2.5stone gone and this time its for good

You'll get there Shantel! Believe me ssing is much easier.... I am constantly starving now that I am eating again
ok so in the last hour and a bit I have completely fallen off the wagon..... started with a packet of crisps and then lets just say it didn't end there but its ended well..... I am glugging the water and about ready to head to bed, going to ss tomoro and try to undo some of the damage done today. Hopefully though I will get to the bathroom and perhaps feel a whole lot better.
There is a line drawn on today
Tonight I will be positive
Tomoro I will be busy
Tomoro I will drink my water throughout the day
Tomoro I will ss 100%
AM are you still on ss+??? As when you do 810 or 1000 you wont feel hungry all the time. Hang in there girls.

Shantel look at you hun. What an achievement!!!! Well done.

AM, lots of water and forget about it in the morning. Crisps... one slip up shouldn't do much harm. However if you continue it will. Find something to keep you busy in the morning. Perhaps a swim, gym or go shopping!!! Stay busy and guzzle tomorrow.

You are only human by the way and this is life. Try and figure out why you ate them. If it was through pure hunger then moving up the plans will help. PM or email Debz.

Cheers hun, yeah it started with crisps as I had them in the house.... continued with lots of other stuff.... not going to dwell on it though. I spoke to Debz this evening but Dad arrived in and I got distracted..... not very productive.... but a day or two of ss to get back in the flow should sort me out..... so not the way I wanted to do it this time but I will go through the steps.... I HAVE MADE THIS PROMISE TO MYSELF
Ok so am not ssing..... had a bit of a chat with myself and don't want to get back into the binge ss cycle. I am having issues with 810..... 810 it will stay.... I will beat this after all its only 2 weeks.... I can do that right? of course I can! If I can loose the 4/5lb I put on then all good if not it will come off eventually! Just gotta stick with it.

Hope alls well with you Bren!
That's right it is only 2 weeks. So what and when exactly are you being tempted or distracted with the thoughts and actions of foods. Perhaps try changing your routine a little? Swimming in the morning? out for a drive or walk?

As for me 1250 cals today with CCing. 4 days down now and I feel in control. Feel guilty talking about food in front of you now. Basically had my session today with shrink and I do feel that my thoughts all day long are not on food. I feel a little relaxed and a little positive that CC will work for me.


Don't be feeling guilty! A lot of it is in my head. We must so think alike I changed up my routine and am having a fab day!

So here's whats been going on with me...

Been in pain.... not managing it well and avoiding painkillers.

Been taking my wee cousin to the gym and fitting in with her... which in retrospect is driving me nuts cos sometimes its just difficult to motivate myself let alone someone else and eating at times that don't work for me obviously isn't working.

Moving up the plans is the difficult part for me as nibbling is so much easier without the voice telling me I am going to knock myself out of ketosis.


I am managing. I have got organised. House is clean. CV updated and a few job applications done whoo hoo so feeling much better in myself and therefore about the diet also...... Control is back.

810 is not an excuse to nibble. It is about introducing a proper dinner..... no more cottage cheese - more proper dinners - tuna steaks, cod fillet etc.

Get back into the routine of drinking 2l every afternoon.

Getting out of the habit of eating bars..... avoiding constipation due to less fibre.

Feeling good about myself knowing that I am not binging and ssing! I am accepting the consequences if I choose to eat off plan.... 10 more days.... I can do this!

Control is a funny thing..... perhaps we need KD to write a thread?!?!
Right girlie i am presuming you are still on this great new whim and enjoying a change of attitude and routine!

Good on you for picking yourself up and giving you what for. Bummer about the pain does a heat pack on your belly help at all?? Do you have some medication to use for the pain? Not long now until your op babe, stay strong and keep up the top work.

You have achieved so much! Sit down write some very achievable goals for this week.

AM look at your losses hun that is such an inspiration to me and many others see those stats!

Bren, You are a star.... thanks for the post.

I had a bit of a crap weekend in terms of diet but an absolutely awesome weekend in terms of friends and parties and getting stuff done! Also had a day off from the gym.

Back on plan today.... 810 100% whoo hoo me!

Heat pads don't really work and I am trying my best to stay clear of the painkillers as they make me feel really groggy.

Off now to do my mini goals to keep me back on track and you never know... I might be one of the lucky ones and loose 4lb a week on 810 ( I doubt it but lets see if a positive mental attitude works!)

Hows things with you?
Good woman!

Me I am still averaging around the 1200 cal mark per day and only managing the gym on the weekends. Never mind next week, for 6 days before I work this carnival I will be able to go at my own leisure and work wont get in the way.

Keep up the water.

Oh its WI today for you! How did you go? How long have you been on 810 and how long will you stay on it before moving up the plans???

wi is later on.... expecting a gain to be honest but its all good.... gonna to see how long I can manage on 810 but at least one more full week then up to 1000. just going to wait and see!
As expected, after 3 days off plan last week, thats a +3lb this week. Oh well, booked a wi next week to keep me on track, lets hope after the 3 days off plan... I get a good first week loss lol!
Good attitude about the tiny 3lbs. Remind yourself young lady!, just how much you have lost. CD is very restrictive and you just need to remember that you have come a long way and are nearly there. 1 week of 810 and then perhaps 1000. Maybe you need the food now to stay on track not just because your body was craving it.

Draw a line as they say and dont let it enter you mind.

just breathe out and its gone lol. I know its that chatterbox voice..... loads of excuses but chatted with my CDC and she agrees that it was time to move up the plans as we don't know how much the fibroid weighs lol. Lets hope it 7lb or more hehe.

Going to see how I manage on 810 for a while.... enjoyed today and still have a shake to go ... its 11:40 best go make it quick!

Lets hope it's not a 7lb fibroid that would be very very dangerous.

Anyway well done hun!

ok so three days 100% 810 then Thursday had a nouthful of icecream, friday had 3 sweeties. Not going to worry about it as I have the binging under control by the looks of things as a mouthful didn't turn into a whole mcflurry and 3 sweets didn't turn into the bag whoo hoo lets bring it on a week of 810!
Doin great missus :) stick with it !!