**30 and Gorgeous? ... I will be! **

Wow a DIY'r a lady of many talents. love painting but hate cutting in at ceiling n wall area. Yes a bad slip re last night, but sadly I admit celts are a lil weak re european footy. Hope soon to pay a visit back to roar on the hoops
Was out for dinner for a friends bday last night and was very pleased to see they done gluten free pasta so ordered that and it was delicious!!!

Today Ive bought the final bits and bobs for the bathroom and just waiting on the paint drying so I can put all the final wee touches to it and then it will be done! Yay me!

Having a wee cheeky chinese tonight with xfactor and then back on the wagon this week for def! Got stuff to make homemade soup so that will keep me filled up for work all week fingers crossed!
Maybe its hoop flu lass, We was well beaten today. When will the bathroom transformation pics be displayed lol. Hope your tiredness leaves you, but your past the 30 mark haha
Hope ur feeling better :) can't wait to see pics of ur hard work! Hope October is a great month weight loss wise ;) xx
*Sparkles* said:
Well I survived zumba, it was good fun and it's a small group and everyone was really friendly.

Knackered now and having an early night xx

Yay glad you went & had a good time :)

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Well done on the zumba, it sure sounds a great exercise. Is it a danced based thingy sparkles, and is it unisex based? have heard it only spoken by ladies
Yay glad u liked Zumba! Enjoy ur Chinese :) xx
Aup, just popping in to see how you are getting on, hope everything is ok :)
Hope yr home soon! Hugs!! Missing u xx
Oh mate that terrible :(

Here's to getting out as quick as possible and getting better, sending a cyber hug your way :hug99:
*Sparkles* said:
Sorry not been on guys I'm in hospital at the moment got admitted on Tuesday with a bad absess and looks like I will
Be here over the weekend too!

So feeling sorry for myself :( lol x

Aw Hun, massive hugs coming at ya.

:( want u home! Missing u! Massive hugs! Are they operating petal? Or just medicine? Xx