30 Day Shred :)

Awesome!!! Another recruit! Yay!

I am adamant that the more people there is on here, the more likely we are all to keep going!

I think you can just play it by ear and see how you get on... I would imagine maybe by the end of 10 days at level 1, you might be ready for the next challenge! Apparently it takes around 7 days before you notice your stamina improving - I've never made it this far before... oops.

I have a TV/DVD player in my bedroom and I've laid the weights, exercise mat and fitness gear out right beside the bed so that every morning and evening I can see it and make sure I do it. It's only 20 mins after all so I can just go to bed that little bit later or get up that little bit earlier. No excuses for me for the next 29 days!

I plan on doing it in the evening on one day, then the next morning straight away when I get up. This way it almost feels like I have a bit longer to rest in between, if that makes sense? i.e. if I do it on Monday night and Tuesday morning, I won't have to do it again until Wednesday evening, then Thursday morning. xx
You're meant to do it for 30 days, 10 days at each level. Each workout is 20 mins long at each of the levels with a short warm up and cool down too so around 25-30 mins MAX total.

You just need an exercise mat (or a carpeted floor will be fine but I have wooden floors!) and some handweights, I bought some cheap ones from amazon (~£15-£20 for a case of 3 x weights).

There are two people aside from Jillian, one to watch if you're finding it tough and one to watch if you want a bit more of a challenge.

Have a nosey on the web and on insta-gram etc. people's 30DS results are really impressive!!

Good luck!! Keep us posted in here with your progress - I know I'm going to! Need to keep myself motivated for day 3 and beyond!!! x

Thank you so much for the advice I am 100% on board and I agree with you we should all keep posting here to keep eachother motivated. Will head to insta-gram for inspiration now:)
Yeah I totally get the evening/morning thing.

I did day 2 at 6 at night, day 3 6:30 in the morning & I didn't feel too bad, yet today (day 4) I again did the 6:30am & I'm sure felt it more!!!

I've figured Monday - Friday I'm doing 6:30am starts & weekend I'll fit it in around the kids & our plans - defiantly can't face 6:30am get ups on a weekend though!!!!

Way I see it - I'm 4 in & I've told everyone on Facebook I'm doing it so can't really give up even if I wanted too :)

I've liked reading the above posts about feeling/seeing a difference after a week to 10 days, that's quite an incentive for me.

For me, 26more days to gooooooooooooo !!
Day 3 for me tonight... I'm feeling it this morning. My legs are super sore walking up and down stairs!

I also like the night/day thing because it means I don't feel like I'm washing my hair as much - I sound so lazy but I genuinely hate washing my hair every day!!! xx
Right i am starting this again, i need to tell myself that i dont even need to leave the house to do it, 20 mins and thats it.

i am also going to get my bf to take pics of me so that i can see if my body changes doing it. im going to aim to get it done in the morning just get up a bit earlier then thats me kick started for the day.
i will report here each day to let you know if ive done it :)
Yeah that's why I don't in the mornings, then I can shower & wash hair ready for the day before work at 7:30!

Good luck to us all - we will smash it in sure :)
I'm pleased to day my day 5 was ok! Haha

I can still move, yet my body is making crunching noises every so often during the exercises ??
Guys!! I failed at day 3!! I got home from work, had to get glastonbury tickets, make dinner and go out again so didn't get home until 11.30pm. I have NOT fallen off the wagon though! Back on it! x

You're supposed to do it 2 days on, one day off with some cardio, next 2 days on-- so don't worry. This avoids injury and helps you get stronger because your body needs time to build up muscle.

I tried to do it all the way through at first and my shoulder muscles were so sore and achy (I use 4.5kg for shoulders) and building g in the rest day really made a difference :)
Right I have to admit it I've been naughty lol finding excuses not to start this for 4days. Tut tut.
I think ive found my motivation though as I'm about to throw myself into exercise hell in return for a reward of watching the new greys anatomy. Wish me luck lol
If you google it she said it in a podcast. But yeah, you can do it as you like and what you find comfortable and sustainable, of course. I needed the break and it was good to feel like I hasn't cheated.
Level 1 day 1 done! It was hard very hard lol but I recovered quicker than I imagined.
Have a question. I genuinely cannot do the abb exercises. I can feel myself straining my back and neck I just cant get it right. Would you swop them out for extra cardio or what? I dont want to be injured.
Yay! Well done. I really want to start again but am perioddy, lazy and bloated.

Abs! I'm so rubbish at them too! I got better as time went on. Oh I also watched a few YouTube videos to see exactly what I was supposed to be doing. Perhaps you could try that?
Yay! Well done. I really want to start again but am perioddy, lazy and bloated.

Abs! I'm so rubbish at them too! I got better as time went on. Oh I also watched a few YouTube videos to see exactly what I was supposed to be doing. Perhaps you could try that?

Thanks I'll have a wee look on you tube. :)