3 months Easter Challenge (27th December 2012 - 27th March 2013)

btlaney, it is difficult to say how much weight loss will get you in a size 14 as each person is built differently. Personally I do not believe 1/2 stone = a dress size.

As someone else said just concentrate on getting back to plan and I am sure buy June you are much slimmer and look fab in a ball gown. Forget about what has happend this week. From tomorrow morning go back on plan and do not give up. Anytime you feel a binge coming on, come on here and chat and you'll forget about over eating. Fi up on superfree food as much as you can. We are here to support you.
btlaney, it is difficult to say how much weight loss will get you in a size 14 as each person is built differently. Personally I do not believe 1/2 stone = a dress size.

As someone else said just concentrate on getting back to plan and I am sure buy June you are much slimmer and look fab in a ball gown. Forget about what has happend this week. From tomorrow morning go back on plan and do not give up. Anytime you feel a binge coming on, come on here and chat and you'll forget about over eating. Fi up on superfree food as much as you can. We are here to support you.

Thanks Rosie,

I've been having a real nightmare week,
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bt I know what you are saying in regards to be down. I think, it is time of the year that everyone feels a Black cloud over them - snow, cold, dark night. Thta is driving a lot of people including myself towards wanting to eat more. Hope spring comes soon and evenings get lighter.

Those goals you have set are fantastic and achievable. Those should be good enough reasons for you to achieve your goal. It is a good idea to buy the ball gown and aim to fit into it by June. Where is Maud's ice cream shop. A few years ago I went to stay with a friend in Copenhagen and she took me to this ice cream shop - tiny little shop which is famous for their large ice creams. I had a cone one which was massice (10 times bigger than a corneto) and was so delicious. We sat in someone's door way and ate it - yum yum.

Best of luck and as I said before we are all here to support you to get there.

Have a fantastic time with your nieces tomorrow. My nieces have grown up and gone abroad to teach English for a couple of years. They used to spend most weekends with me when they were little.
bt I know what you are saying in regards to be down. I think, it is time of the year that everyone feels a Black cloud over them - snow, cold, dark night. Thta is driving a lot of people including myself towards wanting to eat more. Hope spring comes soon and evenings get lighter.

Those goals you have set are fantastic and achievable. Those should be good enough reasons for you to achieve your goal. It is a good idea to buy the ball gown and aim to fit into it by June. Where is Maud's ice cream shop. A few years ago I went to stay with a friend in Copenhagen and she took me to this ice cream shop - tiny little shop which is famous for their large ice creams. I had a cone one which was massice (10 times bigger than a corneto) and was so delicious. We sat in someone's door way and ate it - yum yum.

Best of luck and as I said before we are all here to support you to get there.

Have a fantastic time with your nieces tomorrow. My nieces have grown up and gone abroad to teach English for a couple of years. They used to spend most weekends with me when they were little.

Hey Rosie,

Your ice cream shop sounds fab, I so need to go their. I could live on ice cream, I've been saying for years that it should be its own food group. Hahaha Icecream my biggest downfall along with the wine!!

Maud's ice cream is a little place in Enniskillen, co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Their waffles are to die for.
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YES! thats almost 22 weeks, 1lb a week is already 1st 8lb. i went from top 24-26 to a 16 (now) bottoms im in 18 due to problems with my legs which retain lot water,... but soo can do it. just think 2lb a week would be 3st 2lb :O

Hello everyone,

So here's a question, on Thursday morning before I fell off the wagon I was 16 st 8 lbs and a generous size 18. Do you think I could shift enough weight to get me to a size 14 ( in my opinion a healthy size - these size 6's and 8's are ridiculous) by 21st June this year??

Why I hear you all ask, the reason is I'm organising a massive charity gala ball and in short I want to look amazing. I did this 2 years ago and could hardly get a ball gown to fit me and the one I ended up wearing was probably the least glamourous of any of the ladies their.

I keep reading people saying half a stone = a dress size, in that case I know I can do it, but I've never found dress sizes to work like that for me.

I've been so miserable all week and totally lost it and have scoffed about 10 000 calories a day since Thursday. Does that happen to anyone else much?? or is it just me thats so weak willed???

Am going for a fresh start Monday morning with my new gala ball dress in mind - I've seen the most fab ball gown!!

What do you all think??
Thanks Rosie,

I've been having a real nightmare week, and I think what's annoying me the most is that I cannot find one real reason for feeling so bad. I just feel like a big black cloud is hanging over me. I've just been thinking about what everyones been saying and have decided to make a list of why I should be happy and looking forward to being a better me. So I'm gonna write it down for me and everyone else to see so I can come back to this when I need to.

