2 quick questions


Full Member
It's been a while since I've done s'n's and just wanted to ask:

Has the Thai soup been discontinued?
Do they now have the name/logo on the packet? What made me prefer sns to the other vlcd previously was the discreet packaging - I could pretend I was just having a cuppa soup.


Kingy x
It's been a while since I've done s'n's and just wanted to ask:

Has the Thai soup been discontinued?
Do they now have the name/logo on the packet? What made me prefer sns to the other vlcd previously was the discreet packaging - I could pretend I was just having a cuppa soup.


Kingy x
Sadly Thai soup has been discontinued. And they've decided to put their name and logo massively on the packet :(
Oh no. See for me, I much prefer the Cambridge products, but because the packaging was discreet i much preferred SMS because it was easier to get away with it at work. :( hmmm.

Not sure what to do now as I loved the Thai.

Thanks for replying x

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I'd say - don't worry about the packaging. Before going to work/wherever you can always transfer the powder into a different container - the powder won't lose any nutritional value/etc just by being exposed to the air.
At least that's how I'd approach that particular problem.

As for the Thai soup - try the Chicken Curry Noodle Soup from SnS - it's delicious. :)
The writingis just on one side of the packet though so you can hide it somewhat and they are still silver not bright colours

. I did think about the container thing but that's just an added chew on, on a morning.

Even if the packaging is one sided it doesn't seem to scream slim and save, im in a new job and you know how judgemental people can be with this diet, I'd rather not attract any attention!

That SMl looks perfect, thank you! I'm going to order a few packs from them and see how I get on. I'd not heard f them before.

Thanks for the replies everyone xxx

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