out the window. I'm not eating a ridiculous amount or going over cals (including exercise cals in this) but for godknowshowlong now I've lived on sandwiches and a crisps for lunch and dinner with the odd oven pizza and few oven chips in the mix occasionally. It almost went completely out the window on Tuesday as by the time we'd gotten home we hadn't eaten for 12 hours as obviously noone expected it to go on that long. Essshk.

How are you all lovelies? :) xx
Hi hun, had a catch up. You are going through so much! I think you are doing fab if you are not going over cals, maybe use a slow cooker to get more fresh food in if it's easier and you have one? I love mine!

Hope that you have a fab xmas with all you are coping with, you deserve it. And I bet it feels fab to be so much lighter than last year :) xx
Hi honey - hope things soon settle down.

It sounds like wait & see with Grandad. Funerals are horrid at but it must be even harder when situation so tragic. Your poor cousin - so sad.

Don't worry too much about cleaning - your lovely Christmas with the family will be fabulous even if house slightly dusty. Its so tricky to eat well when dashing about. You can only do what you can & you're such a super star you'll be back at it as soon as you can :D
I can only repeat what everyone said. You're doing really well in difficult circumstances. Just look after yourself and get through this time then start the healthier eating again when things are more settled again. And don't worry about cleaning. Hugs xx
Hi Kym! I'm so sorry to hear you're still having a rough time. It's so hard when you're toing and froing to the hospital all the time, but at least it sounds like you've managed to not do any damage diet-wise, which is great! I hope the funeral goes as well as these things can - thinking of you. :) xx
Be strong girl, its not easy but you can manage it all. I like the fact that you keep doing the best you can and thats actually so much. I admire you. Sending big hug and best wishes , things will get better in time hun.
Hello darlings, sorry it's been so long since I've been on. Been trying to fit everything from the last 2 weeks into the last 3/4 days.

He's back in the home and is doing better than he was at hospital and he's on strong antibiotics. He's not back to "normal." he doesn't know who people are but recognises faces of some people. He's very chatty (which is weird) and hasn't stood up or moved on his own for three weeks now so there's a chance he may have to be wheelchair bound. Noone knows if he'll get back to how he was or if too much damage has been done by the infection/dementia worsening/seizure so we'll see how things go.

Things are slowly returning to normal (as normal as they can). The funeral is tomorrow, there's been an inquest and still noone knows what the hell happened or why but we're doing as well as we can.

Hope you're all well and all prepared for Christmas xx
meant to say - last weigh in before Christmas, didn't put any on but didn't lose any either! Still, half a stone away from my target is still not bad! :)
Hi hon, I'm glad you're ok! :) A STS is pretty good going with everything you've had to contend with, it would have been so easy to go off track, so well done!

Hope you're all ready for Christmas, and that you have a lovely time. :) xx
Thank you lovely :) Quite happy that (admittedly using a few exercise calories on the odd days as I've been here there an everywhere) I haven't gone over calories - that'll do for me :) Life is too short as we've found out lately

We're doing okay. All done Christmas shopping wise now - will probably end up buying the odd few little bits (as you always do!) that we don't need when I nip to Asda to pick up mums click and collect order in the morning - but everything else is in - all the shopping and the fresh. Hope you're all done and doing well :D :D xx
Well dont this week. Im very proud of you for staying the same. Sometimes not gaining is bigger win then losing , at least for me.

Wish you all the best for tomorrow and happy holiday week. Hope everything goes well. :)