**30 and Gorgeous...thats my plan!**

U can do it darling... Make sure u enjoy nice filling meals and some treats :) hugs. Remember ur goals ;) which bit is causing the biggest struggle at mo? U can do it xxx
*Sparkles* said:
Another litre if water down and I made my carbonara for dinner tonight it really is amazing lol. Think I'm addicted to it!!

Just chilling in a bath now, hoping the scales are playing nice in the morning!!

Sounds lovely :) enjoy the bath!!!

Glad u are feeling better... U going to WI tomorrow?! Confused! X
Well I slept in for Ww this morning but scales are showing a sts or small loss so that's good and hoping to make it a mighty big loss next week to make up for 2 weeks of missing classes !!!

Going out for a few drinks tonight but have the start of a cold and still feeling blah from totm so I'm just taking the car.

Oooh and saw a really gorgeous bag in debanhams today so may treat mysel to it!!
Hey Chick

Hope your keeping well and having a fabbie weekend :D xx
Sure u will get a massive loss next week for ur 2 weeks. Hope u and Sarah had a brill night :)

Did u get the bag? :) x
Get the bag get the bag ;) lol cxx
I will when I get paid money is a wee bit tight at the moment!

Still plodding on this week , work was a bit difficult yesterday as had a working lunch and they supplied sandwiches and stuff so not good for the wheat free diet!!

I've only got today and 2moro at work then off for a week thank god , really need the break from that place!!
Ive only been in this 5 weeks and im heading no-where!!!
Never went to ww this morning as my scales were not playing nice and I was terrified of going and facing a gain!!
Naughty naughty naughty I know!!

I should have lost wayyyy more than 2.5lbs in 5 weeks its pathetic!
Need a right good kick up the arse please people!!!
Hi chickpea!!!

Just remember its a loss!!! If u hadn't been doing it it would have been twice as much "on"!!

If u consistently lose an average of 1/2lb a week that is 2 stone over a year. I kno u want more but that would be fab if u were still having treats etc :D

Think we both need a bit of a kick to focus on this. We both kno what we want to do and where we want to be and only we can get us there. Keep doing ur walking and working hard :D maybe discuss with Paul doing more non-good social stuff...

We can do it!! We just need to knuckle down to it! Big hugs xxx
Hope u are ok! Xx