3 Positives for today...

1. Lost 1.5lbs tonight at weigh in, firmly in the 9's now!
2. Had kfc but went for syn free BBQ beans, 1.5 for a corn on the cob and the made a salad and potatoes at home
3. Feeling focused for another week on plan :)
How did you get your 4lbs loss last week then?and another good loss this week well done!

Thank you! :) erm I just tried a few new things - not strictly slimming world ideas but googled overcoming a plateau and it suggested having five green teas a day, less carbs, only eating when hungry. So did those and really seemed to make a difference for me :) (still averaged about 8 syns a day)
Ahhh I see ;) well if it works for you then fair play! Are you still doing these things now or more backon sw?
I did follow the link to your healthy pages the different green teas looked lovely!

I meant I still followed SW completely, just added those things to shake it up a bit. And yeah back to normal, although I've stuck with the 5 green teas a day thing as really enjoy them :) aw thanks! xx
Haven't done this for a while, probably because I've been a negative nancy! No more :)

1) Christmas tree is ready to be picked up (artificial, lol)

2) Friends are actually letting me know what they want for my birthday meal next week (last minute, but you know small victories!)

3) it's not horrible and rainy like yesterday, it's currently a lovely fresh winter day with a bit of sun. perfect.
1. I have two interviews next week, not for the jobs I really really want but still its something :)
2. The wind and rain has gone today
3. My new dress came and looks lovely
One: Got voted Miss Slinky last night in group :)
Two: Aim for this week is to eat more and I've eaten lots today but had no syns
Three: Cosy night in watching Bridget Jones in my blanket
1. Finished writing all my reports
2. Great gym session cleared my head after a stressful week
3. Looking forward to the first night I've had in ages of just slobbing around in PJs!
1... started to get stir crazy which means I am on the mend!
2... keeping a lid on my boredom eating by keeping my mind busy
3... enjoying spending time with Kev while not at work
1. Weighed in 3 days early this week but still lost 2lbs
2. Positive experience house hunting with uni friends
3. First night out in ages tonight

Nearly put all Christmas gifts away

Had my nails done

Am ready to be bk on plan
1. Won slimmer of the week today
2. Didn't have any of the left over chocolate from Christmas
3. Did my makeup really nicely with the make p I got for Christmas
Faced the scales
Went swimming
Had a 100% on plan day