20/4/09 started slim fast! excited!

welcome! slim fast sounds like it shud fit in well with ur lifestyle cos its so convientient.
i usually try and have limfast within an hour of waking up and then one for lunch usually 4 hours later and then have tea (600 cals) around 6 hours after that but i dont think it matters about timing. you can also have 3 100 cal snacks :)
i have the ready made bottles - only cos i am lazy, but means i can just have it on the go or while i am at work etc.
i've been on slimfast for a fair few months and i think its a fab diet!

i hope it works out for you!
Hi chelle,
I'm starting Slimfast tomorrow. Can't say I'm excited :( but I'm hoping that I can find the will-power to stick with it for a while so I can shift some weight before the weather warms up. I really can't face the thought of having yet another summer feeling really uncomfortable when the thermometer rises a few degrees! I have a wardrobe full of nice summer clothes which I could wear confidently if I dropped about a stone and a half. I stocked up with Slimfast today at Boots, because there's a 3 for 2 offer, but unfortunately they only had the chocolate and strawberry flavours. I got 3 strawberry because I seem to remember, from a few years back, that I don't like chocolate. Long-term I need to lose just over 5 stone to get in the healthy BMI range, but to start with I'm aiming for 2 stone off by July. I've been reading this forum for a few days and I must say it's extremely informative and friendly!

Good luck on your weight loss journey!
Hiya chelle, :welcome2: to sf & this wonderful site, which is very helpful and everyone is so supportive so i think you in just the right place. SlimFast is a great diet and is very easy to follow, i also have the powders but i use the ready made ones when i'm feeling lazy :) Good Luck with your diet and remember to drink lots of water.:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:

Keep us posted on how things are going for you.
Hi and welcome chelle and Dawn :D I love this diet cos it's so easy! I have meal bars as i'm not keen on milkshakes, and they are so easy to take with you if you go out.
I don't think timing really matters, but I get up about 7.30 and have my 1st bar at around 10, i'll drink 1 litre of water slowly from when I get up to when I have the bar. I usually have another 2 litres from then til I go to bed.As well as green tea if I fancy a warm drink. I found it hard to get used to drinking water to start with,but it does get easier x
Thanks chelle :) I'm think the secret is to get your head in the right place and I know this sounds daft, but enjoy being in control of what you eat. I had easter weekend off and was relieved to get going again on tuesday! I don't spend all day everyday thinking about food anymore!
Hi Chelle! I tend to wait until about 10.30 to have my first shake and then have the second one when I feel like it in the afternoon usually between 1 and 2.

Hey Cat, just wanted to mention something to you that I've read in the past. There have been alot of studies that show that if you eat within an hour of waking, that it boosts your metabolism. I see you don't drink your first shake until 10:30... and it could be that you get up close to that time. I get up at 5:45 and would DIE if I had to wait that long! :8855:

Just a suggestion to help you along the way... if it is applicable! :)