1. I'm going on holidays to tenerife for 2 weeks on September 24th
2. Tomorrow I'm going to take my 2 nieces who I love dearly and we are going to vist Maud's ice cream shop and eat the biggest ice creams they have on sale before I get back on plan Monday morning.
3. My brother and his wife's baby is due soon and have have bought them the most beautiful baby outfits.
4. I am organising 2 wonderful charity events a gala ball and charity golf day and I'm gonna have a great time - last time I did this I raised £55000
5. I have just seen the most gorgeous ball gown and i am going to buy it and fit into it before June.
6. I'm going to grow my hair out again and look gorgeous
7. I won a £300 skin care system on Wednesday and in 18 weeks after I've peeled and been beet root red I am going to look 10 years younger and have the skin of a baby.
8. I have no money thanks to buying a new car, but I'm going to get off my butt and drive places (don't really like driving) and wherever I go I'll love it cause I got there all on my own ( note to self find sat nav)
9. I love my little dachshund Riley to bits, and I know he hates walking but we're in this together and he is going to walk every day with me, cause he needs to loss weight too.
10. I'm going away with mum and dad in August for my birthday to mayo for a long weekend and I've just decided to tell my boss that I'm gonna take a few extra days and go for a whole week and I don't care. No matter what the boss thinks the place will not explode just because I've taken more than 2 days off in a row.

Ok there is 10 things some very much things to look forward too and some are things I just need to change to make me a bit happier.

This is lovely Bt. Rosey's right, it's that time of year and you probably feel you're at the bottom of a hill looking up. I felt like that when I started SW at the end of September. I'm now almost half way through my "weightloss journey" and I'm so glad I made the decision to stick with it. I got married in August and I was probably at my heaviest! It was only afterwards I thought...damn I should have been slimmer but I'm happy now that I'm getting there.
I think we should all make our own lists :) I made a load of chocolate chip cookies last night and another thing called a Magic Bar...heart attack bar more like and I ate too many - so yes you're not alone when it comes to giving in to cravings.

I've learned some great tips here on Minimins...I'm on it nearly every day and keep my food diary on my own thread. It definitely keeps me more aware of my eating habits and staying on plan.

The very best of luck with it xx

Ps You're about the same height as me and if you're anything like the rest of me (broad shoulders, big busted, jelly belly) then clothes sizes are a pain in the arse and no two shops are the same. A size 14 in Dunnes could be a size 20 in Zara!
:party0011:Hi Roselea, better late than never lol I'd love to join your challenge if that's ok?
I did a Christmas Challenge but have had a bad month so this will get me looseing again :)
I will set my target at 14lbs
Lost 1.5lbs this week. So 16lbs to go.
Hello everyone,

So here's a question, on Thursday morning before I fell off the wagon I was 16 st 8 lbs and a generous size 18. Do you think I could shift enough weight to get me to a size 14 ( in my opinion a healthy size - these size 6's and 8's are ridiculous) by 21st June this year??

Why I hear you all ask, the reason is I'm organising a massive charity gala ball and in short I want to look amazing. I did this 2 years ago and could hardly get a ball gown to fit me and the one I ended up wearing was probably the least glamourous of any of the ladies their.

I keep reading people saying half a stone = a dress size, in that case I know I can do it, but I've never found dress sizes to work like that for me.

I've been so miserable all week and totally lost it and have scoffed about 10 000 calories a day since Thursday. Does that happen to anyone else much?? or is it just me thats so weak willed???

Am going for a fresh start Monday morning with my new gala ball dress in mind - I've seen the most fab ball gown!!

What do you all think??

It can be done and it's not that difficult - you just need to be consisitent. Regular exercise will help you tone as you loose. I did 3 stone in about that time frame and was in a 14 dress at 13 1/2 stone and I'm not as tall as you.
Having a goal is good. I buy myself a thinspiration outfit a size lower than I am and have done all the way along - keeps me going, even if the scales haven't moved much I'll often see the difference in clothes.
Good Luck.
btlaney, it is difficult to say how much weight loss will get you in a size 14 as each person is built differently. Personally I do not believe 1/2 stone = a dress size.

As someone else said just concentrate on getting back to plan and I am sure buy June you are much slimmer and look fab in a ball gown. Forget about what has happend this week. From tomorrow morning go back on plan and do not give up. Anytime you feel a binge coming on, come on here and chat and you'll forget about over eating. Fi up on superfree food as much as you can. We are here to support you.
For me a size down is more like 1 to 1 1/2 stones before they are really a good fit.
Lost 1.5lbs this week. 11 to go, but have a birthday Chinese buffet this week so Im thinking ill gain by next Monday...

For me a size down is more like 1 to 1 1/2 stones before they are really a good fit.

Im the same. Ive lost 4 stone 10 and only gone from wearing a 20 (which was tight) to a 16 (although some 14s fit not enough to be a comfortable 14).
Well done losers and everybody keep going!

Wrt dress sizes, I've lost 3st 12.5lbs in 32 weeks and gone from a tight 18 to a 12 on top and 12/14 on bottom.
Just came back from a meeting and I have lost 1.5lbs :D. That's 10lbs in 3 weeks!!!!
Disaster. 1.5lbs ON !!!