30 day shred!

Day 12, Level 2 done.

I'm home from uni for a few days and determined to keep it up, haven't missed a day (yet ;)), so want to keep it up.

The first things in my suitcase yesterday were my trainers and 30 DS DVD....who am I?! :eek:

I find the best way to keep motivated is to put a workout playlist on over the top of the DVD music and chatting, a different playlist each day stops me getting bored. As you move up the levels there is more variation too. Keep with it and you will see results :) x
Well, Day 1, Level 1 is done! Interestingly, I didn't find it as gut-wrenchingly difficult to get through the workout as I have on previous first days. Could it be all the healthy food, I wonder??? (Don't get me wrong, it's still left me a bright red, sweaty mess)

29 days to go...
Well finally after promising to start for about 3 weeks I've just done day 1 level 1. It's amazing how much u can fit into 20minutes my muscles feel all shaky lol! But was nice to get started too, have done my measurements so will be interested to see what they are after 30 days of the shred! :) right I'm off to have a lie down in a dark room.........
Ive missed 2 days now :-( just been so busy with the baby etc I'm struggling to find the time so it won't be a 30 day shred for me, just a 3-4 time a week workout prob better than going the gym 3-4 times a week haha
Day 2 Level 1 done!
Ive missed 2 days now :-( just been so busy with the baby etc I'm struggling to find the time so it won't be a 30 day shred for me, just a 3-4 time a week workout prob better than going the gym 3-4 times a week haha

Doing it 3-4 times a week is def better than not doing it at all! x
Ive missed 2 days now :-( just been so busy with the baby etc I'm struggling to find the time so it won't be a 30 day shred for me, just a 3-4 time a week workout prob better than going the gym 3-4 times a week haha

I completely agree with Liliferjade, doing it 3-4 times a week is better than not doing it at all. Every little helps, it all adds up in the long run :D.
Thanks girls, just gonna try and fit it in as much as I can but she is in a clingy tantrum phase :-(
Day 9 Level 1 done. Star week so really had to push myself. I really hope I will have enough energy tomorrow to do day 10 so I can get on with level 2.
Day 4 Level 1 done. And for the first time (possibly ever) I managed to do all the bicycle crunches in the last set without stopping! Woohoo!
Level 1 done, day 1 of level 2 tomorrow :).