3 Positives for today...

1. Had a lovely breakfast
2. Started to look for jobs today
3. Looking into Teachin Adults to Learn English (CELTA Course)
1) Dusting off my writing chops at the paper this week

2) Really starting to notice my loss now

3) made some lovely SW friendly bbq food that I'm eager to try later on!
1. stuck to my plan
2. worked out for 40 mins and dare I say kind of enjoyed it
3. finally got some revision done!
1. I got through another day of a very hard, busy work week :superwoman:
2. I felt ill tonight, but recovered quickly :party0011:
3. Made our appointment to declare our intention to get married :love047:
Can I have 4 please?

1. Lost 3 lbs
2. Achieved Bronze Body Magic Award
3. Got Slimmer Of The Month :faint2:
4. Started 30 day shred

This has been the best day yet since I started SW. OMG I'm so ridiculously happy!! :bliss:
My positives for today... (I also need 4)

1. Lost 3 lbs
2. Got slimmer of the week
3. Got slimmer of the month
4. I got into the 16s

I'm delighted :)
1. Joined kleeneze and delivered 145 catalogues today after work. 2 hours of body magic!
2. Made lots of cupcakes for work as a girl was leaving to have her baby I made Oreo cupcakes and lemon drizzle cakes and did not eat one!!
3. Even though I'm shattered and my legs hurt after 2 hours of walking delivering catalogues, I'm going swimming in an hour! I'm v much hoping for a loss this week!
Haven't posted any for a few days - but love everyone else's!!!

1 - made an amazing tea from 'nothing'

2 - went to Zumba class ( although it was poor!)

3 - it's nearly the weekend!!!
*Emsie* said:
Ahh what was wrong with your zumba class?

It started slow and finished wary and we spent a fair amount of time 'stood' and not zumbering! It's normally non-stop and I'm totally out of breath, tonight I didn't eve feel like I needed the cool down section lol. X
It's Friday and my weekend off!

I did so much at work yesterday I can relax a bit today, so If it doesn't rain we * might* go to the zoo!

My holiday is now only 8 sleeps away!
Rosielea said:
Organise my files
Look slimmer and loving it
15 miles on exercise bike

15 miles?! How long did that take??