

Full Member
hey all
i normally comfort eat big time but i am trying i do quite well food wise. my problem is i cant exercise.. i just cant do it! i try n try but i just give up :cry:

what help u??

Never mind formal exercise, just start walking. Get yourself a quality pedometer, like an Omron from Amazon, and start counting up your daily steps.
Not everybody likes a gym or wants to be involved with one. I own my own treadmill and exercise bike, but when I am in the UK, I go for miles and miles of walks in those quiet country lanes.
Give it a try.
i walk to and from work every day covering 23 miles a week. i find this is enough for me.
Do you have a neighbour with a dog that could do with a walk, or a local dog shelter needing dog walkers? Otherwise just walk yourself or with a pal, plan a route on googlemap and measure the distance. Alternatively 2000 steps is a mile so you can count your way there. You just have to do it 3-4 times a week, a good long walk and you'll feel the difference. Good luck!